General Category > Elections 2020

Biden vows resurgence after Sanders' win in Nevada: 'I’m going to take this back!'

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--- Quote from: 240B on February 24, 2020, 01:48:31 pm ---Biden is normally incoherent on a good day.
And he babbles nonsensical fantasy 'stories' on a bad day.
This must have been a bad day.
What exactly does he plan to 'take back'?
And how does he plan to take back whatever it is he is planning to take back?

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He was taken aback by the early primary results - he just got a little mixed up trying to communicate that...


--- Quote from: Snarknado on February 24, 2020, 12:28:57 am ---It's pretty clear that ST will finish him off, but the more delegates he takes with him, the more difficult it will make it for whoever emerges as the alternative. At least that's my thinking - is there some reason I should be hoping for him to fold sooner?

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It is vital that we have a brokered convention. There needs to be a much public infighting as possible.

verga wrote:
"It is vital that we have a brokered convention. There needs to be a much public infighting as possible."

... and it will fulfill jafo's prediction as to who will become the nominee (as has been "the plan" since early on...)...!


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