General Category > Elections 2020

Bernie Sanders so intoxicated by Nevada blow-out, he vows to beat Trump … in Texas!


Bernie Sanders so intoxicated by Nevada blow-out, he vows to beat Trump … in Texas!
February 23, 2020 | Tom Tillison

Donald Trump, socialist Bernie Sanders is feeling his oats — at the ripe age of 78.

With three states having voted now, party elitists are in a quiet panic over Sanders possibly being the nominee, believing that America is not going to put a socialist in the White House and that the cantankerous senator from Vermont will assure four more years for Trump. Which means Sanders still has a ways to go to becoming the nominee, not that he isn’t already looking ahead to taking on the president.

In an effort to exude confidence after Saturday’s projected win in Nevada, Sanders took to Trump’s domain, Twitter, to boast that he will beat Trump in Texas — he may be a Marxist at heart, but Sanders is smart enough to know that associating himself with Trump assures headlines and interest. Especially if Trump reciprocates.

“Don’t tell @realDonaldTrump this because he’ll get very nervous—we’re going to beat him in Texas,” Sanders tweeted.


 :rolling: :rolling: :rolling:

Can you say "Comrade-President" Sanders?


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