State Chapters > Florida

Tampa megachurch pastor arrested after leading packed services despite 'safer-at-home' orders

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--- Quote ---Tampa megachurch pastor arrested after leading packed services despite 'safer-at-home' orders
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In my NSHO,that is both immoral and illegal.

What RIGHT does he have to tell free citizens who they CAN associate with and WHERE and WHEN they can do this?

The Governor and the police chief are both violating the CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT of those free people to both associate with who they want to associate with,as well as to practice their religion.

He could POSSIBLY prevent them from taking minor children to the services for health reasons since they are minors,but not the adults.

This ain't rocket science,folks!


--- Quote from: musiclady on March 31, 2020, 03:17:24 pm ---Every pastor with common sense has gone to online services.

The Church is the Church whether it assembles for worship or worship and prays and sings in safety.

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Neither you,a rabid cult member,or me,who can safely be said to be "not very religious" have the RIGHT to determine how other adults get to practice their religion as long as no actual crimes are being committed.

After all,it ain't like they are sacrificing virgins.


--- Quote from: catfish1957 on March 30, 2020, 11:58:23 pm ---Hate to see a pastor get arrested for religious assembly, but one would hope some common sense would enter the equation.

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Common sense and religion are not,and will never be,a happy marriage.


--- Quote from: Polly Ticks on March 31, 2020, 03:10:38 pm ---Apparently freedom of religion and freedom of assembly are subject to the approval of the government.  Who knew.

--- End quote ---

@Polly Ticks

Glad to see someone else is surprised.

Thanks! It was starting to get lonely on this board.

Polly Ticks:

--- Quote from: sneakypete on March 31, 2020, 03:31:32 pm ---Glad to see someone else is surprised.

Thanks! It was starting to get lonely on this board.

--- End quote ---

I have no problem with voluntary social distancing.  My own church moved to online services and I'm happily attending from my sofa.  Having said that, I have a HUGE problem with the government strong-arming churches and businesses to close down and arresting people for exercising their constitutionally guaranteed rights, no matter how foolish I may think they are for doing so.  They should be free to make their own choices just as I should be.


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