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Top Democrat Donors Want Biden to Drop Out: ’He Has No Chance’



Top Democrat Donors Want Biden to Drop Out: ’He Has No Chance’
By Matt Margolis February 14, 2020

Joe Biden has managed to go from runaway frontrunner for the Democratic nomination to persona non grata in a matter of weeks, and now top Democrat donors are calling on him to end his campaign and let Mike Bloomberg try to fix the chaos that has been made of the Democratic primaries.

Biden was in New York City Thursday night with deep-pocketed liberal donors hoping to raise some quick cash to save his campaign, but it might be too late as Bloomberg seems ready to swoop in and siphon away Biden's support from the so-called moderate wing of the party.

“I feel sorry for Biden,” said Leon Cooperman, a billionaire hedge fund investor and Democrat fundraiser. “He should withdraw; he has no chance.”

Cooperman has come out in support of Bloomberg, and says that Bernie Sanders is unelectable.


What difference does it make if he drops out or just fades into oblivion? At this point his opponents can just ignore him either way.

Biden will hang on through Nevada and South Carolina.
But if he gets wiped out on Super Tuesday, he'll probably just go gently into that good night.
May not even make a "withdrawal" speech...

Free Vulcan:

--- Quote from: Fishrrman on February 15, 2020, 11:51:36 pm ---Biden will hang on through Nevada and South Carolina.
But if he gets wiped out on Super Tuesday, he'll probably just go gently into that good night.
May not even make a "withdrawal" speech...

--- End quote ---

Agree. I think Warren and Biden will both be out if they don't put something in the W column that night.

Which is only in a couple of weeks away anyway. Really no reason to drop out at least till after that, since they are already on the ballot.


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