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Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #50 on: April 21, 2020, 11:12:38 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    816,385  +23,626  45,174  +2,660 688,518   2,466    136 4,182,037    12,634
New York     256,555   +4,461  19,693    +764 207,269  13,077  1,004   649,325    33,098
New Jersey    92,387   +3,581   4,753    +376  86,363  10,402    535   185,914    20,932
Massachusetts 41,199   +1,556   1,961    +152  31,120   6,032    287   175,372    25,676
California    35,450   +1,764   1,280     +57  30,833     906     33   300,100     7,666
Pennsylvania  34,528     +614   1,564    +216  32,314   2,699    122   166,851    13,044
Illinois      33,059   +1,551   1,468    +119  30,985   2,578    114   154,997    12,089
Michigan      32,967     +967   2,700    +232  27,030   3,311    271   121,298    12,182
Florida       27,869     +811     867     +44  26,316   1,353     42   284,206    13,798
Louisiana     24,854     +331   1,405     +77  23,399   5,329    301   141,835    30,413
Connecticut   20,360     +545   1,423     +92  18,872   5,685    397    64,192    17,923
Texas         20,196     +374     517     +12  14,873     724     19   205,399     7,366
Georgia       19,881     +482     799     +24  19,051   1,931     78    88,140     8,559

Online Hoodat

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #51 on: April 21, 2020, 11:19:20 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    816,385  +23,626  45,174  +2,660 688,518   2,466    136 4,182,037    12,634
New York     256,555   +4,461  19,693    +764 207,269  13,077  1,004   649,325    33,098
New Jersey    92,387   +3,581   4,753    +376  86,363  10,402    535   185,914    20,932
Massachusetts 41,199   +1,556   1,961    +152  31,120   6,032    287   175,372    25,676
California    35,450   +1,764   1,280     +57  30,833     906     33   300,100     7,666
Pennsylvania  34,528     +614   1,564    +216  32,314   2,699    122   166,851    13,044
Illinois      33,059   +1,551   1,468    +119  30,985   2,578    114   154,997    12,089
Michigan      32,967     +967   2,700    +232  27,030   3,311    271   121,298    12,182
Florida       27,869     +811     867     +44  26,316   1,353     42   284,206    13,798
Louisiana     24,854     +331   1,405     +77  23,399   5,329    301   141,835    30,413
Connecticut   20,360     +545   1,423     +92  18,872   5,685    397    64,192    17,923
Texas         20,196     +374     517     +12  14,873     724     19   205,399     7,366
Georgia       19,881     +482     799     +24  19,051   1,931     78    88,140     8,559

Big jumps for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Illinois today.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with red-State governors announcing suspensions of stay-at-home orders.
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Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2020, 01:11:52 am »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    848,735      +18  47,663      +4 717,022    2,564   144 4,325,342    13,067     
New York     262,268           20,354         212,321   13,368 1,037   669,982    34,151
New Jersey    95,865            5,063          89,531   10,793   570   191,791    21,594
Massachusett  42,944            2,182          32,644    6,287   319   180,462    26,421
California    37,343            1,419          32,587      954    36   300,100     7,666
Pennsylvania  36,892            1,713          34,529    2,884   134   171,956    13,443
Illinois      35,108            1,565          32,937    2,738   122   164,436    12,825
Michigan      33,966            2,813          27,881    3,411   283   121,298    12,182
Florida       28,576              927          26,963    1,387    45   290,476    14,102
Louisiana     25,258            1,473          23,735    5,416   316   141,672    30,378
Connecticut   22,469            1,544          20,860    6,274   431    69,918    19,522
Texas         21,458              550          16,102      770    20   216,783     7,774
Georgia       21,102              846          20,225    2,049    82    94,072     9,135

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2020, 03:39:36 am »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    848,735      +18  47,663      +4 717,022    2,564   144 4,325,342    13,067     
New York     262,268           20,354         212,321   13,368 1,037   669,982    34,151
New Jersey    95,865            5,063          89,531   10,793   570   191,791    21,594
Massachusett  42,944            2,182          32,644    6,287   319   180,462    26,421
California    37,343            1,419          32,587      954    36   300,100     7,666
Pennsylvania  36,892            1,713          34,529    2,884   134   171,956    13,443
Illinois      35,108            1,565          32,937    2,738   122   164,436    12,825
Michigan      33,966            2,813          27,881    3,411   283   121,298    12,182
Florida       28,576              927          26,963    1,387    45   290,476    14,102
Louisiana     25,258            1,473          23,735    5,416   316   141,672    30,378
Connecticut   22,469            1,544          20,860    6,274   431    69,918    19,522
Texas         21,458              550          16,102      770    20   216,783     7,774
Georgia       21,102              846          20,225    2,049    82    94,072     9,135

So, the question naturally follows of "What are California, Florida, Texas, and Georgia doing the others are not?" (and vice-versa, because either books are being cooked, or patients have a significantly better chance of survival in the 4 states mentioned above.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

Offline PeteS in CA

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #54 on: April 23, 2020, 04:03:25 pm »
So, the question naturally follows of "What are California, Florida, Texas, and Georgia doing the others are not?" (and vice-versa, because either books are being cooked, or patients have a significantly better chance of survival in the 4 states mentioned above.

@Smokin Joe, I'm not sure how many similar actions there have been. California was early in going SiP, March 17 for SF Bay Area Counties and then statewide a few days later. I think - feel free to correct me - that the other states were a few weeks later. What the states have in common is relatively low population density, and fairly low-moderate dependency on mass transit.

It's entirely possible that the states were hit in varying degrees by the different waves. California got some infected people from China even before screening of arriving China passengers started on 1/17 at SFO and LAX. Screening started at ATL on 1/22. I suspect FL and GA got more of the slightly later wave from EuroLand than did CA.

All that speculation said, those four states having the lowest per-million cases and deaths among the states with the most cases does seem odd, CA being among them especially.
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.

Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #55 on: April 23, 2020, 09:13:12 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    876,156  +27,439  49,648  +1,989 741,498    2,647   150 4,482,793   13,543
New York     268,581   +6,313  20,861    +507 218,127   13,690 1,063   695,920   35,473
New Jersey    99,989   +4,124   5,368    +305  93,350   11,258   604   199,686   22,482
Massachusetts 46,023   +3,079   2,360    +178  35,545    6,738   346   195,076   28,561
California    39,009   +1,666   1,512     +93  34,160      996    39   300,100    7,666
Pennsylvania  37,053     +161   1,713          34,690    2,897   134   171,956   13,443
Illinois      36,934   +1,826   1,688    +123  34,640    2,881   132   173,316   13,518
Michigan      35,291   +1,325   2,977    +164  29,042    3,544   299   132,175   13,274
Florida       28,832     +256     960     +33  27,186    1,400    47   298,587   14,496
Louisiana     25,739     +481   1,599    +126  24,090    5,519   343   141,858   30,418
Connecticut   23,100     +631   1,639     +95  21,396    6,450   458    71,497   19,963
Texas         21,944     +486     561     +11  16,577      787    20   225,078    8,072
Georgia       21,512     +410     872     +26  20,609    2,089    85   101,062    9,814

Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #56 on: April 24, 2020, 04:32:46 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    893,950   +7,508  50,916    +680 752,847    2,701   154 4,845,520    14,639
New York     268,581           21,283    +422 217,705   13,690 1,085   695,920    35,473
New Jersey   100,025            5,428          93,326   11,262   611   199,686    22,482
Massachusetts 46,023            2,360          35,545    6,738   346   195,076    28,561
California    39,620     +332   1,531      +8  34,752    1,012    39   482,097    12,314
Pennsylvania  38,652   +1,599   1,685          36,317    3,022   132   186,143    14,552
Illinois      36,934            1,688          34,640    2,881   132   173,316    13,518
Michigan      35,291            2,977          29,042    3,544   299   132,175    13,274
Florida       30,174     +526   1,012     +25  28,476    1,465    49   318,827    15,478
Louisiana     25,739            1,599          24,090    5,519   343   141,858    30,418
Connecticut   23,100            1,639          21,396    6,450   458    71,497    19,963
Texas         22,393              576          13,792      803    21   225,078     8,072
Georgia       22,147     +264     892     +11  21,224    2,151    87   107,176    10,408
Maryland      16,616     +879     798     +50  14,710    2,768   133    84,716    14,111
Ohio          14,694              656          13,918    1,262    56   102,325     8,789

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #57 on: April 24, 2020, 04:42:28 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    893,950   +7,508  50,916    +680 752,847    2,701   154 4,845,520    14,639
New York     268,581           21,283    +422 217,705   13,690 1,085   695,920    35,473
New Jersey   100,025            5,428          93,326   11,262   611   199,686    22,482
Massachusetts 46,023            2,360          35,545    6,738   346   195,076    28,561
California    39,620     +332   1,531      +8  34,752    1,012    39   482,097    12,314
Pennsylvania  38,652   +1,599   1,685          36,317    3,022   132   186,143    14,552
Illinois      36,934            1,688          34,640    2,881   132   173,316    13,518
Michigan      35,291            2,977          29,042    3,544   299   132,175    13,274
Florida       30,174     +526   1,012     +25  28,476    1,465    49   318,827    15,478
Louisiana     25,739            1,599          24,090    5,519   343   141,858    30,418
Connecticut   23,100            1,639          21,396    6,450   458    71,497    19,963
Texas         22,393              576          13,792      803    21   225,078     8,072
Georgia       22,147     +264     892     +11  21,224    2,151    87   107,176    10,408
Maryland      16,616     +879     798     +50  14,710    2,768   133    84,716    14,111
Ohio          14,694              656          13,918    1,262    56   102,325     8,789

Testing remains high in FL and TX --- that's a good thing.
I Believe in the United States of America as a Government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign nation of many sovereign states; a perfect union one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.  I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it; to support its Constitution; to obey its laws to respect its flag; and to defend it against all enemies.

Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #58 on: April 25, 2020, 07:10:14 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop
USA Total    945,833  +20,601  53,266  +1,073 781,733    2,857   161 5,177,130    15,641
New York     287,245   +9,800  21,728    +437 234,299   14,642 1,108   777,568    39,635
New Jersey   105,523   +3,327   5,863    +246  98,389   11,881   660   213,125    23,996
Massachusetts 50,969            2,556          40,295    7,462   374   215,213    31,509
California    41,382     +570   1,618     +24  36,427    1,057    41   494,173    12,623
Pennsylvania  40,149            1,736          37,763    3,139   136   186,143    14,552
Illinois      39,658            1,795          37,257    3,093   140   189,632    14,790
Michigan      36,641            3,085          30,284    3,680   310   140,130    14,073
Florida       30,839     +306   1,055      +9  29,098    1,497    51   334,974    16,262
Louisiana     26,512     +372   1,703     +43   9,882    5,685   365   142,056    30,460
Connecticut   23,921            1,764          22,092    6,679   493    74,038    20,672
Texas         23,773     +603     623     +22  15,125      853    22   262,816     9,425
Georgia       22,695     +204     904      +5  21,760    2,204    88   119,014    11,558
Maryland      17,766   +1,150     875     +77  15,726    2,959   146    89,123    14,845
Ohio          15,587     +418     711     +21  14,756    1,339    61   107,109     9,200

Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #59 on: April 27, 2020, 02:31:41 am »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total    987,160           55,413         812,966    2,982   167 5,470,464    16,527
New York     293,991           22,275         240,498   14,985 1,135   805,350    41,051
New Jersey   109,038            5,938         101,829   12,277   669   223,062    25,114
Massachusetts 54,938            2,899          43,921    8,043   424   236,100    34,567
Illinois      43,903            1,933          41,364    3,424   151   214,952    16,765
California    43,541            1,718          38,486    1,112    44   494,173    12,623
Pennsylvania  42,708            1,823          40,193    3,339   143   198,593    15,526
Michigan      37,778            3,315          26,121    3,794   333   156,010    15,668
Florida       31,528            1,074          29,768    1,531    52   346,365    16,815
Louisiana     26,773            1,729          10,117    5,741   371   142,056    30,460
Connecticut   25,269            1,924          23,280    7,055   537    79,811    22,284
Texas         24,981              654          14,341      896    23   276,021     9,898
Georgia       23,481              916          22,534    2,280    89   122,604    11,906
Maryland      18,581              910          16,494    3,095   152    96,665    16,102
Ohio          15,963              728          15,115    1,371    63   115,783     9,945

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #60 on: April 27, 2020, 10:48:09 am »
This is where all 50 states stand on reopening, from CNN, as of 1:06 PM ET, Sun April 26, 2020.

Online Elderberry

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2020, 07:45:05 pm »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
              Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total  1,024,375  +14,019  58,123  +1,326 826,315    3,095   176 5,788,431    17,488
New York     300,334   +2,330  22,866    +243 231,911   15,309 1,166   844,994    43,071
New Jersey   113,856   +2,668   6,442    +398 106,143   12,819   725   227,390    25,602
Massachusetts 56,462            3,003          45,341    8,267   440   244,887    35,854
Illinois      45,883            1,983          43,294    3,579   155   227,628    17,754
California    45,218     +212   1,793     +17  40,088    1,155    46   526,084    13,438
Pennsylvania  43,264     +109   1,860          40,712    3,382   145   209,088    16,346
Michigan      39,262   +1,052   3,567    +160  27,353    3,943   358   163,213    16,391
Florida       32,846     +708   1,171     +83  30,989    1,595    57   368,651    17,897
Louisiana     27,286     +218   1,801     +61   8,182    5,851   386   151,108    32,401
Texas         26,171     +655     690     +18  14,311      939    25   300,384    10,772
Connecticut   25,997            2,012          23,920    7,259   562    90,746    25,337
Georgia       24,606     +381   1,025     +31  23,550    2,390   100   140,020    13,597
Maryland      20,113     +626   1,016     +71  17,834    3,350   169   107,785    17,954
Ohio          16,769     +444     799     +46  15,850    1,440    69   119,391    10,255
Indiana       16,588     +627     932          15,642    2,499   140    87,181    13,135
Virginia      14,339     +804     492     +34  12,032    1,704    58    82,753     9,835
Colorado      13,879              706          12,614    2,509   128    66,341    11,994

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #62 on: April 30, 2020, 12:53:53 am »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
               Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total   1,063,863  +28,098  61,635  +2,369  855,114   3,214     186  6,113,606   18,470
New York      306,158   +4,708  23,474    +330  234,511  15,606   1,197    872,481   44,472
New Jersey    116,264   +2,408   6,770    +328  108,223  13,090     762    240,246   27,049
Massachusetts  60,265   +1,963   3,405    +252   48,742   8,823     499    265,618   38,889
Illinois       50,355   +2,253   2,215     +90   47,534   3,927     173    256,667   20,018
California     48,565   +2,402   1,939     +77   43,289   1,241      50    577,608   14,754
Pennsylvania   45,728     +712   2,354    +294   42,609   3,575     184    214,884   16,799
Michigan       40,399   +1,137   3,670    +103   28,387   4,057     369    177,228   17,798
Florida        33,193     +347   1,218     +47   31,289   1,611      59    375,300   18,220
Louisiana      27,660     +374   1,845     +44    8,512   5,931     396    156,568   33,572
Texas          27,566   +1,395     749     +59   15,031     989      27    300,384   10,772
Connecticut    26,767     +455   2,168     +79   24,534   7,474     605     94,818   26,474
Georgia        25,634     +780   1,095     +59   24,508   2,489     106    143,778   13,962
Maryland       20,849     +736   1,078     +62   18,508   3,473     180    110,929   18,478
Ohio           17,303     +534     937    +138   16,246   1,486      80    128,206   11,012
Indiana        17,182     +594   1,065     +73   16,103   2,589     160     91,550   13,793
Virginia       14,961     +622     522     +30   12,397   1,778      62     85,307   10,139
Colorado       14,758     +442     766     +30   13,433   2,668     138     69,449   12,556
Washington     14,070     +228     801     +15   11,418   1,929     110    187,800   25,746
Tennessee      10,366     +314     195      +7    5,031   1,559      29    168,549   25,342
North Carolina 10,092     +353     379     +18    8,411     994      37    118,440   11,663
Rhode Island    8,247     +321     251     +12    7,654   7,805     238     60,165   56,941
Missouri        7,576     +200     338     +11    6,691   1,244      56     73,503   12,069
Arizona         7,202     +254     304     +11    6,828   1,037      44     68,813    9,906
Alabama         6,904     +154     255     +13    6,629   1,419      52     85,367   17,548
Iowa            6,843     +467     148     +12    4,531   2,185      47     41,337   13,196

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #63 on: May 02, 2020, 01:42:29 am »

State         Total     New     Total    New   Active Tot Cases/ Deaths/ Total    Tests/
               Cases    Cases   Deaths  Deaths   Cases  1M pop   1M pop   Tests    1M pop

USA Total   1,131,280     +250  65,766     +13  903,951    3,418    199  6,699,878   20,241
New York      315,222           24,069          240,586   16,068  1,227    927,438   47,274
New Jersey    121,190            7,538          112,381   13,645    849    255,214   28,734
Massachusetts  64,311            3,716           52,477    9,416    544    289,636   42,405
Illinois       56,055            2,457           52,992    4,372    192    284,688   22,204
California     52,025     +250   2,124     +13   46,564    1,329    54     654,985   16,731
Pennsylvania   49,642            2,651           46,154    3,881    207    227,448   17,782
Michigan       42,356            3,866           30,148    4,254    388    195,645   19,648
Florida        34,728            1,314           32,728    1,686     64    404,467   19,636
Texas          29,893              849           16,537    1,072     30    351,775   12,615
Connecticut    28,764            2,339           26,360    8,031    653    100,257   27,993
Louisiana      28,711            1,970            9,438    6,156    422    168,251   36,077
Georgia        27,496            1,166           26,299    2,670    113    168,367   16,350
Maryland       23,472            1,192           20,763    3,910    199    120,983   20,152
Ohio           18,743            1,002           17,621    1,610     86    140,506   12,069
Indiana        18,630            1,175           17,441    2,807    177     99,639   15,012
Virginia       16,901              581           14,124    2,009     69    105,648   12,557
Colorado       15,768              820           14,389    2,851    148     75,259   13,606
Washington     15,161              832           12,478    2,078    114    193,981   26,593
Tennessee      11,891              204            6,141    1,788     31    186,132   27,985
North Carolina 11,071              419            8,844    1,090     41    133,832   13,178
Rhode Island    8,962              279            8,341    8,482    264     66,648   63,077
Missouri        8,018              358            5,742    1,317     59     82,152   13,490
Arizona         7,962              330            7,562    1,146     48     74,879   10,779
Iowa            7,884              170            4,815    2,517     54     45,593   14,555

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #64 on: May 02, 2020, 01:50:14 am »
Thanks for continuing to post this information, @Elderberry .

I take a look at it every time you have a new list and find it very interesting.

Ohio (though the 7th most populous state and pretty densely so) was down at 17th on the list for a long time, but 2,000 case in one prison and some serious hot spot nursing homes brought us up to 14th.
Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #65 on: May 02, 2020, 02:07:16 am »
Thanks for continuing to post this information, @Elderberry .

I take a look at it every time you have a new list and find it very interesting.

Ohio (though the 7th most populous state and pretty densely so) was down at 17th on the list for a long time, but 2,000 case in one prison and some serious hot spot nursing homes brought us up to 14th.
Although we have had some nursing home deaths, I am thankful that most of this State's nursing homes have remained COVID free.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #66 on: May 02, 2020, 03:06:55 am »
Although we have had some nursing home deaths, I am thankful that most of this State's nursing homes have remained COVID free.

Just found out that New York was sending elderly Covid patients to nursing homes instead of sending them to hospitals.  Gee, what could go wrong with that strategy?
If a political party does not have its foundation in the determination to advance a cause that is right and that is moral, then it is not a political party; it is merely a conspiracy to seize power.     -Dwight Eisenhower-

"The [U.S.] Constitution is a limitation on the government, not on private individuals ... it does not prescribe the conduct of private individuals, only the conduct of the government ... it is not a charter for government power, but a charter of the citizen's protection against the government."     -Ayn Rand-

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #67 on: May 02, 2020, 03:10:26 am »
Just found out that New York was sending elderly Covid patients to nursing homes instead of sending them to hospitals.  Gee, what could go wrong with that strategy?
Absolutely nothing as far as the government in NY is concerned.
They get the body count for Miz Nancy to wave around and funding, and get to keep their lockdown, and all they have to do is murder a passel of old folks with criminal negligence disregard for their safety.

Besides, dead people vote Democrat.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #68 on: May 02, 2020, 03:13:29 am »
Just found out that New York was sending elderly Covid patients to nursing homes instead of sending them to hospitals.  Gee, what could go wrong with that strategy?

Progressive eugenics.

Character still matters.  It always matters.

I wear a mask as an exercise in liberty and love for others.  To see it as an infringement of liberty is to entirely miss the point.  Be kind.

"Sometimes I think the Church would be better off if we would call a moratorium on activity for about six weeks and just wait on God to see what He is waiting to do for us. That's what they did before Pentecost."   - A. W. Tozer

Use the time God is giving us to seek His will and feel His presence.

Offline Smokin Joe

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #69 on: May 02, 2020, 03:14:13 am »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #70 on: May 02, 2020, 03:36:52 am »
Play stupid liberal games, win stupid prizes.

Oh my gosh!  BIDEN funny and true!   I lol'ed for a while.  Love it. 

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #71 on: May 02, 2020, 03:44:27 am »
Big jumps for New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Illinois today.  I'm sure it had nothing to do with red-State governors announcing suspensions of stay-at-home orders.

I doubt it.  We can't stay locked down forever. Wash your hands. Be careful.  The 'JUMP' isn't from opening up states.  People can take 3 weeks + to come down with it, and those 'changes' are from past infections. In fact I don't believe any of those stats. Why would anyone? Doctors are told to mark any death, as COVID.  No one is dying from cancer, strokes, heart attack, diabetes, lung disease....ONLY COVID -19.  sarcasm.

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #72 on: May 02, 2020, 05:34:17 am »
I doubt it.  We can't stay locked down forever. Wash your hands. Be careful.  The 'JUMP' isn't from opening up states.  People can take 3 weeks + to come down with it, and those 'changes' are from past infections. In fact I don't believe any of those stats. Why would anyone? Doctors are told to mark any death, as COVID.  No one is dying from cancer, strokes, heart attack, diabetes, lung disease....ONLY COVID -19.  sarcasm.
If those changes were not the retroactive addition of people now presumed to have died as a result of COVID-19. PA has had issues with inflated numbers, and NY was known to add in 3700 "presumptive COVID-19 deaths"
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #73 on: May 02, 2020, 01:35:39 pm »
Report: Pennsylvania school districts stand to lose $1B in local revenue due to pandemic
Brian C. Rittmeyer
Friday, May 1, 2020 5:49 p.m.

Pennsylvania’s school districts are projected to lose up to $1 billion in local revenue for the 2020-21 school year because of the covid-19 pandemic, according to an association of the state’s school business managers.

“Every school district tax source and other nontax revenue will suffer a precipitous decline for the upcoming school year,” said Timothy J. Shrom, director of research for the Pennsylvania Association of School Business Officials. ...
Full story at Tribune Review

Not a problem, just raise taxes again.  *****rollingeyes*****

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Re: State by state breakdown of U.S. coronavirus cases
« Reply #74 on: May 02, 2020, 04:35:22 pm »
Just found out that New York was sending elderly Covid patients to nursing homes instead of sending them to hospitals.  Gee, what could go wrong with that strategy?


Nothing if your plan is to reduce the financial burden of paying pensions and SS benefits to geezers.

This way you get to kill them off to have more money to buy votes with,and can blame it on a "bug".
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!