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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1875 on: June 01, 2020, 07:15:41 pm »

But, I still say I do love humanity—


Me,not so much. I do love SOME individuals,and everybody else can live or die according to their own schedule as far as I am concerned.

Live and let live.

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Offline roamer_1

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1876 on: June 01, 2020, 07:20:09 pm »
One of my biggest heros?  (And I had the honor of shaking his hand during one of his marches)

H. K. Edgerton

Excellent man!  :beer:

One of the images of the flood down in Texas - After the redneck Navy had deployed...
A swamp boat/air boat with a confederate flag, large on it's side, with a Bubba reaching out a hand helping black folks aboard.... What a magnificent moment!

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1877 on: June 01, 2020, 07:31:58 pm »

During the sixties as a high school kid I locked arms with blacks and whites in marching for equality. In Vietnam I joined with a great black airman to spread the message of unity and friendship between black and white at Bien Hoa air base, same when I got stateside at Beale AFB.

Our message in the sixties was peace and love between brothers and sisters. It’s a damn shame things have come naught ever since then.


You bring forth another important observation:

I seem to see that a good portion of well adjusted Blacks seem to come from the Service, or are a generation removed from a Black who served.

Suburban blacks invariably are newly located to suburban life - say a father or grandfather hails typically from the rural South, with grand military service in the family, or are inner city blacks that have come by way of military service (or now a generation removed).

I was 4F and did not serve, but it seems to me the military is a massive equalizer in black\white relations, even perhaps extending to something approaching a non-racial worldview...

And that correlates to middle class successful black families nearly every time.

Just a thought... I can't point to anything to prove it. But it does seem to be so.

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1878 on: June 01, 2020, 07:50:55 pm »

You bring forth another important observation:

I seem to see that a good portion of well adjusted Blacks seem to come from the Service, or are a generation removed from a Black who served.

Suburban blacks invariably are newly located to suburban life - say a father or grandfather hails typically from the rural South, with grand military service in the family, or are inner city blacks that have come by way of military service (or now a generation removed).

I was 4F and did not serve, but it seems to me the military is a massive equalizer in black\white relations, even perhaps extending to something approaching a non-racial worldview...

And that correlates to middle class successful black families nearly every time.

Just a thought... I can't point to anything to prove it. But it does seem to be so.
I have a black friend who is originally from Compton, CA....roughest, toughest black community in the U.S.  He joined the military as well.  He's now one of the most conservative people I've ever met.  Great Christian guy.....

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1879 on: June 01, 2020, 08:07:50 pm »
I have a black friend who is originally from Compton, CA....roughest, toughest black community in the U.S.  He joined the military as well.  He's now one of the most conservative people I've ever met.  Great Christian guy.....


That’s what I’m talking about! Good people, skin color aside.

But now the problem. The media has glorified thug culture in music videos, sports, movies for decades. TV and now the internet floods our home with thrash. And we wonder why society is so sick now.

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1880 on: June 01, 2020, 08:09:45 pm »
Back when I was 19 and living in Lee County, Alabama, I worked at this restaurant as a cook.  One day, some co-workers and I were discussing Thanksgiving.  A co-worker who was white mentioned black-eyed peas and collards.  A black co-worker's eyes went wide open as he exclaimed "You eat black-eyed peas?"  He seriously had no idea that white people did that.

Years later in a different setting, a black co-worker was telling me how it was growing up on his father's farm in rural Tennessee.  He told me how he appreciates when people are open about what they believe.  Neighboring white farmers made no secret about how they felt about race.  But they would still conduct fair commerce with the black farmer, treating him as their equal.  Despite his race, they found common ground with him.

We need to look for common ground in each other instead of focusing on the differences.  Yes, I like collards, black-eyed peas, and corn bread.  And when I have you over at my house to eat, that is what you will be served because they taste great.

That's a thing too... There is something interesting in the existing division in rural life between black and white communities. There is some intertwining - It is entangled, but still a difference.

Blues begins deep in the South... Mussel Shoals... The Delta... Country music knows that place, but comes more from the hill country - Scots Irish, with a lot of Ireland still present in the fiddle and the dance... They grew up together, but somewhat separate... And stayed that way. Two different cultures that are very much alike. Memphis is not that far from Nashville.

I recognize that difference. There is a yootoob vid that kinda spells it out, about a white redneck's first visit to a black cookout. . What is telling to me is that such a difference exists in something so common to the two (BBQ,cookouts), especially with so much of it being the very same.

I can find common ground with any underdog of society.  It's really not that difficult.  In my current position, I overheard a drilling worker who was black make a comment about how he would be the one targeted for a beating when the police show up.  I replied, "You think you're the only one who has taken an ass-whooping from the police?"  Common ground.

Yep. That's there. My only real experience with blacks was in working alongside em. Not so much here - which is why it is a curiosity to me - but while I was in KC and points eastward drifting up toward Michigan... Ain't much for a cowboy to do over that way, so the work I started with was menial. Loading docks and digging. And I can hold my own with the best of em in that. I am a big boy, used to digging in rock, and earned my respect among em the hard way.

The same camaraderie existed there. Men straining against hard work, the color kinda rubs off. All the same, even after I got into better work in the trades, though Mexicans were more prevalent there... Still the same thing. Folks got to work together to move it forward.
And yeah - The ass-whoopin from the police. Not a whole lot different between black or white trash in that... With the exception at the time that weed was highly present with the blacks I was around, and not yet so in rednecks... So maybe a slight tilt in that - a cop was gonna find weed on a black guy, pretty sure.  But I think redneck cocaine has pretty well equalized that too by now.

Btw, Can't get at collards up in here... Make do with beet greens in season, and kale or chard the rest of the time... And black-eyed peas are only around in the can - not the same.  :shrug:

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1881 on: June 01, 2020, 08:13:53 pm »
I have a black friend who is originally from Compton, CA....roughest, toughest black community in the U.S.  He joined the military as well.  He's now one of the most conservative people I've ever met.  Great Christian guy.....

That's right - And I don't think that's anecdotal... I think military life is a mover and shaker in that.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1882 on: June 01, 2020, 08:20:35 pm »

That’s what I’m talking about! Good people, skin color aside.

But now the problem. The media has glorified thug culture in music videos, sports, movies for decades. TV and now the internet floods our home with thrash. And we wonder why society is so sick now.

I see some hope in that... Because that same internet is causing folks to see the lie... Candace Owens, Josh Pray, and etc... There is a whole lot going on to heal old wounds... and a good bit of that is carried by middle class suburban blacks that can lay witness against it.

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1883 on: June 01, 2020, 09:16:33 pm »

That’s what I’m talking about! Good people, skin color aside.

But now the problem. The media has glorified thug culture in music videos, sports, movies for decades. TV and now the internet floods our home with thrash. And we wonder why society is so sick now.


One of my best friends when I worked with the post office was man so black he almost shined. I was also friends with all the other blacks I worked with at that station,but I worked with him the most.

His wife stopped by one day to visit,and he called me over to introduce me to her. He had already told her about me,so she pretty much knew what to expect.

She must have liked me too,because a few days later he came up to me and it was obvious he was VERY embarrassed and didn't want to say what he felt like he had to say. He told me his wife really liked me too,and they would LIKE to invite me to dinner at their house and introduce me to their children,but they lived in a black neighborhood,and he was afraid his wife and children would be attacked if they were seen socializing with a white man.

That little speech was one of the bravest political statements I have ever heard. I could tell it cost him dearly to say it,but he felt obligated due to our friendship.

Racists REALLY piss me off,and I don't care what color they are.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline roamer_1

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1884 on: June 01, 2020, 09:20:05 pm »
Racists REALLY piss me off,and I don't care what color they are.

That's right.  :beer:

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1885 on: June 01, 2020, 09:26:48 pm »

The same camaraderie existed there. Men straining against hard work, the color kinda rubs off. All the same, even after I got into better work in the trades, though Mexicans were more prevalent there... Still the same thing. Folks got to work together to move it forward.


I have been around a LOT of Mexicans,and even lived in a Mexican neighborhood in Denver for a couple of years,and have never even suspected the tiniest hint of racism towards me from Mexicans. I know it is the tag line to a old racist joke,but some of my best friends have been Mexicans. Truth to tell,I have had less trouble with Mexicans than I have white people.

I AM 1/4 Tuscarora Indian and have black eyes and black hair,though. Maybe that had something to do with it,although other than the black eyes,I look pretty much like a normal white guy.

Don't really know why and can't explain it,but that has always been my experience. Never really had any trouble with blacks either,as long as there weren't more than 3 or 4 of them and I was the only white. I never experienced that with any other group of people.
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Offline roamer_1

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1886 on: June 01, 2020, 09:45:28 pm »


I have been around a LOT of Mexicans,and even lived in a Mexican neighborhood in Denver for a couple of years,and have never even suspected the tiniest hint of racism towards me from Mexicans. I know it is the tag line to a old racist joke,but some of my best friends have been Mexicans. Truth to tell,I have had less trouble with Mexicans than I have white people.

I AM 1/4 Tuscarora Indian and have black eyes and black hair,though. Maybe that had something to do with it,although other than the black eyes,I look pretty much like a normal white guy.


I am not terribly well versed with either blacks or mexicans... A short stint out of the Rockies, about a year or so... Other than the Mex pickers that come through... But I DO know injuns. The Salish/Kootanai are here, mostly, with some Cheyenne and Blackfeet.

If I have seen much racism at all it was toward them - But even in that, there was always a distinction made between rez injuns and otherwise - A distinction even the Natives will admit, so really not a racist thing...

That's why it is a curiosity to me. I remember the hatred growing up in Chicago. Maybe magnified by my youthful naivete... Perhaps it seemed more bitter to me than it was. Caught a little of it in the southern Midwest and the South - But really not worth the mention comparatively.


Don't really know why and can't explain it,but that has always been my experience. Never really had any trouble with blacks either,as long as there weren't more than 3 or 4 of them and I was the only white. I never experienced that with any other group of people.

I have. I asked a black friend to get me to a real BBQ joint while in KC, since I was new in town... And where he brought me was real for sure... And I was the only white guy in the neighborhood. I felt it, I did. But not all that much... Likely because my black friend brought me there. I don't think I could have been there on my own. But that's alright. I get that. Hell, it's much the same with hillbillies, no matter your color. If they don't know you, they don't like you.

Had a fine time there btw... Once the beers got flowin and everybody loosened up.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 09:48:37 pm by roamer_1 »

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1887 on: June 01, 2020, 11:25:49 pm »

One of my best friends when I worked with the post office was man so black he almost shined. I was also friends with all the other blacks I worked with at that station,but I worked with him the most.

His wife stopped by one day to visit,and he called me over to introduce me to her. He had already told her about me,so she pretty much knew what to expect.

She must have liked me too,because a few days later he came up to me and it was obvious he was VERY embarrassed and didn't want to say what he felt like he had to say. He told me his wife really liked me too,and they would LIKE to invite me to dinner at their house and introduce me to their children,but they lived in a black neighborhood,and he was afraid his wife and children would be attacked if they were seen socializing with a white man.

That little speech was one of the bravest political statements I have ever heard. I could tell it cost him dearly to say it,but he felt obligated due to our friendship.

Racists REALLY piss me off,and I don't care what color they are.
During the race riots in my first High School, a lifelong (black) friend told me on day one "When I'm with them, I don't know you and you don't know me and that's the way it has to be." Yep, he was right. The other blacks there would have chewed him up and spat him out, and some of the whites would have done the same with me. It was polarized enough that neither side would tolerate getting along.
I'm with you, I am disgusted by racists, too.
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1888 on: June 02, 2020, 11:58:09 am »
WHO doesn't like hearing that the virus is dying out in Italy.
Is The Coronavirus Really Losing Potency In Italy? What You Need To Know
Bruce Y. Lee
June 1, 2020

There is a claim from a doctor in Italy that the Covid-19 coronavirus may be losing potency in Italy. But as most horror movies have probably taught you, don’t make any assumptions that a threat has subsided until you are really, positively, absolutely sure that it has.

This Reuters video covers this claim by Dr. Alberto Zangrillo, who is head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan, Italy  ... [video at link]

As a Reuters report indicated, Zangrillo said that "in reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy," and that "the swabs that were performed over the last 10 days showed a viral load in quantitative terms that was absolutely infinitesimal compared to the ones carried out a month or two months ago." ...

The responses from the WHO’s experts to Zangrillo’s comments were akin to saying “what?” Just listen to what Mike Ryan, MD, MPH, Executive Director of the World Health Organization's (WHO’s) Health Emergencies Programme said in a press conference today: [video where he says the virus is NOT less potent] ...

Could moving closer to the Summer potentially lead to decreased virus activity? Sure, if transmission of the Covid-19 coronavirus shows the same type of seasonal fluctuation as the flu virus does. ...
Full story and videos at Forbes, which also doesn't seem to like hearing the virus may be losing potency.

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1889 on: June 02, 2020, 11:59:19 am »
Here's the Reuters story on Dr. Zangrillo:
... “In reality, the virus clinically no longer exists in Italy,” said Alberto Zangrillo, the head of the San Raffaele Hospital in Milan in the northern region of Lombardy, which has borne the brunt of Italy’s coronavirus contagion.

“The swabs that were performed over the last 10 days showed a viral load in quantitative terms that was absolutely infinitesimal compared to the ones carried out a month or two months ago,” he told RAI television.   ...
Full story
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1890 on: June 02, 2020, 12:52:16 pm »
'Very encouraging': Spain reports no coronavirus deaths in 24-hour period
Associated Press
June 1, 2020

MADRID – Spain on Monday reported no official deaths from the new coronavirus in a 24-hour period for the first time since March.

The development is “very, very encouraging,” emergency health response chief Fernando Simón said.

Also, Spain recorded only 71 new COVID-19 infections over the past 24 hours, he told a news conference.

“We are in a very good place in the evolution of the pandemic,” Simón said. “The statistics are following a trend. They are going in the right direction.” ...
More via USAToday

No word on whether WHO is saddened.
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1891 on: June 02, 2020, 12:53:48 pm »
More via USAToday

No word on whether WHO is saddened.

Or whether WHO is saddened in a spike of cases of Antifa/BLM members.
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1892 on: June 22, 2020, 12:49:44 pm »
 Coronavirus is weakening, could disappear on its own: Italian doctor
By Jackie Salo
June 21, 2020 | 1:54pm
An Italian infectious disease doctor believes the coronavirus has become less dangerous — and could disappear on its own without a vaccine.

Dr. Matteo Bassetti, the head of the infectious diseases clinic at the San Martino hospital, said the virus appears to have become less potent, possibly due to genetic mutations, the Sunday Telegraph reported.

“The clinical impression I have is that the virus is changing in severity,” Bassetti told the outlet. ...

He said one of the reasons for the virus becoming weaker could be that it has mutated in response to social distancing measures.

“I think the virus has mutated because our immune system reacts to the virus and we have a lower viral load now due to the lockdown, mask-wearing, social distancing,” he said. “We still have to demonstrate why it’s different now.” ...
Full story
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1893 on: June 22, 2020, 12:53:35 pm »
Gee,ya think?

You mean it's going to do what every other virus since the dawn of time has done,and just die out on it's own?

Hooda thunk it?
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1894 on: June 22, 2020, 12:55:22 pm »
Gee,ya think?
You mean it's going to do what every other virus since the dawn of time has done,and just die out on it's own?
Hooda thunk it?
Especially in the heat of summer. Amazing.  :whistle:
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1895 on: June 22, 2020, 01:52:10 pm »
Especially in the heat of summer. Amazing.  :whistle:

This virus is said to be weakening, yet we continue to see over 3,000 new cases a day in FL.  We are experiencing typical summer weather patterns the temperature and humidity are rising.  So --- summer heat and humidity doesn't seem to be having an affect on this virus.  It's just before 10:00 a.m. here and the temp is already 86 with 71% humidity. 
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Offline catfish1957

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1896 on: June 22, 2020, 02:00:42 pm »
Everything in life is based on risk managment.

We take the facts at hand, and make conscious proper deicisons accordingly.

The way I see it. 

(1) Protect those who are at risk in nursing homes and like facilites
(2) Other elderly people and / or those with pre-exisiting conditons should take the proper precautions to keep themselves from being infected,
(3) Everyone else not in No. 1 and 2, should have their lives return to normal as they see fit, though doing their best to not infect No.'s (1) and (2).  Furthermore, those in No. 3 should do their best to isolate themselves if they get infected. 

Pretty much stinking common sense, as I see it
I display the Confederate Battle Flag in honor of my great great great grandfathers who spilled blood at Wilson's Creek and Shiloh.  5 others served in the WBTS with honor too.

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1897 on: June 22, 2020, 02:24:55 pm »
This virus is said to be weakening, yet we continue to see over 3,000 new cases a day in FL. 


I would accept that as gospel if there weren't so many political creatures making so much money and grabbing so much power from it.

After all,what independent source checks the numbers?

Do YOU know anybody that died from it? Or even know anybody that was hospitalized in serious condition because of it?

I sure don't.
« Last Edit: June 22, 2020, 02:26:05 pm by sneakypete »
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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1898 on: June 22, 2020, 02:45:20 pm »
Coronavirus is weakening, could disappear on its own: Italian doctor
By Jackie Salo
June 21, 2020 | 1:54pmFull story

Gee, if only someone has predicted this five months ago.

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Re: World Coronavirus News II with Updates
« Reply #1899 on: June 22, 2020, 03:02:49 pm »
Gee, if only someone has predicted this five months ago.



Somebody should start a thread about that. May I suggest "How would the Dims have kept Biden off the Campaign Trail without "The Virus". Yeah,it would have to be greatly shortened,but you get the idea.

I am betting there would be some funny stuff posted on THAT one.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!