General Category > Elections 2020

Warren Issues Broadside Against Mainstream Media as Campaign Falters


Warren Issues Broadside Against Mainstream Media as Campaign Falters
Massachusetts senator charges unequal treatment from mainstream media outlets

Collin Anderson - February 14, 2020 12:45 PM

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) issued a scathing denunciation of the mainstream media on Friday, accusing several outlets of ignoring her campaign in favor of lesser candidates and blaming that coverage in part for her campaign's failure to gain traction with primary voters.

In an email to supporters on Friday, Warren's campaign said it could no longer "count on the media to cover our campaign fairly." It argued that other candidates, such as former vice president Joe Biden, received more coverage despite posting less impressive results in early primary states.

"The night of the Iowa Caucuses, CNN didn't air Elizabeth's full speech. But they aired the speeches of other candidates she beat," the email said. "In New Hampshire on Tuesday night, networks played Vice President Biden's speech from South Carolina despite the fact that he left the state before polls closed—but not Elizabeth's even though she outperformed him, again."


She's doing a Hillary...everyone else's fault

Warren firing a 'broadside' evokes strange mental imagery.

PeteS in CA:
Dems are so cute when Dems' MSM shills don't shill specifically for them! :silly:

Maybe Fauxcahontas should have a little chat with Pelosi and Schifftyroo about their shampeachment sucking media-coverage oxygen her campaign needed. :silly:


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