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Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« on: February 21, 2020, 06:42:03 pm »

Insane Democrats Go Right Back to Russia!

Feb 21, 2020

RUSH: So what was the date? It was January 22nd. It was after this impeachment thing bombed out, what did I tell you? What did I tell you? I told you to be on the lookout because there is gonna be something come down the pike. There are 10 months left, and even though impeachment blew up on ’em, there’s gonna be something else. And I’m kicking myself. I’m kicking myself for not realizing what it was gonna be. I mean, I mentioned it in a list of possibilities. But I’m stupid. I should have realized they’re gonna go straight back to Russia. And they’ve done it.

JOHNNY DONOVAN: And now, from sunny South Florida, it’s Open Line Friday!

RUSH: Folks, it just doesn’t get any better than this. You gotta learn to look at this and laugh at it and smile and understand how to appreciate it and realize that it means the other side has literally gone insane, including the Never Trumpers, the Democrats, and the Drive-By Media.

Great to have you with us. It is Open Line Friday. You know what that means? It means you can talk about whatever you want to. You may think that’s the way it is Monday through Thursday, but it isn’t. But on Friday it is. So anything you want to talk about, have at it. Here’s the phone number. And we try to take more phone calls on Friday. Number is 800-282-2882. Email address,

So I have been laughing uproariously this morning every time I tune in to the Drive-By Media. Let’s see. The Democrats have had a disastrous couple of weeks now. The Hawkeye Cauci — do you know that Crazy Bernie is demanding a recount of the some of the Hawkeye Cauci votes? This was two weeks ago, Snerdley, and they still are not sure who won. That is an absolute disaster.

Why aren’t the Russians responsible for that? I mean, that is a direct Democrat fiasco. And you would think that would be made to order for these clowns to claim the Russians did it. But they haven’t. They haven’t alluded to the Russians or Trump having anything to do with the fact that they can’t even count their own freaking votes.

So the Hawkeye Cauci fiasco. And then that bloodbath fiasco of a debate a couple nights ago in Nevada. So it is clear to everybody, it’s clear to everybody on the left, Trump will almost certainly be reelected. Bloomberg has blown it. Crazy Bernie is just so unacceptable to everybody in the Democrat Party except most of their voters. The voters love the guy. The party establishment hates the guy. But he scored the big fundraising take after that debate.

I told you people. I warned you: Do not laugh at what Crazy Bernie is saying because there are Democrats across this country lapping it up, and they sent him record amounts of money. Well, not record. But the most amounts of money considering all the other candidates and what they raised. So now it’s time for the media to start claiming the Russians are gonna meddle in the election in 2020 because that’s part of what the impeachment fiasco was all about. And I predicted all of it.

I gotta be honest. I didn’t specifically predict that they would go back and — maybe I did. I didn’t on January 22nd. I say so much, and so much of it is so correct and so right that sometimes even when I think I’m wrong, I end up being right. So I probably did predict this and just don’t exactly remember.

But here we are, voila. The New York Times, in addition to — Dawn, they’ve got an op-ed today written by the Taliban leader. They have given an op-ed section of their newspaper to the leader of the Taliban. And the reasoning is, “Well, we’re on the verge of a peace deal with the Taliban. The Trump administration on the verge of a peace deal, why not -” I think they’re now consuming their brains, and along with this, their intelligence. Their IQ, their EQ is melting. They’re consuming themselves.

So, in addition to granting the Taliban space for an op-ed in the New York Times, they have a front page column this morning, dictated by Adam Schiff, I’m sure, that says intelligence officials have warned House lawmakers last week that Russia is interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get Trump reelected.

Now, this news is from last week, but Schiff and the New York Times are trotting it out now because they realize the Democrat Party is imploding, there isn’t anybody that can beat Trump. And so now it’s time to start trying to taint the Trump campaign and have people finally turn against him. They have been trying for four years to get you, who support Trump, to turn against him. It’s not gonna work.

There is a line of people as we speak in Las Vegas preparing to get into a Trump rally. It is a rare daytime Trump rally. They got Drive-By reporters going up and down that line asking people, “If Jesus Christ was running against Trump, would you vote for Jesus or Trump?” And they’re saying Trump. No matter who they are given as an opponent to Trump, Trump is being answered affirmatively by everybody the Drive-Bys are talking to in that line in Las Vegas.

So this effort which has been going on, as I say, for four years to get Trump voters to abandon him, it isn’t gonna work. And does anybody really believe — okay. You’re Vladimir Putin. And you’re surveying the American scene. You got Trump, who is acing the ChiComs on trade deals. He’s acing the Mexicans. He’s acing the Filipinos, the South Koreas, everybody. Trump is reordering American trade deals and making them much more favorable and fair to the United States.

Trump has rebuilt the U.S. military. It’s stronger than it’s been in years. That scares the hell out of Vladimir Putin. We’re to believe that Vladimir Putin wants this guy reelected when it’s possible to have somebody who honeymooned in Moscow as the president of the United States? That would be Crazy Bernie.

Anybody in their right mind would know that Vladimir Putin would much prefer Crazy Bernie be president than another four years of Donald Trump. How stupid do they think we are? Crazy Bernie loves Moscow, loves Havana, loves communism. And Putin wants Trump?

And somebody was on MSNBC, I’m not even gonna mention the name, but PMSNBC is now calling Trump a Putin agent. Because of this story, Trump is back to being a Russian spy. He’s a traitor. He is a Russian agent. We have the audio sound bite, a media montage. This is after the disastrous debates, audio sound bite number 2, the Drive-Bys have gone back to Russia.

WOLF BLITZER: Breaking news, the New York Times now reporting that Russia is interfering in the presidential election to try to get President Trump re-elected.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS: Good morning, America on this Friday morning, new evidence Russia interfering in our elections again.

PETER ALEXANDER: Russia is interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected.

JUDY WOODRUFF: Russia, trying to interfere in the 2020 presidential campaign in a bid to get President Trump re-elected.

CHUCK TODD: Russia was already interfering in the 2020 campaign to try to get President Trump re-elected.

BRET BAIER: There’s a report tonight, Russia backs Trump’s re-election.

KATTY KAY: Russia is trying to meddle in America’s election.

ARI MELBER: Russia is now interfering in the 2020 election.

NORAH O’DONNELL: Vladimir Putin is at it again, trying to interfere in this year’s presidential campaign. Russia is actively working to get President Trump re-elected.

LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: The President is a Russian operative. And it is Vladimir Putin’s greatest achievement.

RUSH: That’s Lawrence O’Donnell, PMSNBC. I didn’t know we had it on the sound bites. Cookie snuck it in there. You know, I’ve got this MSNBC ban, and Cookie resents it ’cause there’s gold mines, she thinks, on PMSNBC. But I don’t want to promote those clowns, so she sneaks O’Donnell here in the montage and I can’t do anything about it except call it out. But it’s okay, because I told you he had said it. I just didn’t mention the name. Now, folks, can I take you back to…?

Who are we talking about? These intelligence agency people, who are they? This is the deep state. These are the people that told us there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. And you know my theory about this, and if you are new to the program — and gobs and gobs of you are. (sigh) I have to tell you, we are setting records for website membership subscribers. I can’t thank you all enough. There are people tuning into this program every day that are listening for the first time.

Let me repeat. Please indulge me. If you are a long-termer or a regular, please indulge me on the. Let’s go back to the Iraq war, 2003. George W. Bush spends a year and a half traveling the country, preparing everybody, lobbying the American people to support it. He goes to the United Nations, has satellite photos, all kinds of stuff. Colin Powell was up there showing the photos supposedly of weapons of mass destruction installations in Iraq of Saddam Hussein, and the Europeans — our allies in the intelligence community — all support this.

Now Bush, as a Republican, was probably not popular with the deep state particularly after how he was elected. You know, there was outrage with the Florida recount in 2000. A lot of Democrats, a lot of deep staters think that Gore should have been president. He won the popular vote. They think the Supreme Court unfairly put Bush in there. I think there was as much resentment in the deep state (we just didn’t call it that then) for George W. Bush as there is today for Donald Trump — and if not the same, it’s close.

I think, “How could so many different intelligence agencies get something so wrong as weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?” And remember, they gave Bush mounds of satellite photo evidence, documentation evidence. Colin Powell was dispatched to the United Nations to present this evidence — and it was all bogus, because we went in there. It was the pretext for invading Iraq after 9/11. We get in there, and there are no weapons of mass destruction.

It was one of the most embarrassing things. The Bush administration had to scramble; everybody had to scramble. What I have seen this bunch of people in the intelligence community be capable of… What they’ve tried with Trump here, this whole Russia meddling, Trump colluding? This whole thing is a gigantic lie, a totally bogus hoax, a silent coup. That’s when I began to think the weapons of mass destruction thing was a setup against Bush too.

My point is this: Why should we believe these people? They haven’t been right about anything in the last four years. They were wrong about weapons of mass destruction. They didn’t get Benghazi right. Why should we believe them? We shouldn’t. It is a continuation of an insane mind-set that the deep state and the Democrat Party are in because they can’t find a way to defeat this guy. They’re almost insane with their inability to land a punch on Donald Trump.

They don’t understand it. They have deployed every weapon they have to destroy political opponents, and it’s worked most every time they’ve tried it on whoever they wanted to damage or get rid of. But they can’t even land a glancing blow on Trump. So now, after the Mueller report says there was no collusion, what are we back to? Trump is a Russian agent! The Russians want Trump to get reelected. We just had a four-year, quasi-phony investigation when there was no evidence.

The only thing was a fake dossier. There are lies to the FISA court to get warrants to spy on Trump. They couldn’t even make up any evidence that would stick — and yet, here we are. We’re gonna recycle this whole thing, that Trump is the chosen one of Vladimir Putin (and there’s nothing we can do to stop it, by the way). The Democrats can’t stop it! Despite knowing who is behind meddling in our elections, the Democrats can’t find a way to stop it. “Trump’s gonna win, so we have to taint it. The Russians are meddling in our elections!”

These people are doing more damage to the integrity and the honor of the American election system than Vladimir Putin would ever dream of being successful at, and they’re making themselves look like abject fools in the process. So right on time, here comes the New York Times publishing their piece — and I’m gonna tell you what, folks. Remember yesterday, how the Drive-By Media was just absorbed with the Roger Stone sentence? The Roger Stone sentence, something so irrelevant and untied to anything serious — and yet they’re glued to it.

They have the reporters and the reporterettes and their infobabes outside and inside the courtroom when the sentence is announced. They’re hoping for seven to nine years; it comes back three years and four months. They’re devastated. They’re disappointed. But I’m telling you, they covered that Stone sentencing so closely because they think it gives them a chance to prove Trump is guilty of colluding with the Russians. Even though Stone was not charged with anything to do with colluding with the Russians, they still think the Stone sentence gave them an opportunity to make this case.

I believe that they all knew this New York Times story was coming because that news is from last week when the House Democrats’ Intelligence Committee were told about the Russians hoping that Trump gets elected working to make it happen. That’s old news. It’s from last week. They held it for the day after the Stone sentence. They don’t realize how transparent they are. Anyway, folks, I hope you’re taking time to savor this rather than get mad at it. I hope you’re taking time to enjoy this, because you are watching the literal implosion and the self-commission to insanity of a major political party in this country: The Democrats.


RUSH: By the way, these intelligence agencies? These are the people that believed the Steele dossier, if they actually did. These are the people that did not even predict the collapse of the Soviet Union. They never saw the collapse of the Berlin Wall. They were stunned when it happened. These people… I hate to say this, but the element of the intelligence community that we are being treated to in the New York Times — whoever these nameless, faceless people are — haven’t been right about a lot in a long time, and I think that’s part of what’s going on here.

But here, listen to John King just moments ago on Inside Politics on CNN…

KING: Putin is not running some operation with Donald Trump. That was not the substance of the briefing. Nobody is saying Trump was colluding with Russia again. They are saying Russia is interfering in the election today, and it is their intelligence conclusion — based on a lot of intelligence — that Russia has a preference for President Trump.

RUSH: Wuh wuh wuh? “Nobody is saying Trump was colluding with Russia again”? So you’re admitting that that was the original charge, that Trump was colluding with Russia, but now Trump isn’t colluding with Russia? Nobody’s saying that. “Putin is not running the same operation with Donald Trump.” No. What’s happening is that the U.S. intelligence community “conclusion based on a lot of intelligence” (ahem) is that “Russia has a preference for President Trump”?

Mr. King, you know that I respect you among few at CNN. But this is… It’s just so obvious what you’re trying to do here. This is a difference without a difference. There’s too much subtlety here. With this story, as reported by the New York Times, people aren’t gonna draw the distinction. You report that Putin refers Trump coming off of three years of reporting that Trump and Putin colluded; what do you think people are gonna conclude?

And this is your problem because you haven’t proved it! You people who have been alleging this for three years have no evidence, no proof whatsoever, and yet you’re going back to, “Putin still prefers Trump”? That won’t even stand the smell test when you got somebody like Crazy Bernie who loves the Soviet Union and Russia running for the presidency.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2020, 07:49:09 pm »

Brennan and Clapper Crawl Out of the Deep State Woodwork

Feb 21, 2020

RUSH: But what would this whole thing be without the lead corrupting agent in this whole thing, Obama’s former CIA director, John Brennan? He was the ringleader. Brennan was the link between the Brits and their efforts to implant spies in the Trump campaign. He was the link, because he was no longer in office. You know, Obama left, and he was not CIA director, but he still knew all the people.

So the Brits and whatever they learned funneled everything through Brennan, who then funneled it to the FBI. That closed the loop, and that’s how they kept things coordinated. Brennan was on MSNBC today, right on schedule, to help promote this silly “Russians want Trump” business. The question he got is, “What is your message to your former colleagues in the intelligence community who are still fighting the fight inside the intelligence services?”

BRENNAN: Carry out those responsibilities that you swore an oath to do, because they have that very solemn responsibility. Whether you’re intelligence or a diplomat or in law enforcement, you better carry out your responsibilities. I would tell ’em not to go to the door, not to leave, continue to do their work the best they can. This country needs FBI agents and CIA officers and diplomats around the world, and Donald Trump is in a very painful phase that we’re going through right now. But we will get through this. So I — I — I encourage people who are currently in the government to stay there, do the best they can, and push back.

RUSH: It’s a pep talk. It’s a pep talk to the deep state because they are at their wits’ end. Truth be told, they have got to be feeling powerless. All these ambassadors, Lieutenant Colonel Vindman — O say can you see? — show up and testify. They essentially get fired, reassigned. They’re out of the mainstream now. They gotta be beside themselves! So here’s Brennan givin’ ’em an old pep talk: “Hang in there, buds! Keep working. We’ll find a way to prevail.”

We got one more. James Clapper, partner in crime with Comey and Brennan and Obama in an original attempt to set Trump up in a Trump Tower/Trump office meeting on January 6, 2017, before Trump was inaugurated. (If you want, I’ll tell you the story. It’s old hat by now.) He was on CNN with Don Lemon last night. Question: “Now we know the president was angry with Acting Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire over this briefing about Russia [wanting him to win] in the 2020 election. President Trump didn’t want to hear that.”

So what’s going on, Clapper?

CLAPPER: It shouldn’t have come as a shock to anybody that the Russians are going to continue to do what they did in 2016, given the success —

RUSH: Stop the tape. You haven’t proven what they did in 2016. What did they do in 2016? You haven’t proven they did anything. This is the thing that really bugs me about this, folks. They keep acting like, even though there hasn’t been a shred of evidence for anything other than maybe the Russians hacked the Democrat computers. What did the Russians do? Nobody’s ever told us. It’s like, what did Nixon do at Watergate, what did he really do? What did the Russians really do?

There are so many assumptions. “The Russians meddled in the election.” Yeah, how? Everything they’ve said that the Russians did in meddling with the election to get Trump elected there’s not a shred of evidence for and nobody’s found any, so what the hell is Clapper talking about here? Well, all Clapper is doing is the same thing everybody else is doing, trying to keep Democrats armed and antsy.

“It shouldn’t come as a shock to anybody the Russians continue to do what they did in 2016 given the success.” What success? What success? You mean you couldn’t stop ’em, the CIA couldn’t stop ’em, you knew what they were doing, and you couldn’t stop ’em, Clapper? You’re the Director of National Intelligence and you and Obama, you knew what they were doing, and you couldn’t — besides Obama was telling everybody it wasn’t possible to tamper with a U.S. presidential election.

And yet here you guys are out still trying to make the case, make believe people believe it’s what happened. You couldn’t stop the Russians. What does that say about you, Clapper? What does that say about Brennan? You couldn’t stop ’em. You knew what they were doing, you couldn’t stop ’em, and now we can’t stop ’em, they’re gonna do it again and there’s nothing anybody can do about it? You people are so sad, it is beyond my ability almost to describe it again.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2020, 07:50:38 pm »

Mini Mike’s Money Can’t Compete with Trump’s Creative Energy

Feb 21, 2020

RUSH: The way Democrats look at it, “Bloomberg is just another Trump. He’s a rich guy. He’s from New York!” But he’s not another Trump. He can’t hold a candle to Trump when it comes to heart, humanity, empathy, personality, connectivity. Bloomberg can’t connect with anybody. He doesn’t even want to connect with anybody, in terms of having a connection with your voters or a connection with your audience or a bond. He couldn’t care less about that, and as such…

Brian, get ready to put this picture up. I’ve been trying to tell you how unique Trump is and how unstoppable and how the Democrats don’t have anybody like him for a host of reasons. Among them, the Democrats don’t have anybody that makes you laugh with them. You laugh at them. They don’t have anybody with a sense of humor. Trump at his rally was holding a little baby dressed up in a suit, and a meme developed on Twitter.

Dan Scavino

.@MikeBloomberg is paying millions of $ for social media influencers and shitty memes while @realDonaldTrump is paying zero $ for EPIC memes w/an Army of American Patriots & supporters/influencers who❤️their Country & POTUS so much, they don’t need payoffs!

He can’t come back from it. He can’t stop it from having an impact on people. All he can do is try to buy… Have you heard what he’s doing? Have you heard about this? Bloomberg is paying people $2,500 to go on social media and say wonderful, great things about him — further proving that social media is corrupt and can be bought and things there aren’t real. So this is what this Russia thing is all about. It’s really an effort to stop the erosion of Democrat voters over to Trump.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2020, 08:35:56 pm »

My Take on the Houston Astros Cheating Scandal

Feb 21, 2020

RUSH: The Major League Baseball exhibition season kicks off today with a cold front moving through Florida. What a great day yesterday. You know the feel-like temperature yesterday was 90 degrees when the program ended. Right now the feel-like temperature is 63. That’s chilly for us wimps who get used to the heat and humidity here. It’s actually 70 degrees out there, but the feel-like is 63.

The reason I bring this up is because I also get Open Line Friday questions in the email. And I got one here from our old buddy Seton Motley. “As you are an ex-Kansas City Royals executive, I’d like to hear your thoughts on the Houston Astros cheating scandal. If you have already discussed this and I missed it, I sincerely apologize.”

I have not discussed the cheating scandal, Houston Astros. By the way, not all teams start exhibition — like the Cardinals and the Mets start tomorrow. But many major league teams start the exhibition season — it used to not be ’til March 12th that the exhibition games began, but everything’s been moved up. So make a note, Snerdley, remind me, Astros cheating scandal, sometime before the end of the program.


RUSH: You know, about the Astros cheating scandal, you remember Bobby Thomson’s home run, 1951, the year I was born, the Shot Heard ‘Round the World? You don’t remember that? Well, guess what? Bobby Thomson had the sign. He knew what Ralph Branca was gonna throw. Cheating in baseball, sign stealing is as standard as quarterbacks throwing touchdowns in the NFL. It ain’t that big a deal.


RUSH: Look, I need to make a major correction. When I said, “Sign stealing,” i.e., cheating, “in baseball is no big deal,” I misspoke. What I meant to say is, “It’s not unusual.” It is a big deal from a moral and a fairness standpoint. It is a big deal. I don’t want anybody to believe that I think cheating is okay. That’s not the point. But it’s not unusual. The Astros just took it to a new level. Now, I found out something in the past year that I didn’t know about all of this. 1951 was year I was born. I was born January ’51.

When I was 10 months old, there was a huge baseball game between the New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers — and in that season, they had a three-game playoff to determine the winner of the National League pennant that year. The Dodgers had something like a 13-game lead with six weeks left in the season, and the Giants ended up winning the pennant from the Dodgers, overcoming those 13 games or 12, whatever it was. The culmination was Bobby Thomson’s home run in 1951, with Ralph Branca on the mound for the Dodgers.

Bobby Thomson’s shot… It was at the Polo Grounds and it was the Shot Heard ‘Round the World, and everybody thinks it was just magical. It was the culmination of one of the greatest comebacks in major league history. Well, guess what? Guess what? Out in center field, the signs were being stolen via a telescope or binoculars or something — and interestingly enough, it was a buzzer system from the employee in center field letting the dugout know what the pitch that had been called by the catcher was, and they found a way to inform the hitter. Apparently, everybody knew it. Everybody knew this was going on after the fact. Ralph Branca, who gave up the home run pitch to Bobby Thomson… Thomson knew it, and in interviews about this in years and years after the game and after the event, nobody would deny it. I didn’t know any of this until a year ago when this Astros stuff bubbled up, and all kinds of history about sign stealing in baseball began to resurface. There were comments like, “Yeah, Branca knew that Thomson was sittin’ on the pitch. Take a look at the film.”

Well, it was film. “Take a look. Bobby Thomson, he jumped on that pitch. He knew what was coming,” and nobody has denied it. Branca made a lot of money on the speaking circuit for years as the guy who gave up the Shot Heard ‘Round the World — and there was a recent story about this, I think, in the New York Post. Maybe our eagle eye website people go out and search it and put the link at so you can read it for yourself.

The story in the Post backs up stuff I learned a year ago and makes it sound like it was commonplace and everybody knew it. Stealing signs in baseball… Can I tell you a little story? I’ll try to make it as brief as I can. When I worked for the Kansas City Royals, hand-held video cameras (camcorders) were just hitting the market, and it was commonplace for a team employee to be in a dugout where the media cameras were in the dugout to videotape your own players at bat for later study.

I was the guy assigned to do this, because I was the high-tech wizard. Wherever I’ve been, I’ve been the high-tech wizard. So I’m in the dugout, the Royals dugout at the time, on the first base line. So I’m at about first base in the section of the dugout where all of the photographers for the media are, and I’m aiming the camcorder at the plate for right-handed hitters because that’s a full front-on view of the right-hand hitter, the swing and so forth. Well, the camcorder had a blinking red light when it was operating.

I forget who we were playing. But the opposing manager — who was on the third base dugout and could see the blinking light on the camcorder — called time-out, stormed out to the umpire, and demanded to know… He thought that we were sending signals. He thought that that blinking red light on the camcorder was a way of sending signals to the hitter. He thought his pitcher’s signs were being stolen. It was a 10-minute conversation out there.

I think Dick Howser was the manager for the Royals at the time, and I’m watching this, and I’m not knowing that this conversation is about me. And then all of a sudden, the opposing manager turns and points at the section of the dugout that I’m in. I still don’t get what’s going on. It goes 10 minutes, and the game’s paused, and nobody’s been thrown out. It’s a heated argument between the opposing manager. I don’t even remember who Royals were playing. Finally, I had to leave. I had to stop.

I had to stop videotaping because Howser and our guys could not convince the opposing manager, “It’s just a video camera. We’re videotaping our own guys.” He said, “I don’t like it. You’re videotaping! Who knows, you could be aiming at our dugout. You could be stealing whatever.” My point in telling you the story — and later when I found out what it was, I was kind of… (chuckling) I had no idea that I was the subject. Well, what I was doing was the subject of this heated conversation at home plate.

But I bring this up only because the idea that stealing signs is somehow unique and outrageous really is not true. It’s an art. Sign stealing has become an art in baseball. You get a runner on second base who, you know, that’s when the catchers do everything they can to hide the signals they are sending to the pitcher for what pitch they want thrown. Oftentimes, the manager in the dugout is calling the pitch. He’s sending a signal to anybody that the pitcher gets and the catcher gets and so forth.

Now, what the Astros were doing, as best I can understand, is… Are you ready for this? The Astros had all kinds of intricate ways of stealing signs, meaning the pitch that was coming. They had people in the dugout pounding on the trash can to send signals to the hitter. I don’t know what the signals were, and I don’t know how long this went on, but how somebody didn’t figure out they were pounding on the trash can in the dugout to send signals… It’s not normal to pound on a trash can. So then the Astros tried something else, supposedly.

Supposedly players like Jose Altuve were wearing buzzers taped inside their jerseys, and the buzzers would buzz with a code to tell them what the pitch that was coming was based on however the Astros were stealing it. The evidence for this is that in a playoff game Altuve hits a home run, rounds third base on the way to be mobbed by his teammates at home plate, and he is holding onto his jersey for his life making sure nobody rips it off. The theory is, he was doing this to hide the buzzer that he was wearing.

Now, I think that the Astros, because they have been so accused here, and apparently… I mean, their owner has gotten involved. There’s obviously been some truth established here. I think… There were some people calling the Astros should give up their World Series victory, give up the trophy. It was tainted. It was obtained by cheating and so forth. Maybe their World Series share should be taken away from the players. This is gonna be something they’re never gonna live down.

If the Astros play clean and pure as the wind-driven snow for the next 10 years, it’s still gonna be suspected that every odd victory they have is gonna be the result of cheating. They’re never gonna live it down, and Altuve is not gonna be able to live it down. It’s gonna stick with them. But it’s not… Sign stealing is not uncommon. It’s just the Astros apparently took it to a high-tech level, and now you’ve got players for the Yankees, who lost to the Astros in the playoffs, saying, “I’ve had my whole career cheated, and I’m never gonna get over it, and I think…”

I said, “Get over it, Bud.”

But it has had a dramatic impact — and, of course, it comes after all of the performance-enhancing drugs and the steroids and the stuff that was going on in baseball, all of which has just served to ramp up attendance. Major League Baseball attendance has seen… TV ratings not so much. At least not on a par with the NFL. But that’s what I think of it, and I… (interruption) “Who’s worse, the Astros or the Patriots,” you’re asking? (chuckles) See, that’s a New York question. (chuckles) “Who is worse, the Astros…?” The Patriots are never gonna live that down — never, ever gonna live down the video Spygate.


RUSH: Let me just tell you something, folks. I think lying to the FISA court is a far more grave example of cheating than this baseball sign stealing stuff. Lying to the FISA court, spying on a political opponent, you want to talk about cheating, you want to talk about stealing signs, you want to talk about voter fraud, any number of things, whatever has been going on the past four years aimed at Donald Trump, the baseball stuff pales in comparison to this.

Now, I have here a New York Post story. This is not the one I was referencing. There’s a column that was just in the past week or so. But the story I have here from the New York Post is from July 29th, 2002. So this is 18 years ago.

“The mystique of the Miracle of Coogan’s Bluff had been taking a beating in the past year, thanks to a bombshell revelation in The Wall Street Journal that fleshed out decades of rumors that the Giants used an elaborate scheme to steal catchers’ signs,” at the polo grounds.

Since the Wall Street Journal story broke, “denials and evasiveness from the 1951 Giants have been replaced by cheerful pride.” When the story in the Journal first ran, they all denied it, but later on when they saw the reaction to it, they claimed credit to it with great pride because it was such a clever thing to have pulled off.

“‘Everybody was stealing signs. I don’t know anything about our club (doing that),’ smiled and winked 88-year-old Herman Franks. It was Franks, armed with a military field scope, who allegedly ran the Giants’ sign-stealing operation from the team clubhouse in center field of the old Polo Grounds.”

Now, this story claims that Bobby Thomson claimed he didn’t know what pitch Branca was gonna throw. But there are more recent stories than this that indicate Thomson knew.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2020, 08:46:15 pm »

Clyburn: More Blacks Were Employed During Slavery Than Under Trump

Feb 21, 2020

RUSH: You talk about Democrats? What did I just say? The Democrat Party is looking for a candidate who can lose jobs, who can cause wages to stagnate. James Clyburn from South Carolina, former chairman the Congressional Black Caucasians… Everybody wants the Clyburn endorsement going into the South Carolina primary. Plugs claims that he’s gonna get it. We don’t know who’s gonna get the Clyburn endorsement. But wait ’til you hear this.

“James Clyburn,” Congressional Black Caucasians, “Dismisses Record Black Employment” in America today. He was on the Fox Business Network on Tuesday. He dismissed record low black unemployment under Trump, stating, “We were fully employed during slavery,” so this doesn’t carry any weight with him. Folks, is that reasonable? Is that logical? Is that even sane? I mean, what kind of anger or partisanship must you be simmering with or effervescing almost going to boil over with? Here are your people, African-Americans, having one of the most record economic periods in their lives.

There’s more economic opportunity, more jobs being held, record low unemployment for African-Americans, and he dismisses it. (impression) “Well, we had higher employment than this back during slavery. This doesn’t impress me.” This came… It was Neil Cavuto, who Trump’s having some problems with now, I gather. Neil Cavuto said to… Wait a minute. Now, let me check here. I just… I’ll see if we might have this on the sound bite roster. I don’t know that we do, but if we do… Doesn’t matter. The question was… (interruption)

Wait a minute. Somebody’s just sending me a… (interruption) Oh, it was yesterday. We didn’t get to it. My bad. Anyway, here it is. “[H]e’s delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans. Does he not with record-low unemployment levels? … You don’t think that’s something that’s constructive?” And Clyburn said, “I’m saying that the African American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery… We were fully employed during slavery. So, it all depends how you measure this up.”

Okay, then a companion story, “Sen. Tim Scott,” African-American, South Carolina “Predicts Trump Could Get 15% of Black Voters in 2020.” If that happens, that alone is gonna be an earthquake inside the Democrat Party.


RUSH: Here’s James Clyburn, the Congressional Black Caucasians. We had this yesterday, but I didn’t get a chance to get to it. It was Tuesday night. Fox with Cavuto. Question: “Whether you like the president’s style or not or his tweets or comments, he has delivered the goods for a lot of African-Americans, has he not? I mean, record low unemployment. Don’t you think that’s something that is constructive, Congressman Clyburn?”

CLYBURN: No. No. Because it’s not true.

CAVUTO: What do you mean it’s not true?

CLYBURN: I’m saying that the African-American unemployment is not the lowest it’s ever been unless you count slavery. We were fully employed during slavery. So it all depends how you measure this up.

RUSH: Man, oh, man, what kind of hatred and anger do you have to have flowing through your veins to have an answer like that, to go back 200-plus years? This is why these people, the Democrats, this is why they cannot move forward. This is a classic example of grievance, victim politics and that they can’t move on from it.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2020, 08:46:53 pm »

What’s Your Host’s True Talent on Loan from God?

Feb 21, 2020

RUSH: This is Gary in Phoenix. You’re next. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Mr. Limbaugh, what a pleasure to talk to you.

RUSH: Thank you, sir.

CALLER: Greetings from a fellow Missourian. I am a nurse. I’m a registered nurse, and God was very good to me. He gave me the gift of compassion and empathy, and that’s why I enjoyed my job so much, and that’s why I think I did very well at it. My question for you is, you say quite often, “I have talent on loan from God-d.” I’m wondering: What do you feel your talent is and what is the gift that God gave you that allowed you to become the person you are today?

RUSH: Ooo-kay. That might require thought, ’cause you sound like you’re serious in the question. You’re not flippant about this. I actually —

CALLER: Oh, no, no! I think God gives us gifts, and he allows us to use them for his benefit, and it’s really wonderful when you can use them for a (crosstalk) good.

RUSH: Look —

CALLER: You know, you’ve done that.

RUSH: (chuckles) Don’t misunderstand.

CALLER: I just want to know what the talent is.

RUSH: Well, yeah. I’m gonna try to answer. Don’t misunderstand. But there are a lot of answers to this. This last call that we just had. I knew what she was saying, even though she didn’t say it. Time was running out. I had to say, “So what you’re saying…” “Yes,” she said. “Exactly.” Even though she had never said that yet, my ability to understand what people are saying and then — if they are having trouble communicating it — to find a very way straightforward and simply to explain it, leads to the ability to take something very complex and make it understandable.

CALLER: And that’s how you feel you can look at the political landscape and all the things going on and analyze them and —

RUSH: Well, that’s one, but you talk about gifts from God. There’s another. One of the greatest gifts from God is that I don’t think I’m better than anybody. And I assume that everybody in this audience can understand anything I explain to ’em. So there’s no condescension.

You know, when I go play golf someplace, you know, I have a better time, I have more relatability with people that work at the place than the other members? And Donald Trump is the same way. Donald Trump has more of an ability to identify with the people who make things work than with the people who benefit from those people making things work. He can relate to both groups. But I think it’s either a gift from my parents, the way I was raised, not to think that I am better than anybody and not to look down and condescend to people and to assume that everybody’s as smart as I am.

Then there are broadcasting skills and talents such as timing that can’t be taught. They can only be learned by doing, and some people naturally — a lot of talent you’re born with. Champions are born, not made, is the slogan. And that’s applied primarily to athletes. But even they have to work very hard at perfecting what their naturally good at.

Empathy, you mentioned, that is a fundamental characteristic to succeeding with this. Because if there isn’t a bond that is created between, say, the host and the audience, if I’m just somebody sitting here talking to a bunch of faceless people in a megaphone, it ain’t gonna work. It’s not gonna sustain itself very long. It may work for a while. And it’s having the ability to look at this microphone and see millions of faces but treat them as one.

CALLER: Yes, sir.

RUSH: That’s something that I’m just naturally able to do without even thinking about it. Nobody had to teach it to me.

CALLER: Yes. And I think that I’m speaking for a lot of people. We feel that, Rush, you’re a gift to us, and we thank you for all you do, and you continue to do.

RUSH: Well, I appreciate it. Look, I appreciate the question, which is why I took it seriously. A lot of people, when they ask me that question, are really saying, “So you think you’re God, huh?” And no. That’s the point of saying it’s on loan. ‘Cause we’re all going home someday. And talent vanishes when that happens. So it’s just another way of thanking God for whatever abilities I have from wherever they came. Nothing more than that.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 21, 2020
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2020, 08:57:18 pm »
Got to listen some live today.

Rush sounded very good.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln