General Category > Elections 2020

Nevada Presidential Democratic Caucuses, February 22nd, Saturday

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--- Quote from: libertybele on February 23, 2020, 02:20:30 am ---Frankly I find it extremely troubling that so many AMERICANS (?) want a communist.

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I wonder where the support is coming from. Which candidate are the baby boomers leaning towards opposed to millennials, generation x, etc.

Somehow I think Bernie is doing well with people say, under 40, whereas the democrats who grew up say, under FDR, Truman, etc, or people who voted for say, JFK and RFK, may be feeling different?

I’m just going by Democrats I know and the ones I’ve spoken to. The people I know who are octogenarians right now aren’t for Bernie. They want someone one like FDR, or Stevenson.

The ones I know who are around 50ish or maybe even late 40s through 70s again are just Luke warm on Bernie.

Which leaves the 18-40ish year olds. They seem to be the ones that like “uncle” Bernie.

Btw, I went out to lunch with my mom, and right now the only lawn signs I see are for Bloomberg.

This is bound to change because our primary is in June. I’m sure I’ll see more for other candidates by say, April.


--- Quote from: libertybele on February 23, 2020, 02:20:30 am ---Frankly I find it extremely troubling that so many AMERICANS (?) want a communist.

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The way I see it, what is their choice?
The struggle is we don't get to pick who runs, only who wins so if you believe that it is important to vote, then you pick the best horse in the race, not necessarily the BEST around.
There have been many many elections that I had to hold my nose when I voted....

Lots of good tweets, RTs at Reagan Batallion (twitter account, I don't know if they are even always pro-Trump but this is a lot of good stuff)

--- Quote ---Caleb Hull
It doesn’t even take oppo research to show this. Bernie is going on national TV in 2020 and defending communism in Cuba. This guy is deranged.
7:09 PM · Feb 23, 2020 from Arlington, VA·Twitter for iPhone
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--- Quote ---Reagan Battalion
He will vote for a communist who personally advised Daniel Ortega who to this day murders children who protest his regime, who criticized JFK for opposing communism, who wants government ownership of significant parts of the economy.

If that is not cruel, what is?

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Anyway, a lot of good stuff on this page, I should start keepinig it always open.

Even Sebastian Gorka was saying something like everyone needs to connect to social media, it be facebook, twitter or what have you.

That Reagan Battalion looks like a busy account.  It makes me wonder sometimes, do a number of people run some of these accounts?


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