Author Topic: ChiCom-19 Fatality Rate Similar to Influenza  (Read 356 times)

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ChiCom-19 Fatality Rate Similar to Influenza
« on: April 20, 2020, 01:43:41 am »
Watts Up With That by David Middleton 4/19/2020

Why do I call all things coronavirus, ChiCom-19?

1.   Because it is a destructive weapon that came from Communist China. This doesn’t mean it was an engineered bio-weapon or that it was intentionally used to attack almost every nation on Earth.

2.   It was made nearly twenty times more deadly and destructive by Red Chinese deceit, and that deceit was abetted and parroted by the United Nations (WHO).

3.   Communism is not a race… Don’t even go there. Nationalist China’s warnings were ignored by the WHO.

    Beijing silenced Wuhan laboratories which had realized in December that the coronavirus was related to the deadly SARS virus from 2002-2003, and continued to claim that coronavirus could not be transmitted from human-to-human for weeks after evidence of that fact emerged.

    The WHO parroted Beijing’s line on January 14, tweeting that there was “no clear evidence of human-to-human transmission of the novel coronavirus.” The WHO also defended China’s multiple drastic alterations to its coronavirus case count, and has not criticized Beijing for refusing to count asymptomatic cases until April 1. Multiple reports have detailed how China backed Tedros’s bid for WHO director general in 2017, after he had worked closely with Beijing as Ethiopia’s health minister.

    National Review April 9, 2020


The only thing the WHO is good for is…

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