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Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« on: February 18, 2020, 07:08:52 pm »

Obama Endorses Trump Economy by Taking Credit for It

Feb 18, 2020

RUSH: Now, do I have this right, folks? It looks like Barack Obama is endorsing the Trump economy by asking to take credit for it or claiming to. I mean, if Obama’s out there saying that this is his economy, then he’s endorsing it, right? Now, Obama had nothing to do with this economy. Anybody who lived through the Obama years knows it, and we’re gonna demonstrate it today. We’ve got the audio sound bites of Obama telling people in Ohio (impression), “Your jobs are not coming back,” of Obama saying, “What’s he gonna do? Just wave a magic wand?

“Where’s he gonna get these jobs coming back?” Obama didn’t think this was possible. Obama didn’t even want this kind of economy. Remember Obama and his buddies were talking about a new era of decline that only courageous leftists were capable of managing and so forth? Now, all of a sudden, Obama wants credit for this economy. What’s this about? Why does Obama care all of a sudden — and does Obama realize what he’s doing here? Obama is endorsing Trump’s economy.

He’s not bashing it.

He’s asking to be given credit for it!
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #1 on: February 18, 2020, 07:09:39 pm »

A Testament to All of You in This Audience

Feb 18, 2020

RUSH: If you will pardon me, I’m gonna run a risk by talking about some of the heartfelt pieces that have been posted and written since I announced my medical diagnosis a few weeks ago. I see everything that’s written. As I said yesterday, I’m never gonna be able to respond to all of it, and I’m hoping that the expressed gratitude here finds its way to everybody who has taken the time to reach out to me, to try to reach out to me, or has written something for public consumption, publication.

It’s all overwhelming, folks. It’s all very humbling. It’s very sobering at the same time, and it’s tear-jerking. (chuckles) I have to tell you, it’s tear-jerking, and I hesitate to single one or two out because I run the risk of offending others who have written equally nice things who may not get pointed out, but I do want to mention something that was pointed out to me today. Kathryn, in fact, saw this and sent me the link. It’s a piece at by Peter Rosenberger.

The headline is: “How One Call to Rush Limbaugh’s Show Changed Countless Lives.” I’m not gonna read the whole thing, but here’s how it starts. “More than a decade ago, I called Rush Limbaugh’s show and, amazingly, got through. Sharing with the call screener what I wish to discuss with Rush, he placed me on hold for more than an hour. As I saw the battery on my phone looming dangerously low, I scrambled to plug it in and held my breath while hoping not to lose the signal.

“Finally, at the bottom of the second hour, I heard the click on my phone as Rush came on and said, ‘Peter … welcome to the show.’ We had a lively chat and Rush seemed genuinely interested in my discussion and kept me on for nearly ten minutes (a lifetime on his show). Asking about our work, he graciously allowed me to give out our website.” Well, this man is involved in… Well, just read the piece. We’ll link to it at

It’s better read than me, in a brief period of time here, trying to paraphrase it for you. But he talks about how the outpouring of love and support his organization got after just one call on this program has led to the changing of countless lives because of the work his charity does. It involved prosthetics for amputees regardless how the injuries happen, and it talks about the numerous friends that he made after just one phone call.

Basically, folks, it’s a testament to you. It’s a testament to the goodness of the people in this audience and how you have come through on every such occasion. You really ought to read this because it’s actually more about you than it is me. Peter Rosenberger at the website, the opinion section: “How One Call to Rush Limbaugh’s Show Changed Countless Lives.”

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2020, 07:15:22 pm »

Trump Is Exactly Right About Roger Stone

Feb 18, 2020

RUSH: Story from The Daily Caller: “President Trump Threatens to Sue ‘Everyone’ Over the Mueller Investigation and Roger Stone Trial.” I’m gonna tell you, this is exactly right. Here’s the story: “Trump threatened on Twitter [today] to sue ‘everyone’ involved in Robert Mueller’s … Russia investigation and the trial of former Trump adviser Roger Stone.”

I’m just gonna tell you, Trump is exactly right about this. “‘These were Mueller prosecutors,'” these four that resigned in a so-called huff. It was nothing more than theatrics, nothing more than a show. “‘These were Mueller prosecutors, and the whole Mueller investigation was illegally set up based on a phony and now fully discredited Fake Dossier…'” That’s all true. There’s nothing legitimate about the Mueller investigation.

There was never a crime. There was noth… Look, I’ve been through this until I’m blue in the face. You know this as well as I do. They lied, they forged documents, they made up things at the FISA court. Trump said everything about this is bogus. Nothing in this is real. “Everything having to do with this fraudulent investigation is badly tainted and, in my opinion, should be thrown out,” the president tweeted.

This is in reaction to the judge, Amy Berman Jackson, saying she’s not gonna delay the sentencing phase of Stone’s trial, but she might delay things because of a call for a new trial. Trump ended this tweet storm by saying, “If I wasn’t President, I’d be suing everyone all over the place, BUT MAYBE I STILL WILL. WITCH HUNT!” He’s exactly right about that.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #3 on: February 18, 2020, 07:41:31 pm »

Bloomberg’s Buying the Democrat Party

Feb 18, 2020

RUSH: Does the Democrat Party realize what Michael Bloomberg is doing to them? Does Crazy Bernie? Has he figured out yet what Bloomberg is doing? This is stunning to watch this, and all of the… You know, Bloomberg obviously has never been opposition researched. Bloomberg has bought off all opposition in his political career. As Mayor of New York City, he buys off the media by putting them on charitable boards that Bloomberg money is the number one source of. He’s bought off every critic he can possibly imagine in the Drive-By Media.

And, as such, there hasn’t been any opposition research. But now all of a sudden, there is, because the Republicans in the Trump White House are getting involved in producing all these old Bloomberg videos where he’s saying some of the most outrageous, egregious, insulting, embarrassing things. These are the kind of things that people accuse Republicans of saying and being and doing that Republicans don’t say and are not. It’s Democrats that are — and here’s Bloomberg running as a Democrat.

And he is forcing all these Democrats to ignore what he has said about minorities, what he said about the elderly, what he has said about women. It is stunning the Democrats are allowing all of this to happen because they are so obsessed with beating Donald Trump that they’ll take anybody who can do it — and I’m gonna tell you Crazy Bernie people something too. You may not want to hear this, but your guy can be bought off too. How do you think he went whimpering away so quietly in 2016?

Hillary bought him a million-dollar house. Bernie Sanders can be bought, and if Bloomberg has to buy Bernie Sanders off to get the Democrat nomination, he’s gonna try to. And the question for you Bernie types is, “Will your guy be bought?” because we established yesterday, Crazy Bernie is not a fighter. He is not a brawler. He is a straight, old-line communist ideologue — and Bloomberg is coming right for him. The Democrat Party is changing the rules in the middle of the game to let Bloomberg on a debate stage.

This is breathtaking to watch.

Wait ’til you hear some of the things that have been unearthed about what Bloomberg has said that Democrats and African-Americans are looking the other way, and they’re endorsing Bloomberg. You know why? Because they can be bought. Bloomberg is buying everybody. He’s buying silence. He’s buying support. We’ve never seen anything like this. We’ve never seen this kind of money in politics. Bloomberg has already spent more than entire presidential campaigns go through. He’s bought his way into the Democrat Party debate tomorrow night.

Crazy Bernie is just now finally getting a handle on this and complaining about it, what the DNC and Bloomberg are doing. One of Bernie’s top advisers is a guy named Jeff Weaver, and he was talking to NBC News yesterday. He said, “To change the rules now, in the middle of the game, to accommodate Mike Bloomberg trying to buy his way into the Democrat nomination, that’s wrong. That’s just wrong. That’s the definition of a rigged system.”

Yeah, Bernie, I’m gonna tell you something. You’re gonna be a victim of it twice. (chuckles) It’s amazing how slow on the uptake these people are. Why is Bloomberg running? Bloomberg is so insidiously jealous of Trump (do not doubt me), you can’t understand it and you can’t fathom it. He is so jealous of Trump that he’s willing to spend more than you and I could ever conceive of having, in a bid to unseat Trump. And the Democrats, if they go ahead and they follow through and this guy gets their nomination, you wait.

This is gonna tear that party apart.

It’s gonna destroy everything they’ve ever claimed to be: Pro-African-American, pro-women, pro-gay, ’cause Bloomberg has come out and he’s the biggest misogynist, he’s the biggest racist, and he’s a homophobe — and he’s made no bones about it. There’s video, and there’s audio of the guy demonstrating it and proving it. He’s even joined Obama in the health care parade. Somebody shows up at 95 years of age with prostate cancer? (summarized) “Nope, we’re not gonna spend any money on ya. You’re not worth saving. Here’s a pill. Go away and die.”

He said it, the same thing as Obama. You know, we played that audio I don’t know how many times, Obama’s ABC Primetime special from the White House on beck before it became law, and a woman stands up and said (paraphrased exchange), “Mr. President? Mr. President? My mother is approaching a hundred years of age and she’s sick, but she really wants to live. She really wants to live. She’s got the will to live; she’s very happy. Under your plan, will my mother get health care?”

“Uh, no. (sputtering) Uh, under my plan, uh, uh, uh, the will to live ain’t gonna be a factor. That ain’t gonna matter at all. Uh, we’re gonna have to take a look and none of that. In the case of your mother, we’ll give her a pill and a happy pill. Uh, here’s how you that pill go away and, ’cause this is way it’s gonna be.” I was stunned. I was stunned! In the United States of America, a citizen even had to ask the president, “Is my mother gonna live? Are you gonna allow my mother medical treatment to live?”

Imagine anybody in this country having to ask that of a leader instead of a doctor or instead of other members of the family, and then for the leader who’s asked the question to say, “Nope. Nope. I don’t think will to live matters. We can’t start factoring things like that into medical decisions. I think — I think we’ll give her a pill.” If you don’t remember this, we’ve got the audio of this all coming up. We’ll demo this for you. I mean, it’s just stunning.

So here’s Bloomberg who is literally infiltrating the Democrat Party and is turning it upside down, poisoning it. He is single-handedly doing it. If they go to the mat defending him, if they nominate him, if they do whatever they can to overcome the opposition research that’s sure to come on this guy — if they try to wave away the anti-women comments within the anti-black comments, the anti-whatever comments, anti-gay comments, if they try to wave that away — what’s that gonna mean for their party?

Some of you say, “It won’t mean anything, Rush, because hypocrisy never sticks to ’em.” Yeah, that’s true, and I’ve even said that myself. But this is gonna be different. See, I think the left, the Democrats are so shaken by what Trump did that I think they’re looking at Bloomberg as, “Hey, it doesn’t matter. Trump… We all know the Access Hollywood video. We all know what Trump said when he came down the escalator on June 15 to announce his candidacy.

“If that guy can get elected, then Bloomberg certainly can.” So I think the Democrats are looking and misunderstanding how Trump got elected. They’re misunderstanding how Trump built the bond he has with his supporters and thinking anybody can do it, and all it takes is to be outrageous. I mean, this is why they thought Avenatti was gonna be a viable candidate. These people are so out of it, it is stunning. The party of the little guy (supposedly) is so out of it.

Even Michael Barone has a piece here in the New York Post, “Interlopers Poised to Take Control of Democrat Party Like Trump Took the GOP.” This is not like how Trump took the GOP. Trump didn’t come in and take over the GOP by turning Republicanism upside down like Bloomberg is doing. Trump ran on (whether he knew it or not) a basically conservative agenda, ideas that were solidly backed by a whole slew of Republican base voters who had been marginalized, who had been lied to, who had been taken for granted for years by the party and its establishment.

This is not the situation with the Democrats. What Bloomberg is doing is not tapping into some misrepresented or lied-to element of the Democrat base. They have driven away… The Democrat Party has driven away the sane people in their party, and they’re left with a bunch of ill-educated, uneducated, unemployable anarchists who are obsessed with pessimism and the apocalypse. They have no God in their lives, for the most part, so they’re wandering aimlessly looking for something meaningful in politics.

So they glom on to veganism or they glom onto climate change or some such thing. There isn’t any comparison to what’s happening in the Democrat Party in this primary and Trump and the Republican Party in 2016. Trump has backed up his ideas with action. He has implemented them in the form of his agenda with good results. Democrats have not done that.

And this is not even about an agenda. The Democrats are so discombobulated, it doesn’t matter. They’ll nominate anybody they think can beat Trump, and then deal with what they’ve done later. But there’s no set of ideas propelling any of this. In the case of Bloomberg, it’s jealousy and rage. In the case of Democrats, it’s anger and frustration that they haven’t been able to get rid of Trump.


RUSH: Well, here’s an example. I got emails in the break. “Wuh wuh wuh what do you mean? What’s Bloomberg doing, Rush?” Look, I’m gonna detail as the program unfolds. Let me give you a brief synopsis. As we said yesterday, Bloomberg says that farming is for simpletons, that anybody can farm, that he could teach anybody to be a farmer inside of five minutes. By the way, Mike Pence had a great reply to that using a wonderful commentary by Paul Harvey from 1978 called, “God Made a Farmer.”

We’ll have that coming up too. Bloomberg has echoed Obama: The elderly should not get medical care. Give ’em a pill, give ’em a happy pill, and send ’em on their way. There’s evidence Bloomberg told an employee — a woman, a female employee — to “kill it” when she announced to him she was pregnant. He said, “Kill it.” He didn’t say, “Get an abortion.” He said, “Kill it. I don’t have time for these distractions. If you want to work here, kill it.”

He’s also said that black and Hispanic males “don’t know how to behave” at jobs. All this is on videotape. In August 2011, “Bloomberg said ‘enormous cohorts’ of young black and Latino men ‘don’t know how to behave in the workplace…'” Not to mention saying (summarized), “If you think there’s a crime that’s happened somewhere, guaranteed a young black male 18 to 26 did it. That’s where you go to find the perp.”

This is being said as a Democrat, folks.

That’s the point.


RUSH: Let’s start on the audio sound bites here. This will be a good way to get into the Bloomberg audio. Now, I want to explain that while you may have heard the Bloomberg audio, you haven’t heard my take on it, and while you may have seen it (the video), you haven’t seen or heard my take on it, which I guarantee you is gonna be unique and unlike anywhere else you might be watching or reading. It is utterly fascinating to me what the Democrat Party is doing.

You know, in fact, there’s another way of looking at this. You had Obama, who has talked about most Americans as bitter clingers, and then you had Hillary talking about the same group of people as a basket of deplorables. The bottom line is that the Democrat Party, the so-called champion of little guy, actually resents the little guy. The Democrat Party actually makes fun of and impugns the people that make this country work.

Yet a decent percentage of those people turn around and vote Democrat every chance they get, and Bloomberg’s coming along and basically echoing these sentiments, only in stronger language and from years and years and years ago. Nobody reported it when it happened because Bloomberg buys everybody off, including media and including staff. But I want to start here reminding you what Bloomberg talked about yesterday on farmers, or what was revealed that he had said. He was at Oxford University 2016.

He said, “I could teach anybody … to be a farmer,” inside of five minutes. “You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn.” In fact, grab sound bite number 4. I cited Victor Davis Hanson yesterday as evidence of the kind of genius and intelligence it takes to be a farmer today. He was on with Tucker Carlson last night, who said, “What do you make about these remarks from Michael Bloomberg” about how easy and simpleton-like it is to be a farmer?

HANSON: The idea that, ancient or modern, you drop the seed in the ground and presto, corn sprouted is ridiculous. Farmers then and now deal with weather, they deal with climate, they deal with soil chemistry, they deal with pests, they deal with man, they deal with market, they deal with government. It requires the most skillsets of any profession in the world. Today’s farmers, they use GPS, computers. The most brilliant people I’ve met in the world… I lived on this farm where I’m speaking today and I had a world of academics. The people that I knew that made it in farming were so much brighter, so much more skilled than the people who were tenured professors.

RUSH: Now, the interesting thing is people across the country are learning of Bloomberg’s comments. We don’t know how widespread it is. Some in the Drive-By Media are not really going to town on Bloomberg yet because, remember, he owns them. You can’t comprehend the amount of money this guy has spent on silencing criticism, and it’s been one of his modus operandi for 15 years. He’s got the money to do it.

He lavishes it on people to keep ’em quiet, and that’s why there really hasn’t been any serious opposition research. But now it’s gonna trickle out. It probably is gonna explode. and people across the country are gonna be privy to this. They’re gonna hear it, and the Democrats are not gonna take that into account. They’re gonna think it won’t matter because any problem can be purchased. Now, Mike Pence responded to Bloomberg’s insults of farmers by tweeting out a Super Bowl commercial that ran in the second half of the game in 2013. It was a Dodge Ram truck commercial narrated by Paul Harvey, and here is how that sounded…

HARVEY: And on the 8th day, God looked down on his planned paradise and said, “I need a caretaker.” So God made a farmer. God said, “I need somebody willing to get up before dawn, milk cows, work all day in the fields, milk cows again, eat supper and then go to town and stay past midnight at a meeting of the school board.” So God made a farmer. … I need somebody who can shape an ax handle from a persimmon sprout, shoe a horse with a hunk of car tire, who can make harness out of haywire, feed sacks and shoe scraps. And who, planting time and harvest season, will finish his forty-hour week by Tuesday noon, then, pain’n from ‘tractor back,’ put in another seventy-two hours.” So God made a farmer. … “Somebody who’d bale a family together with the soft strong bonds of sharing, who would laugh and then sigh, and then reply, with smiling eyes, when his son says he wants to spend his life ‘doing what dad does.'” So God made a farmer.

RUSH: Paul Harvey from 1978. That was actually used in the 2013 Super Bowl as part of a Dodge Ram truck commercial as the narration for the video of that commercial. Pence tweeted that yesterday with no comment in response to Bloomberg, and what everybody in the Democrat Party misses is farming is… They think, first, it’s as only 2% of the population, so it doesn’t matter. You could lose all 2% of farmers and not hurt your electoral chances. Farmers fit the Deliverance model that the left and Democrats look at Southerners as.

What they miss is how this resonates not just with the 2% of farmers, but with the vast majority of people in this country who have abject appreciation, understanding for everybody whose work makes life easier — and they don’t cotton to people like this being insulting, and the Democrats are just totally oblivious to this. The very idea that they are embracing a guy who has made repeated insulting comments about the very constituents the Democrat Party claims to champion is an indication of how out of sorts Donald Trump has made them, has rendered them.

They are so discombobulated, they’re abandoning their roots. They are abandoning their own base of voters. They are allowing somebody who hasn’t even been a Democrat when he’s sought elective office, to come in and literally buy their nomination — and they are excited by it. One of the many death knells: Hollywood, all of a sudden, is expressing their admiration and love for Bloomberg, and you know what that is. That’s simply this phenomenon known as people sidling up to the rich no matter what.

It’s something about the rich. People will overlook every other characteristic bad or good about them if they’ve got money. I guess on the pretense of somehow the rich are gonna give you them money, and yet the Democrat Party is the party that says trickle-down doesn’t work because the rich are a bunch selfish SOBs. And yet here they are sidling up to the richest guy that’s ever tried to buy political office. Here’s Bloomberg. This is February 2011, New York City. Michael Bloomberg, the mayor, Republican, visiting a family sitting shiva on the loss of a family member.

BLOOMBERG: At the rare we’re going, health care is gonna bankrupt us. We’ve got to sit here and say which things we’re gonna do and which things we’re not. You show up with prostate cancer; you’re 95 years old. We should say, “Go and enjoy. Have an ice cream. Lead a long life. There’s no cure, and you can’t do anything.” Society’s not willing to do that yet.

RUSH: “Society’s not willing to do that yet,” but it damn well ought to be willing! He’s talking to a family sitting shiva, a Jewish family mourning the loss of a family member! He goes in there and tells them (summarized), “Yeah, we gotta sit here and say which things we’re gonna do and which things we’re not. You show up with prostate cancer; you’re 95. We should say, ‘Go and enjoy. Have a nice life as long as you can. Get outta here. There’s no cure, and we’re not curing anything.’ For a young person, we would do something.”

He said, “But society’s not there yet.” No, but that’s where he wants to take us, and it’s no different than Barack Obama. Let’s go back to June 24th, 2009. This is the ABC Primetime special, questions for the president, prescription for America. This was ABC News helping to promote Obamacare, June 24, 2009. It’s Obama’s first year in orifice. Obamacare didn’t become law ’til the end of 2010, and there is an audience member named Jane Sturm, and she stood up with a question. She said, “My mother is now over 105, but at 100, the doctor said to her ‘I can’t do anything more unless you have a pacemaker,’ and I said, ‘Go for it.’

“She said, ‘Go for it.’ But the specialist said, ‘No, she’s too old.’ When the other specialist saw her, saw her joy of life, so on, he said, ‘I’m gonna go for it.’ That was over five years ago. My question to you, Mr. President, outside the medical criteria for prolonging life for somebody who’s elderly, is there any consideration that can be given for a certain spirit, a certain joy of living, a will to live, quality of life, or is it just a medical cutoff at a certain age with your health care plan?”

OBAMA: I don’t think that we can make judgments based on people’s “spirit.” That’d be a pretty subjective decision to be making. I think we have to have rules that say that we are gonna provide good quality care for all people. End-of-life care is one of the most difficult sets of decisions that we’re gonna have to make. But understand that those decisions are already being made in one way or another. If they’re not being made under Medicare and Medicaid, they’re being made by private insurers. At least we can let doctors know and your mom know that, you know what, maybe this isn’t gonna help. Maybe you’re better off not having the surgery, but taking the painkiller.

RUSH: That’s your Democrat Party, folks. These are the people that have claimed to have all of the love and compassion for their fellow citizens, for their fellow man, and they nominated Obama. He got elected, and they passed his health care plan with him saying things like this. So don’t be surprised if they don’t hold any of this Bloomberg stuff against him. I guarantee you they’re not. I guarantee you African-American politicians are gonna look the other way at every racist comment Bloomberg’s ever made.

Women in the Democrat Party are gonna look the other way at every misogynist, anti-woman comment he’s ever made, because they’re a bunch of phony baloney, plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roller hypocrites who are motivated by only one thing, and it’s got nothing to do with you or this country being better or improved. They are motivated by their hatred for Donald Trump and their desire to get rid of him, and they will pay anybody anything and suffer anything if somebody can come along, in their opinion, and beat Trump — and that’s what we’re up against.


RUSH: You know the name Doug Schoen. Doug Schoen was a Clinton pollster back in the day. He’s been a commentator at Fox News for the longest time, and he’s been absent Fox News for a while, and the reason for that is he has been hired by Doomberg. He’s a pollster for Doomberg. Doomberg is hiring people like you can’t believe. He’s hiring every potential critic and putting them on the payroll. He’s donating to their charities.

I’m telling you, folks, you’ve never seen anything like this. We haven’t. You think the Kennedys were bad? This guy is making the Kennedys look like Bob Cratchit in A Christmas Carol. All right. So here’s Doug Schoen. This was, I guess, this afternoon on Fox Business Channel, Neil Cavuto’s Coast to Coast show. Question: “Doug, when you hear stuff like these old tapes of Mayor Bloomberg coming out almost like a Pez dispenser, do you just say, ‘Oh, boy, I have a tough day today’?” These are all the videos of what he’s saying about women, what he’s saying about African-Americans and Hispanics, what he’s saying about abortion, all of this stuff — and here’s Doug Schoen’s answer to it.

SCHOEN: Opponents across the board are doing everything they can to hit Mike. Some of what is being released is taken out of context. Some of it is a straightforward assessment, analysis of difficult problems — and some of it, like his advocacy of stop-and-frisk, he has repudiated. He’s apologized for it. You know, I don’t think the voters sit the way we do, parsing every release of every tape, trying to judge what he said 10 years ago in the context of today.

RUSH: I think that’s, at this stage, entirely true. Now, I’d love to be wrong. You can gauge public opinion in a number of different ways, and I just don’t think it’s gonna matter to Democrat voters. I don’t think any of this is gonna matter. They’re a bunch of hypocrites from the get-go. They always have been, and the stuff that Bloomberg is saying here is what most of them believe anyway. That’s the dirty little secret about all this.

Bloomberg is not saying things that are really counter to what the Democrats believe. This is what they say. This is what they believe. They have just never been honestly reported on. So within the Democrat voter base, this isn’t causing any kind of a stir. Plus, it isn’t being widely disseminated in the first place. The Drive-By Media are not playing a lot of these videos. So how many Democrat voters even know?

So here’s Laurie, Apple Valley, California, we start on the phones. Great to have you. Hi.

CALLER: Hi. Good afternoon. Kind of a change in your topic that you were talking about. But as far as agriculture goes, I think Bloomberg has really alienated a lot of Democrats. The USDA (chuckles) has got a lot of people that have spent a lot of time in college and the NRCS, they’re all Democrats. And for him to be so condescending about how our heartland provides for our country is pretty unbelievable.

RUSH: Well, it is. But are you seeing this reaction, this negative reaction to what Bloomberg has said, or are you just thinking that it’s naturally gonna occur?

CALLER: My family lives in Nebraska, and they’ve all expressed the condescension (sic) about his comments. I have family in Kentucky, and they’ve all expressed displeasure about, you know, how he’s basically been so condescending to what is… That’s what supports our country. How do you go into your freezer and you open up a bag of frozen corn? That didn’t just happen.

RUSH: Well, I understand. That’s the point. He belittles it. He ridicules it. Most Democrats do, Laurie. Most Democrats think farmers are hicks. Most Democrats think farmers are a bunch of hayseed — except Democrat farmers, of course. They think most farmers live and work in the dirt (that’s very unsophisticated) and they think most farmers are contributing to climate change and global warming ’cause they’re not doing it the right way. The Democrat Party is one of the most misunderstood hate groups in this country today.

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Democrat Party...the Party of Infanticide

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #4 on: February 18, 2020, 08:10:04 pm »

Pelosi Still Bothered by My Medal of Freedom

Feb 18, 2020

RUSH: Nancy Pelosi is still bothered by the fact that I was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom during the State of the Union Address. She was on CNN with Christiane Amanpour complaining and whining and moaning about it. What has it been, 2-1/2 weeks?

When does a State of the Union Address last 2-1/2 weeks? When I am part of it. It’s amazing. I’ll let you hear the sound bite we get back.


RUSH: Now, the State of the Union was two weeks ago. Two weeks ago, yesterday. Okay, and it is still being talked about. Now, what State of the Union Address can you recall that had a life span of two weeks? Presidents give State of the Union speeches; there’s reaction that night, the next day. Then the next series of news events overwhelm, and people forget it.

Nancy Pelosi is still upset about what happened at the Trump State of the Union two weeks ago. She sat down for interview with Christiane Amanpour, still talking about it two weeks later. Once again, proving: When has a State of the Union show been talked about this much? Only when I am part of it. So Christiane Amanpour says, “I just want ask you, when you ripped up the president’s State of the Union Address, did Vice President Pence say anything to you?”

PELOSI: No, he may… He may not even have known. He was just looking at straight at the president. I was very disappointed in the fact that the president used the chamber of the House of Representatives, the people’s house, as a backdrop for a reality show, giving the presidential medal to Rush Limbaugh. That’s something he should do in his own office. When he started talking about a person so respected in our country diagnosed with cancer, we thought he was going to be talking about John Lewis, and even if he’s talking about Rush Limbaugh —

AMANPOUR: The great congressman, civil rights leader.

PELOSI: Civil rights leader, yeah. And even talking about Rush Limbaugh, as being sick? He has our sympathy. But the Medal of Freedom? No.

RUSH: No, of course not. The Medal of Freedom? No. It’s still got ’em discombobulated. They can’t see straight over it and are still talking about it, and Pelosi still using it… Do you realize what an honor it is for me to be the reason she ripped up Trump’s State of the Union Address? In addition to everything else, to have the ability to discombobulate these people to this extent that two weeks later their noses are still out of joint about it? It’s just amazing.

The piece that I mentioned in the first hour that is running on the opinion section today by Peter Rosenberger, “How One Call to Rush Limbaugh’s Show Changed Countless Lives.” There’s a paragraph here that I want to share with you from Mr. Rosenberger’s piece, and it’s something that many of you say to me when I have the occasion to meet you. “It remains astonishing how many people despise Rush while admitting they never listen to him.” That has been a 31-year phenomenon, folks.

I don’t know the answer to it. I can tell you why. I can tell you. Yeah, I’ve said to my friends. I said, “Outside of the people who know me and outside of the gazillions of people that listen to me, with the people that don’t listen to me, my reputation is shot.” I’m not even saying whether deservedly or undeservedly. It is shot, and it’s for one reason, and it is the media. I mean, people that have never heard this program — and it’s not just this program a lot of people haven’t heard.

There are a lot of people who never see a movie that tell you what they think about it based on what they’ve been told or review. There are people have never watched Fox News who think that it’s daily Adolf Hitler claptrap because this is what CNN and the New York Times and others in the media tell them about it, and it’s always amazed me that there hasn’t been a degree of curiosity among people. Now, you’ve heard people call here who have been in this group.

They never listened, and they thought I was X, Y, and Z. Then listened to the program. They were shocked and stunned. There’s been a lot of that over the years, and there’s a lot of that that happens with Fox News and with other impugned and maligned personalities out there. But what it is, it’s the way the left operates. Rather than enter the arena of ideas and start debating the ideas that I believe in, they simply attempt to discredit anybody who is effective in explaining opposition ideas.

Rather than debate, rather than try to prevail in a debut, rather than try to win in the arena of ideas, just discredit the people that you disagree with. That’s what they do, and that’s why the great dichotomy. But, folks, this is why I’ve always said that it is all of you who get me through. Nobody is raised to want to be hated. Just the exact opposite. Everybody’s raised to want to be loved. In fact, people are raised to want to be loved so intensely that people screw themselves up trying to be loved.

They trying to become what they think everybody wants them to be rather than being themselves, and if you’re never yourself — if you’re always trying to figure out what somebody wants you to be or what somebody expects you to be — you’re never gonna have any real intimacy with anybody because they’re never gonna get to know you. It’s a fact of humanity. It’s a fact of life. Everybody wants to be loved. They’ll do whatever it takes to be loved. People become imprisoned by what other people think of them.

I, fortunately… I would not have lasted this long if I hadn’t been able to get past that, if I hadn’t been able to get past what people think of me, particularly negatively, and if I hadn’t learned to take that as a sign or an indicator of success. See, that’s what’s psychologically tough is, because nobody’s raised that way. Nobody’s raised, “Son, when they hate you, that means you’re really kicking ass. When they hate you, you’re doing well!” Nobody’s raised that way.

But when it happens to you, that’s what they say. “It just means that you’re effective. Don’t sweat it. It just means that they don’t know how to deal with.” When it happens, they give you that excuse. But nobody’s raised that way, and so it has been all of you — knowing you’re there, knowing you know the truth, knowing you know it’s all bogus. You in this audience, when you see these ridiculous claims made about me or others who do what I do, you know it isn’t true.

You stand by us anyway. Your loyalty is constant and is 100%. That’s what gets me through. That’s what enables me in many ways and in large part to persevere and just be able to look the other way at it, ignore it. I don’t know ’em. They don’t know me. So why does it matter what they think anyway? And it hasn’t affected business in any way shape… Well, they’ve tried but we have overcome every attempt that they have made.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #5 on: February 18, 2020, 08:37:21 pm »

How’s Bezos Going to Spend His $10 Billion to Stop Climate Change?

Feb 18, 2020

RUSH: Look at Jeff Bezos. Bezos is not. What did Bezos do? Bezos just bought a $165 million property in Beverly Hills, the old Jack Warner estate. I’m told it’s actually more than that, that Bezos asked for the number not to be honestly reported. There were no real estate agents in this sale. It was strictly Bezos and David Geffen. I understand it’s more than that, but Bezos was worried about negative publicity.

Sorry (chuckles), once you got to $165 mill, okay, what’s it, $185 million, $200 million? Whatever. Drop in the bucket. So you know what Bezos did next? Since we know he was concerned about negative publicity buying a house that costs that much money, here came a news report that Bezos’ house cost more than the amount of taxes Amazon will pay. Okay. So Bezos realizes he’s got a problem. That’s a PR problem. He needs people to continue to patronize Amazon and buy stuff there. He needs people using Amazon Web Services.

So what does he do?

He announces a $10 billion donation to fight climate change.

What does that do?

That buys off everybody. That buys off the leftist barbarians at the gate. It makes him a hero. He can then go out and buy a $200 million house, and they won’t care. He can do whatever he wants. He can not pay any taxes and they won’t care, because he’s just donated $10 billion to climate change? Now, how do you donate $10 billion to climate change? What would you spend it on? What would you think? If you had — I don’t care — any amount of money to spend on climate change, what would you do with it? If you believed all this malarkey, what would you do? Spending whatever money to reduce it, what would you do?

I know.

You’d have no idea, do you?
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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Online mountaineer

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #6 on: February 18, 2020, 09:25:39 pm »
Chrissie Hynde  @ChrissieHynde
An open Letter to @realDonaldTrump, President of the United States.

Dear Mr. President,

I often think of how much my father, Melville “Bud” Hynde, who proudly served his country as a Marine on Guadalcanal, would have enjoyed your Presidency. [p1.]
8:28 AM · Feb 17, 2020·Twitter Web App

The other day when you gave that award to Rush Limbaugh, my father would have been so delighted. He loved listening to Rush, which is why I allowed my song, 'My City Was Gone', to be used on his radio show.
My father and I didn't always see eye-to-eye. We argued a lot.. [p2.]

but isn’t that the American way? The right to disagree without having your head chopped off?  Soon, I will be participating in a protest in London against the extradition of #JulianAssange (@wikileaks). I know my father would be mortified, but I feel strongly enough to do [p3.]

what I believe is the right thing; to protest further punishment of a man who sought to defend Freedom, albeit in a way you rightly disagree with.  I know Mr. Assange broke the law (as i have done defending the treatment of animals) but I believe [p4.]

he has been duly punished and should now be set free.
Please consider my plea.

Yours truly,

Chrissie Hynde of @ThePretendersHQ
Tweeted Monday morning.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 09:31:01 pm by mountaineer »

Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 18, 2020
« Reply #7 on: February 18, 2020, 11:01:31 pm »
NICE.  I hope Rush survives his treatments.

BTW. Under obama our rating went from a AAA to an A.  Then obamcare, 'not about health' to put in JOB-KILLING REGULATIONS and sneak in 18 new taxes on we the people.  Not about health.  Wealth re-distribution, not to mention we NEVER needed this plan.  WE HAVE MEDICAID=WELFARE, MEDICARE, INDIGENT CARE, EMERGENCY CARE. Planned Parenthood on siding scale and some free clinics.

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« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 11:07:32 pm by LegalAmerican »