State Chapters > Florida

Life gets weirder for truckers


Tampa Bay Times By Jack Evans 3/25/2020

Life gets weirder for truckers

All that stuff you’re stocking up on to prepare for a lockdown doesn’t just appear on stores’ shelves — it has to get there somehow, and that “somehow” is usually a trucker. Truckers already have unpredictable schedules, and the spread of coronavirus and increasing consumer demands make their jobs busy and very strange.

Truck stops are limiting their services and goods. Truckers have stopped taking a hot meal for granted. And it’s impossible for drivers to not interact with others.

“It’s the scare factor that everyone is in a panic,” said Pat Messick, a local driver. “It’s almost got to the point where people don’t want to touch packages. It’s the invisible monster."


These guys, the folks who keep the shelves stocked, and everyone else trying to keep the supply chain moving are un-sung heros IMO.


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