Author Topic: FISA Reform Advocates Unhappy With Vote Delay  (Read 233 times)

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Offline PeteS in CA

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FISA Reform Advocates Unhappy With Vote Delay
« on: February 29, 2020, 01:48:50 am »

FISA Reform Advocates Unhappy With Vote Delay

“The job of the intelligence committees was always supposed to be to hold our nation’s intelligence agencies accountable to their legal and constitutional boundaries,” FreedomWorks Vice President of Legislative Affairs Jason Pye fumed after Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler called off the hearing at the behest of Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff. “Yet even after a litany of disclosures that have shown millions of innocent Americans being subject to surveillance, the very idea that the Judiciary Committee might produce a bill that would address some of these problems was apparently too much for Chairman Schiff…”

Schiff’s involvement has to do with several amendments put forth by Democrat California Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren to the USA Freedom Reauthorization Act. Nadler and Schiff made some sort of deal that banned amendments to the bill; an agreement Lofgren found untenable.

“I reject that categorization of what we’re doing here,” Lofgren told POLITICO yesterday. “We’re making policy. This isn’t some game where side-deals that are done in secret without the concurrence of the committees of jurisdiction is somehow binding on the members of the committee.”

IOW, Schifftyroo and Nadleroo made a back-eoom deal that would have the effect of limiting discussions/revelations about the abuses the reform act was supposed to prevent. When Zoe Lofgren objects, you know it stank worse than a SF sidewalk at 4AM (after the bars closed and before clean-up people show up).
If, as anti-Covid-vaxxers claim, , , The Vaccine is deadly, where in the US have Pfizer and Moderna hidden the millions of bodies of those who died of "vaccine injury"? Is reality a Big Pharma Shill?

Millions now living should have died. Anti-Covid-Vaxxer ghouls hardest hit.