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Senator asks director to resign over Florida’s unemployment fiasco


Senator asks director to resign over Florida’s unemployment fiasco
Tampa Bay Times, Apr 3, 2020

The man overseeing Florida’s broken unemployment system is under mounting pressure from two Tampa lawmakers from both parties.

Sen. Janet Cruz, D-Tampa, is calling on Department of Economic Opportunity Director Ken Lawson to resign for not communicating with lawmakers about the state’s unemployment website fiasco.

And Rep. Jackie Toledo, R-Tampa, is calling for an audit of Lawson’s department following reporting in the Times/Herald that showed the agency ignored years of audits about problems with the state’s unemployment website.


Florida’s unemployment system has been overwhelmed by a record number of people thrown out of work because of the coronavirus. Its website, the primary way to apply for unemployment, brings up error messages more often than not. Its call center, meant to be a backup system for the website, has been overwhelmed with callers, and some people are spending up to 12 hours on hold, if they’re able to get through at all.


I'm hearing this is happening in quite a few states.

And this is, of course, the President's fault.   :smokin:


--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on April 04, 2020, 03:40:18 pm ---I'm hearing this is happening in quite a few states.

And this is, of course, the President's fault.   :smokin:

--- End quote ---

It's like that here in PA.  9999hair out0000


--- Quote from: Right_in_Virginia on April 04, 2020, 03:40:18 pm ---I'm hearing this is happening in quite a few states.

And this is, of course, the President's fault.   :smokin:

--- End quote ---

I haven't heard of anyone accusing the President of the unemployment response.  What has been noted is DeSantis being notified over a year ago of problems with the system and he failed to act.  Also noted, is our past governor's responsibility for purposefully holding back unemployment claims -- based on my knowledge of what he's done on other issues in Florida I find it very likely.

Yes, other states may be having problems because of the sheer number of those filing for unemployment.  That certainly doesn't make the situation any better.  Our primary industry here in FL is tourism which has been shutdown; beaches and restaurants as well as theme parks and other "touristy" spots.  So, many have been out of work now for well over 3 weeks. 

It's easy just to say, ya, well, other states are having this problem.  It IS a big deal.  Certainly lots of people are relying on family to help, food banks, etc.  That's all fine and good, but when you have families, friends and relatives dependent on tourism -- the dollar can only stretch so far for everybody.  Schools are passing out a bag lunch to all students M-F.  So, on the weekend things are really bad for these folks, the parents aren't eating -- and they've got to have gas in their car to get there!  Going on week 4 for these people -- who knows how long they'll need to wait to even get an application in and how long it will be till they actually see some $$. 

Oh -- the stimulus should be in another 2-3 weeks which will certainly help these folks .  Hopefully the IRS will be able to get it to those that need it the most.


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