Author Topic: Some State Governments Are Actually Trying to Scale Back Their Regulatory Bureaucracy  (Read 303 times)

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Some State Governments Are Actually Trying to Scale Back Their Regulatory Bureaucracy

Tags Bureaucracy and Regulation
18 min agoJosé Niño

When discussing policy proposals that could improve people’s economic livelihoods, the options appear to be quite narrow. On one side, you have those who wish to expand public administration, a process that usually involves inordinate amounts of spending, increased taxation, and the inevitable expansion of the regulatory state.

In a normal political climate, the proper response to the government encroachment du jour—be it the Green New Deal or Medicare for All—would be a categorical rejection of these policies. However, free market proponents should not stop there. The next step is to call for a wholesale reduction of the unconstitutional bureaucratic apparatus that has been foisted on Americans during the last century. This growth in public administration has effectively criminalized many forms of peaceful activity while Washington, DC, continues to amass more power at the rest of the nation’s expense. Spending cuts to agencies and their eventual abolition should be implemented in short order.