General Category > Elections 2020

Elizabeth Warren Tells Heartwarming Anecdote About Taking Half of a Supporter's Money



Elizabeth Warren Tells Heartwarming Anecdote About Taking Half of a Supporter's Money
By Jim Treacher February 12, 2020

Unless something unforeseen happens -- which it still could, because that's what "unforeseen" means -- Elizabeth Warren isn't going to be the Democratic nominee for president in 2020. This is bad news for fans of comedy, but good news for everybody else. Even a cuck RINO traitor like me, who has given up caring about anything and is only in this to watch the chaos, wouldn't prefer that walking disaster. Warren is basically a more ambulatory, less trustworthy Hillary Clinton.

But Fauxcahontas still has her fans. According to her, at least. And they're selflessly devoted to her, if you believe this anecdote she just told:

--- Quote ---Elizabeth Warren

A young girl came up to me tonight and said, “I’m a broke college student with a lot of student loan debt. I checked and I have $6 in the bank—so I just gave $3 to keep you in this fight.” We’re staying in this fight for the people who are counting on us.
--- End quote ---


That's so sweet./s And I don't believe it for a minute.


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