Author Topic: Abbott Keeps Schools Closed … And Pretty Much Everything Else, Too  (Read 326 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Texas Scorecard by Cary Cheshire April 17, 2020

The governor fell far short of the demand Texas grassroots citizens made of him earlier this week when they called on the governor to bring forward a data-driven plan to reopen the state’s economy.

----However, Abbott was mum on any actual process of reopening Texas while his plan is purportedly formulated—announcing instead that the state’s schools would remain closed for the duration of the academic school year, retail businesses could operate “to go” (which doesn’t seem to change much), hospitals could perform some elective procedures, and that he’d be announcing future decisions in 10 days.

The governor also dodged a question by reporters on whether his decision to slightly relax the prohibition on elective surgery reopens the door for abortions in the Lone Star State.

The announcements in sum fall far short of the demand Texas grassroots citizens made of him earlier this week when they called on the governor to bring forward a data-driven plan to reopen the state’s economy, based perhaps on the suggestions made by Republican State Reps. Matt Krause and Mike Lang.
