State Chapters > Florida

Toilet Paper WARS: Florida Man And Woman Buy ENTIRE STORE Supply Of Toilet Paper!

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Gateway Pundit by The Scoop March 21, 2020

Toilet Paper WARS: Florida Man And Woman Buy ENTIRE STORE Supply Of Toilet Paper!

One thing that 99% of Americans agree on is buying more than your fair share of toilet paper and preventing other families from getting ANY during the possibility of government-forced lockdowns is incredibly wrong and selfish.

A Florida man and woman clearly didn’t care about the needs of others when they decided to buy every single box of toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues from a Dollar Tree store.


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PeteS in CA:
1. Why in Hades did the Dollar Tree not already have an X-per-customer limit?

2. Someone needs to report them to their home and car insurance companies for having a fire hazard in their home/garage (more than the normal amount of combustible paper products).

Hopefully, they are planning to take it to their local church or food pantry for distribution.  If not, then they are just plain selfish a**holes.


--- Quote from: libertybele on March 22, 2020, 05:20:17 pm ---Hopefully, they are planning to take it to their local church or food pantry for distribution.  If not, then they are just plain selfish a**holes.

--- End quote ---

Very kind response.  IMO- If this keeps up, we will be seeing more 18th century type tactics.  Back in that day, neighbors who badly wronged others were treated to a sticky feathery response, and then paraded through town in humiliaton.  Beleive me, that would be  a welcome deterant to this kind of shit.

Cyber Liberty:
Shame on Dollar Tree.  I expect people to be A-holes, but a store should not sell out their whole inventory of something like that.


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