Author Topic: First US Test Developed to See if You Were Already Infected by Coronavirus -- Will Help Put America  (Read 348 times)

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Gateway Pundit by By Jim Hoft 3/24/2020

GOOD NEWS! First US Test Developed to See if You Were Already Infected by Coronavirus -- Will Help Put America Back to Work!

On Tuesday New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said there are “probably “hundreds of thousands of people” who have already had COVID-19, didn’t know they had it, and recovered. Cuomo continued to say these New Yorkers “should be tested for antibodies so they could go back to work and keep the economy going.”

And now there is a test that will show if a person was already infected by the coronavirus and have developed anti-bodies.

This new test could help put Americans back to work sooner rather than later.

Leaps Mag reported:

Why is this important? As former FDA commissioner Scott Gottlieb wrote in today’s Wall Street Journal: “If a sizable portion of a local community has some protection, authorities can be more confident in relying less on invasive measures. Once deployed, serological tests are cheap, straightforward, and easy to scale.”
