Author Topic: Comrade Sanders Declares War on the Whole U.S. Economy  (Read 208 times)

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Comrade Sanders Declares War on the Whole U.S. Economy
« on: February 28, 2020, 05:54:47 pm »

Comrade Sanders Declares War on the Whole U.S. Economy
By Bryan Preston February 26, 2020

Democrat front-runner Sen. Bernie Sanders has responded to his disastrous 60 Minutes interview by releasing a plan for how he would raise the estimated $60 to $94 trillion necessary (he doesn't know exactly how much it all costs, and don't ask him) to pay for his massive socialist social programs. These programs include abolishing private health insurance to replace it with a government-run universal Medicare, pushing the so-called “Green New Deal” to force the economy onto expensive and as yet unreliable energy sources, and even a $1.5 trillion government-funded child care program that he nevertheless dubs “free.” He claims he would pay for that by taxing “extreme wealth.” Sanders would also drastically weaken the military, abolish ICE, and effectively open our borders while expanding the welfare state to cover illegal immigrants.