General Category > Elections 2020

WATCH: 9-Year-Old Boy Asks Buttigieg For Advice On Coming Out As Gay

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--- Quote from: sneakypete on February 24, 2020, 05:49:29 am ---@TomSea

I don't believe this crap for an instant. This was a totally staged event. No 9 year old boy even knows what sexuality is,much less homosexuality. His parents should be beaten within an inch of their lives for the grief they just guaranteed this child will suffer over the next 10+ years from the kids he goes to school with and knows locally,all so his parent or parents can feel like they are "evolved".

And they should immediately be arrested for child abuse the instant they are released from the hospital and the courts should take this child and any other children they have away from them.

--- End quote ---


I've thought this some too, it seems like a staged event.  How else would something like this happen? I can't say for sure but there's probably over a 50% chance of that being case.

My first reaction when Buttigieg came on the scene was -- ok, so he's gay.  Let's see if thus guy is a screaming ninny radical or someone more moderate.  I wouldn't vote for him, but maybe if he was president, he would at least be tolerable. 

Well, the more I've seen of him, the less I like him.  Seems to me that other than the fact that he's homosexual. he has nothing new or different to offer in either foreign or domestic policy that would distinguish him from the rest of the clowns in the clown car.  Then it seemed like every day I was reading and hearing more and more about him or his bed partner (I won't use the term "husband") carrying on -- even bragging -- about their homosexuality.  Seemed like they were telling voters they have to vote for Booty because if they didn't, they would be demonstrating their homophobia.  We are supposed to get with the rest of the world and put these perverts into places of authority and leadership. 

Sorry, but this stunt with the 9-yea old kid is just too much.  For some time we have overlooked our leaders' sins.  When it became evident that Billy Bob Clinton was bedding anything in a skirt, voters closed their eyes as long as they thought he was doing the right things in his job as president.  The attitude has been -- well, this president's sins are between him and God or him and his wife or whatever, and they have no bearing on his leadership. 

In the process we have shown we will elect anyone as long as he or she sounds good on the issues that matter.  We would elect an axe murderer, so long as he promised not to raise our taxes.  While no one expects a president or a presidential candidate to be completely without sin, when we would be willing to tolerate a president who thinks a 9-year old declaring he is gay to be an act of bravery, then we have really lost our way. 

Throughout history, depravity has ruined great empires.   I believe when Caligula came to power in Rome, that was the beginning of the end of the Roman Empire.  Something similar will happen if this country puts Booty in the White House. 

Did the Buttigieg campaign stage a 9-year-old coming out as gay on stage?

Bad enough if it was staged, but if it was for real, then this country is really in trouble.

Sick and Pathetic.


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