Author Topic: PAC Funded by Bezos, Bloomberg Entering Texas Congressional Races  (Read 404 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Texas Scorecard by Cary Cheshire February 14, 2020

A review of With Honor PAC’s board and financiers includes billionaire Democrats Jeff Bezos and Michael Bloomberg, along with anti-Trump Republican allies.

Two years ago, a new political organization named “With Honor” burst onto the national scene, giving out large amounts of cash to a select group of military veterans running for Congress.

Primarily funded by Amazon billionaire Jeff Bezos, a Democrat donor who gave the political action committee more than $10 million in August 2018, With Honor bills itself as a movement dedicated to electing “principled veteran leadership.” However, in practice, With Honor’s backing seems to extend to leaders of both parties regardless of veteran status.

According to campaign finance reports, the organization has doled out cash to both Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Republican minority leader Kevin McCarthy, neither of which are military veterans.

But who is With Honor? And why are they investing so heavily in congressional races?

Here’s how the group describes itself on its website:

“With Honor Action is a cross-partisan movement dedicated to promoting and advancing principled veteran leadership in elected public service. For too long, gridlock and partisan bickering have plagued Congress, putting a halt on progress at the expense of the American people. Now a new generation of veterans has stepped up to serve again, committed to putting their country before party politics, and we are proud to support them in their efforts to change Congress.”
