State Chapters > Illinois

New Bill Will Make it Illegal for Citizens to Pump Their Own Gas — To Keep You ‘Safe’

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New Bill Will Make it Illegal for Citizens to Pump Their Own Gas — To Keep You ‘Safe’
By Government Slaves on 02/17/2020

In the land of the free, there are still lawmakers who push for the most ridiculous laws despite there being no benefit to the citizens whatsoever. In fact, a proposed Bill in Illinois will actually hurt citizens and likely lead to fines or other punishment if they simply try to pump their own gas. Seriously.

Relocate To Panama: Emigrate While You Still Can!

Rep. Camille Lilly (D–Oak Park) introduced the legislation earlier this month. It is nothing short of the full force of the nanny state coming to fruition.

“No gas may be pumped at a gas station in this State unless it is pumped by a gas station attendant employed at the gas station,” reads the Gas Station Attendant Act.

There is only one state left in the nation that has such a law, and it's New Jersey.


--- Quote from: rangerrebew on February 25, 2020, 01:39:07 pm ---New Bill Will Make it Illegal for Citizens to Pump Their Own Gas — To Keep You ‘Safe’

--- End quote ---

Did a little rough math.....

Hypothetical 8 pump station...   8 (6 per day taking account days off) attendants.....    16 hours of operation per day......  2 shifts per day....3 sales per hour per pump.

8 employees @ $15/hour = 2080 hours x 8 X $15/hr = $249,600 of addtional station overhead.  (And btw this does not include employee overhead like medical, social security, workman's comp, etc.)

Gas sold = 8 pumps  X 3 sales/hr. avg. X 4060 hrs. x 15 gal/sale=  1,461,600 gallons.

$249,600 divided by 1,461,000 gallons = 17.08 cents per gallon addtional cost to consumer. (and btw, likely more near 20 cents per gallon taking account employee benefits)

Total bullshit proposal.  I hate f'n liberals.

PeteS in CA:

--- Quote from: andy58-in-nh on February 25, 2020, 02:02:30 pm ---There is only one state left in the nation that has such a law, and it's New Jersey.

--- End quote ---

Oregon only allows self-serve gas in counties with populations under 40K.

I've never started a fire while pumping my own gas - at my Dad's ranch back in the 70s and 80s or at gas stations - and the only fire I've ever seen at a gas station was an engine fire in a car. Maybe I'm insufficiently moronic, but "safety"? B-freaking-S!

Typical idiot left mentality.   Mandate to the iittle people and give them "no choice"... and then lie to them about the reason (safety?).   

I think full service stations are nice for folks like my mom (the elderly) who never learned how to pump their own gas and were probably afraid to try.   But to mandate one way or another?  Sheer lunacy.   Democrat lunacy.

This is yet another example of why most thinking people loathe "Government".   Government, run by these moronic leftists, over-thinking everything and always creating more ways in which Government can rule over every aspect of our lives. 


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