Author Topic: Liberal Nonsense Is Looking Dumber Than Ever Now  (Read 492 times)

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Liberal Nonsense Is Looking Dumber Than Ever Now
« on: April 10, 2020, 11:52:56 am »
Liberal Nonsense Is Looking Dumber Than Ever Now

Apr 9, 2020

Remember the heady days of six weeks ago when the earnest wailing of liberal sissies about some imagined thoughtcrime drew respectful attention? Well, it never did from us, because we always knew these people we idiots deserving only of mockery, but some people – nice, friendly people who could not imagine the malignancy in the hearts of these fascists dipwads – took them seriously and actually cared.

And then a disease came along that is impoverishing the people it isn’t killing. It’s time to put away childish things, folks, and America seems to be doing that. Well, at least the people who aren’t liberal blue checks. The rest of us have no time for such frivolous nonsense. And when we beat this pandemic, which we will, maybe we as a culture will put away childish things for good.