Author Topic: How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)  (Read 162 times)

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When you go back in history---as I have---you'll realize that fake epidemics are standard operating procedure.  SARS, Swine Flu, West Nile, Zika, etc.  I've written about every one of these phonies in detail...

How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)
By Jon Rappoport  February 27, 2020

“When gigantic mega-corporations steal land from Third World people and then poison these people with horrific pollution, why isn’t it called murder?  Is that too stark?  Does it offend delicate sensibilities?  Would you say that a drug gang who shoots up a bar and kills ten innocent bystanders is just carrying out ‘typical business practices in their field of endeavor’, and should therefore never be prosecuted in a court of law on a charge of homicide?”  (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)
—-This article assembles facts contained in my ongoing series on the “China epidemic.”  To get the details, I recommend going back and reading all those articles.


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Re: How to stage a fake epidemic (and brainwash billions of people)
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2020, 06:14:03 pm »
Coronavirus cases near 84,000 worldwide: Live updates on COVID-19

By Live Science Staff 5 hours ago

Here's a look at what you need to know about the new virus and the disease it causes.

A newly identified coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (formerly 2019-nCoV) has been spreading in China, and has now reached multiple other countries. Here's what you need to know about the virus and the disease it causes, called COVID-19.

Update on Friday, Feb. 28 (ET):

—The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have changed their guidelines for testing for coronavirus as of Thursday (Feb. 27). Previously, only those with ties to someone with a known history of travel to China were tested. The new guidelines will allow doctors and public health officials to test for the virus if they have clinical suspicion that the person has the disease.

Suppose all those cases were in China, should people be as panicked as they are?  That is a country with over a billion people.  That amount of cases isn't a pimple on an elephant's *ss compared to the world population of 7.8 billion people and the China population of 1.44 billion.  I'm not trying to minimize the dangers but politicians and the media are well known for creating panic over trivial things.  Nazi Pelosi wants to blame Trump in the worst way, which she and the media are doing.  They claim we aren't prepared.  Just what do they think we should be prepared for?  Why hasn't the media jumped on the info from the WHO which indicates the infections appear to be subsiding?  If they are that concerned, why haven't the democrats proposed closing the southern border until after this whole thing dies (pun intended)?  I've got a feeling this is another bull sh*t crisis created by the democrats and the media.
« Last Edit: February 28, 2020, 06:19:35 pm by rangerrebew »