Author Topic: Pinkerton: ‘The New Class War’ Exposes the Oligarchs and Their Enablers  (Read 175 times)

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Breitbart by James P. Pinkerton 16 Feb 2020

The Threat from the Managerial Overclass

It’s fitting that a new book with a provocative title, The New Class War: Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite, came out the same week that the global elite had convened at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland.

If by chance, dear reader, you didn’t make it to Davos, Michael Lind’s book will help explain the strategies and tactics of the globe-trotters and globalizers. And of course, every day since Davos, we can see for ourselves the actions of the Davos Men.

For instance, there’s Michael Bloomberg, who is spending hundreds of millions—and who knows, maybe soon billions—of dollars in pursuit of the presidency. And there’s another billionaire, Tom Steyer, whose fortune, while immense, is still miniature next to that of Mayor Mike. (Sorry, Tom: You’ve been outbid.)

And then there’s Mayor Pete—Pete Buttigieg, McKinsey & Co.’s man in the Midwest. Buttigieg is not rich himself, at least not yet, but he is the preferred candidate of many rich people.
