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Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« on: February 11, 2020, 07:25:36 pm »

It’s Great to Be Back, Folks

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: Hey, now, look, I know you guys don’t like hearing me talk about the Democrats because you can get that anywhere, but you’re gonna have to bear with me today. I cannot avoid — this is too juicy, it’s too good, it’s too much fun, I’ve been looking too much forward to it. So we’re gonna talk about the Democrats today because the subject matter of the Democrats boils down to the fact that they’re lost. And they know it.

The bottom line is they know it. They don’t have a candidate that can beat Trump and to watch the pretense in the Drive-By Media as though these people are serious — well, they are seriously contending, given their hopes and dreams, but the reality is that this is just — and I’m not trying to jinx anything, and I’m not trying to be falsely positive with things, but it’s juicy, folks.

Great to be back. Telephone number, if you want to be on the program today, 800-282-2882 and, if you want to send an email, the address,

So last Friday I was here and I had the hacking cough. I sometimes missed the cough button, I’d aim for it and miss it, you’d hear the cough. I said, “Aw, geez, people are gonna get concerned.” I said, “It’s just a cold.” And it’s like every other cold I’ve ever had. I get ‘em once every three years or so, you can feel it coming on. I knew it. It was getting worse during the program. But I hung in there.

I got home and Kathryn had the medical team – “Oh, no.” I know what this meant. And so the medical team, “Yeah, we really need to put you in the hospital.” “No! No! If you put me in the hospital, I’m never gonna get out of there.

“You gotta go to the hospital.” So we went to the hospital. And it was a good thing ’cause it turned out to be flu. And I don’t even remember Saturday. I think I was just zonked, and then Sunday got out of there and then back here and roaring and ready to go. Unrelated to anything else going on. I still have some remnants of it, and you may — I don’t know. I may still sound a bit stuffed up. But, I mean, I feel a hundred percent better than I did here on Friday
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2020, 07:26:05 pm »

American Media Today: Democrat Activists Talking to Each Other

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: Snerdley came in bringing his little Stack of Stuff for me today. And CNN had an interview going on. I hope I’m able to relate this to you ’cause many of you are gonna think, “What’s the point of this?” And this is why I am here. You watching this, you would never notice what happened, you would never notice what it is unless I, somebody like me, a student of this stuff, can tell you.

CNN’s infobabe was conducting an interview with the senior vice president of Amazon. The senior vice president of Amazon has apparently written an op-ed defending Amazon against charges being made against it by the Democrat presidential candidates. I don’t even know what the specific charges the Democrat candidates have made against Amazon, but I can guess because Amazon’s a corporation and Democrats and leftists hate corporations and so the criticism is probably they don’t pay enough, they don’t have enough health care, they don’t have enough family leave, don’t have enough family dog leave, whatever it is.

Well, guess who the senior vice president for Amazon is? Does the name Jay Carney ring a bell? Jay Carney, when this program started back in 1988, Jay Carney was working at TIME magazine. Well, I think he was at TIME, yeah, and he was a reporter for TIME, and he worked his way up and became a columnist and then a something or other.

And then he became the spokesman for Biden during the Obama administration. And then he did so well speaking for Biden who didn’t need a spokesman because who cared, he moved over to the Obama White House. Now, all these people in the media know Jay Carney because he’s one of them. He is a Drive-By. By the way, he’s been very nice to me. Do not misinterpret me.

This is not a criticism of Jay Carney. I don’t want anybody sending Jay — he lives in Seattle, works for Amazon now, Bezos. This is not a criticism of him. This is an object lesson in American Media today. Jay Carney is every bit the journalist and everything that means within Washington, Drive-By Media. It means Democrat activist.

He’s every bit the Democrat activist that the infobabe interviewing him is, whether she’s at CNN or whether she was at MSNBC. And she knows that he’s every bit the Democrat activist that she is, and yet she’s treating him as though he is legitimately, because I guess that’s his title, the senior vice president for Amazon.

And who owns Amazon? The guy that owns Amazon owns the Washington Post. Can you say circle — no, I can’t, but you fill in the blank. And this is what American Media is today. They’re talking to each other. Whether they are legislative aides or whether they are senior vice presidents at Amazon or whether they are other journalists, they’re talking to each other.

The American media is its own closeted little subgroup in Washington, D.C., that then branches out and populates various other industries. And in this way, it’s a not-so-subtle form of bias. But it’s not even bias. It is the essence of out of touch. It is the essence of absolutely no connection with real people and an audience. They are literally talking to each other. It’s all inside baseball.

But the problem is that the average viewer has no idea of this. They think they’re literally watching people — one is media and one is not media and the one who is not media is really being grilled and really being hit hard with these questions. It wasn’t that way at all. In fact, when the interview was over, the CNN infobabe probably said, “Hey, Jay, can you get me a job at Amazon? Do they pay well over there? I’m probably maxed out here at CNN.” I mean, I’m just guessing. I don’t know that that happened so don’t tell anybody that I actually made that allegation.

This is itself a microcosm today of the Democrat Party. It’s a microcosm today of the American left, how insulated they are, how out of touch they are. They don’t have a chance. Now, I can’t say that. Everybody has a chance. Anything can happen. But as currently constructed and as the field currently exists, there’s nobody on that side of the aisle that has the ability to reach out beyond itself and make a connection with people outside itself. And it’s a very tight group. The Democrats and the media are one group, and everywhere journalists work when taking respite from media jobs is — But it’s just a very closeted, almost incestuous existence. And they consider themselves the elites. They’re smarter, they’re better, they’re brighter than everybody else.

And, meanwhile, outside their little cocoon and universe where they tell each other how important they are, how smart they are, and how relevant they are, here’s this guy that they haven’t been able to figure out or understand, Donald Trump, and he literally is running rings around them.


RUSH: I did a little research. Folks, it’s okay to laugh at the Democrats. It’s safe to laugh at the Democrats. I don’t think you should worry about it coming back to bite you. So when I saw the CNN infobabe interviewing the former TIME magazine columnist, the former Biden spokesperson, the former Obama spokesperson and now senior vice president at Amazon, Jay Carney, about why the Democrat candidates are so mad at Amazon, I had to find out.

It had to be more than just that Amazon’s a gigantic billionaire corporation and they hate things like that. And I found out what it is. Fauxcahontas said that she wants to break up Amazon. “It’s just too big, and it’s not good.” Even though the CEO is one of them.

But the funny thing is this. I still have a cough if I laugh too much. A number of Democrats — I don’t know why this amuses me. A number of Democrats have attacked Amazon. Amazon has the biggest Web server farm in the world, Amazon Web services. And they rent space on their servers, lease space to the federal government, including ICE. And the leftists are livid at Amazon because ICE has leased server space on Amazon Web Services. They hate Amazon because they’re helping ICE, law enforcement.

How out of touch can you get? But that’s who they are and that’s what their candidates have to reflect because that’s what their base voters believe. So the candidates have to adopt this cockamamie, crazy policy oriented stuff that is so narrow casted it doesn’t have a prayer of reverberating with anywhere near a majority of the American people.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2020, 07:26:55 pm »

Pete Buttigieg Says Parents Can’t Explain Trump to Their Kids

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: So for those of you watching on the Dittocam — that means you are a subscriber, a member at Rush 24/7 — keep a sharp eye here. ‘Cause I saw a — in fact, Brian, when I point at you, not now, but the next time I point, that’s when you do the switch, okay? I shoulda done this before the segment began, but what the heck, I mean, given the instructions. We’re trying to make it real tight here, you know, look like TV broadcast professionals.

Okay. So I saw a political ad where Mayor Pete, Mayor Pete Buttigieg was going on and on and on and on and on about how parents in America are struggling to explain President Trump to their children. And then I happened to see this.

Now, what are you shaking your head at in there? I mean, natural conclusion. So, he says Trump causes problems for parents. What about that? If you’re not watching on the Dittocam, what it is, a picture of Mayor Pete kissing his husband, which he does frequently.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2020, 07:56:00 pm »

Why the Democrats Are Imploding

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: Why are the Democrats imploding? I was watching today before the busy broadcast began, and I was watching some people literally surprised that Joe Biden has crashed and burned in New Hampshire.

I said, “Where have you been?” How can anybody be surprised that Biden was not gonna be the nominee? How can anybody be surprised that Biden was gonna — he’s been collapsed. He’s been “stick a fork in him” for months now. “But, Rush, the poll data.” Screw that. The polls were for another reason. Plugs, what, fifth place in Iowa if anybody even knows. He’s pulled up stakes. The bus broke down yesterday!

You want a microcosm? The Plugs bus broke down! It was a symbol. The Plugs campaign was never going to get to the nomination. But because these people live and die by their own polls, they believed Plugs was the guy, Plugs was the leader, Plugs was leading the pack, and Crazy Bernie was having trouble making up ground. So now people are expressing surprise at the total collapse of the Biden campaign. He’s pulled up stakes and is already on the way to South Carolina.

Plugs’ problem… The same thing happened to Plugs that happened to Howard Dean. These guys need to stop talking about me. They think when they talk about me that it’s gonna ignite their audiences and get all kinds of support, and it ends up wiping them out. I have proof of this coming up. Audio sound bites. You’ll see what I’m talking about in just a second. But it’s not just Plugs. Why are the Democrats imploding?”

Here is a headline from the Daily Beast, and the writer is Michael Tomasky or Tomasky. I’m not sure how he pronounces it. He’s a well-known leftist writer, highly respected. Headline: “They’re Voting in New Hampshire, But This Democrat,” meaning himself, Tomasky, “Just Wants to Jump Off a Bridge — New Hampshire is voting.

“I remember when this used to be an exciting day. Even if my candidate didn’t win, which he … usually didn’t, I loved both the reliable rituals and the unexpected little accidents. … Well, it’s not exciting now. It’s depressing. I’m depressed. Almost everybody I know, every Democrat anyway, is depressed. It’s a mess. Iowa was a [crap]show and shouldn’t be first anyway.”

Don’t you love that, by the way, now? (chuckling) These people hate the Midwest anyway but have always fallen in for the Hawkeye Cauci. Now the Democrats can’t even run their own caucus without the Russians coming in and screwing that up. So now they want to cancel the Hawkeye Cauci. So now they’re even being honest about how they feel. They don’t like you in Iowa and they never really have. “New Hampshire shouldn’t be second,” said Mr. Tomasky, “it’s totally preposterous.”

Iowa? New Hampshire?

The first two states?

What are we doing?

“[Y]et the party lacks the stones to tell these self-important, second-tier states to go stuff it.” So now because there’s not a single Democrat lighting it up aside from Crazy Bernie and maybe Mayor Pete — but more on him in a moment, too. Now all of a sudden with the frustration… These people… You gotta understand, they’ve been lying to themselves for going on four years now that everybody hated Trump, that Trump somehow got elected with a quirk of fate that did not include a genuine Electoral College majority.

The Russians or something! But everybody hates Trump. Trump was going down. Trump was gonna lose in a landslide. They had themselves convinced even before they started the Russia business and then the impeachment business, they were convinced folks. I’ve told you: They were lying to themselves through and through. The reality is hitting them. That’s what this Tomasky piece is about and all these others.

The reality is hitting them that they can’t beat Trump. Not as things look at this moment, in a snapshot today, with their candidates and with their campaign. So now, everything in the system…. This is typical of the left. Since they’re not gonna win, all of a sudden, the Hawkeye Cauci suck — and New Hampshire? What the hell is New Hampshire doing being number two? That shouldn’t happen, either!

So all of this frustration is now boiling over and effervescing out of the pot. This guy says here, “The candidates don’t look like winners. The party looks like it might be headed toward a face-off between a billionaire and a man who wants to ban billionaires, neither of them really Democrats.” That’d be Crazy Bernie and Doomberg. His last line here: “And Donald Trump is going to be reelected.” So why are they imploding?

They are imploding for a host of reasons, but among them is they are offering solutions to problems that don’t exist. They’re trying to create problems that we don’t have anymore because we’ve got Trump, because we’ve instituted market economics, because we have a foundation of conservatism here that is being implemented, policy after policy after policy. So they’re having to invent these problems that they have, in fact, created over the years so that they can offer solutions to them.

The Democrats do not offer solutions to the people who make the country work. The Democrats offer solutions for authoritarian, elected Democrats and unelected bureaucrats and themselves. The Democrats are all about establishing a way of life for themselves, not for the people, not for the country. I mean, Democrats right now want to dump a phenomenal economic model. They want to destroy the engine that has produced the strongest economy in 50 years and maybe longer than that.

And with what? They want to replace it with an economic model that fails every time it’s tried. So that they can have problems that they claim only they have the solutions to. Well, that’s their problem, not ours. They are unhappy with a Constitution that has created the greatest country that has ever existed. That’s their problem, not ours. “Ninety Percent of Americans Are Satisfied with Their Lives.” Ninety percent!” That’s an unheard of number in a record high.

For a couple of generations. Ninety percent of Americans are very satisfied with their lives, and you’re trying to get rid of the administration and the policies that have created this? So what would you do? If you wanted to replace all this, what would you do? I don’t know what, but it certainly wouldn’t be the way the Democrats are going about it. It makes perfect sense they are imploding.


RUSH: Look at the Democrats’ pattern. They don’t win the Electoral College in Trump versus Hillary, so what? Ban the Electoral College. Now they don’t like the Hawkeye Cauci ’cause they couldn’t even count the votes. Gonna ban the Hawkeye Cauci. And now they don’t like the fact that nobody’s looking good in New Hampshire, so let’s ban New Hampshire.

It’s never them. It’s always the system. It’s always the plan, it’s always the mechanism that is at fault. It’s never them. It couldn’t be that they’ve nominated in what they thought was the most fertile ground to win the White House ever: universal hatred of Donald Trump. This is what they’ve believed. And they can’t find anybody to capitalize on that. Nobody to capitalize. They thought they could, but they can’t find anybody.

Why can’t they? Because Donald Trump is not universally hated. They continue to live this illusion, and to me it’s humorous to watch. We’ve got a montage here. It’s not just me saying this. Last week, the Friday debate, the Drive-By Media becoming more and more convinced the Democrats cannot beat Trump.

JONATHAN KARL: I don’t think there was anybody, based on tonight’s performance, that has the Trump campaign quaking in their boots.

MARTHA RADDATZ: Did anyone prove they could beat Donald Trump tonight?

BYRON PITTS: Frankly, I don’t think anyone did a great job of it.

CECILIA VEGA: The Democrats are still struggling.

JOE SCARBOROUGH: Among the current crop of candidates there’s a fear that there may not be the ability to take down Donald Trump.

WILLIE GEIST: Yeah, you hear it time and again.

DAVID AXELROD: If you were Donald Trump and watching this debate, how would you feel about it? Because my guess is, he would feel fine about it.

JEN PSAKI: It’s a little scary. Democrats should be a little frightened after this.

BILL MAHER: If they can’t get their act together, soon, it’s going to be over before it begins.

JAMES CARVILLE: If we go the way of the British Labor Party, if we nominate Jeremy Corbyn, it’s going to be the end of days. I am scared to death, I really am.

RUSH: That was James Carville there. He’s going on 75 years of age, and he said, “If we go the way of the Labor Party, if we nominate Jeremy Corbyn, it’s gonna be the end of days,” I’d be out of my gumbo. And he’s scared to death. He’s scared to death. He thinks the party is on the way to becoming a cult. He doesn’t like Crazy Bernie. He just has no use for – James, you know I know you, buddy, known you and your wife a long time. James is one of these Democrats who’s living in a bygone era. He thinks this is still the Democrat Party of the Clinton era, and it isn’t.

This is a far-left-wing, radical, revolution-based party. That is the base of the Democrat Party. I think he knows it. I think it’s what actually scares him. It is trending here for a secure minority position.


RUSH: Let’s get started on the phones. We always try to do that in the first hour. Loves Park, Illinois. Rich. Where is Loves Park, Illinois?

CALLER: So it’s located about 90 miles west of Chicago, north of Rockford, Illinois.

RUSH: I wonder… I never knew. I missed this. I can’t believe it.

CALLER: It’s very small.

RUSH: Okay. It’s great to know where it is. What’s up? What’s happening?

CALLER: So my thought is, Rush, I think at this point the Democrats have realized they don’t have a candidate that can beat Trump. So I think they’re gonna get behind Buttigieg with the idea that, if he loses, when he loses (’cause he will), that they can then have a built-in excuse that the country’s not ready for an openly gay candidate and the Republicans are homophobes. So they can’t get behind him because of that. So I think they’re going to push for him because of the built-in excuse when they lose — ’cause all the candidates will lose against Trump — that we’re not ready for an openly gay president.

RUSH: Well, I can understand your thinking. That’s, in fact — based on history and the study of Democrats — a very sensible, logical theory to explain why they might nominate somebody who could lose. Like in 1984, they nominated Walter Mondale. They knew Reagan was gonna win a landslide reelection. So they didn’t want to sacrifice somebody they really thought could win the presidency someday. So they let Mondull have it. Mondull had been a loyal war horse for all of his life, Minnesota DFL, and he had been vice president of Jimmy Carter. So if any Democrat was gonna get shellacked and have their career ended, let it be Mondull.


RUSH: Now, in this you’re thinking — you’re your stated theory is — that the Democrats would love to be able to win by losing, by claiming they only lost because America is homophobic. Republican voters are still anti-gay, anti-tranny, what have you, and so forth. (sigh) I’m not… I don’t know that this is what is the active thinking.

There might be some Democrats thinking this. But Mayor Pete is not gonna allow himself to be used this way. Mayor Pete is not gonna say, “You want me to lose on purpose so you guys can claim that the country hates people like me?” He’s gonna have play along with this, and the problem with this theory is… I don’t know if you’ve noticed it or not, folks, but I have because I see the stitches on the fastball.

The thing you gotta remember here, whether you can see it for yourself or not, is this party and whoever it is running it — take your pick — they do not want Bernie Sanders anywhere near this nomination. And it’s not because they’re afraid he’s gonna win. It’s because they’re afraid he’s going to lose and redefine the party as a cult and end its dominance forever. They’re looking for anybody to take this away.

It was gonna be Fauxcahontas, and she’s fading away. I mean, she ought to be mopping the floor in New Hampshire. I mean, that’s just, you know, a couple tepees away from where she was teaching as a phony Indian at Harvard. No, I’m telling you, the savior, the one… If you read between the lines, the one they’re now claiming could be the answer to all their problems is Amy Klobuchar. Don’t doubt me.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2020, 07:56:41 pm »

Trump Steals the Spotlight in New Hampshire

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: Here’s ABC Jonathan Karl. Now, this happens every now and then. Trump had a rally Monday night in Manchester. Do you know what happened? Trump left that rally early to go to Dover, Delaware, to be there with the grieving families upon the arrival of two U.S. military personnel killed in Afghanistan. He wanted to be there personally. He says it’s one of the hardest parts of the job is military deployment, military death. Probably true of all presidents.

But at the New Hampshire rally it was like ’em all. You got 34 degrees, 30 degrees, people lined up 24 hours in advance, thousands more people lining up than will ever be able to get into the arena. And yet they are there, and yet they stay. And apparently, the average case, 25% of those showing up are Democrats. And that figure is pretty much accurate for every Trump rally no matter where it is. And Trump will draw at a New Hampshire rally more people than all the Democrat candidates combined will draw in couple or three days.

Now, the Drive-Bys don’t tell you that because that’s devastating news. Donald Trump can go in uncontested. There’s not even a Republican primary to be concerned about, Trump is the nominee, there’s not gonna be any question about it. He goes in there and draws a bigger crowd than all of these Democrats combined. And the Drive-Bys have been seeing this and they’ve been trying to ignore it. “Well, crowd size at rallies doesn’t mean anything.” Still lying to themselves about a truth they should have been reckoning with for the past five years if you count the campaign starting in 2015.

So Jonathan Karl of ABC News, he went to the Manchester Trump rally. And whenever these Drive-By Media people actually go get a visa to go to one of these rallies rather than just watch it on TV or read about it later, they more often than not are profoundly moved by it. Here is Jonathan Karl. This is last night on the ABC News website. He’s the White House correspondent. His reaction to Trump’s rally in Manchester last night.

KARL: Trump supporters are as fired up as I have ever seen them. I mean, this rally is in an arena that I was at just two nights ago, Saturday night at an event that included all of the major candidates for the Democratic nomination, and we have a bigger crowd here by far just for Donald Trump than we had on Saturday for all of the Democrats. Trump supporters are very energized. You’ve got the impeachment acquittal, good news on the economy, and Democrats coming out of Iowa seem to be in disarray. They feel like they’re on the winning side. And also, by the way, Trump’s approval rating has hit its highest level ever.

RUSH: Yeah, Trump’s approval rating is the highest it’s ever been. You’ve got 90% of the American people satisfied with things as they are. The Democrats are offering solutions to problems that don’t exist! The Democrats are actually talking about problems people don’t want to have. So they don’t want Democrat solutions to problems that don’t exist. Why create the problem just to get Democrat solutions?

Democrat solutions to these problems is what led us to the muck and the mire for so many years. The great thing here is in three years of sturdy, studied application of opposition policy, look how quickly this country can rebound from eight years of an Obama administration telling us, “It’s a new era of decline! America’s best days are behind us. You need to lower your expectations. Your job is not coming back if you’re in Ohio or if you are in Wisconsin,” and 25% of that crowd was Democrats.

And the Democrat says, “Well, man, they can’t seem to get energized!” Why can’t they get energized? When you are offering solutions to problem that don’t exist, how does that sound, by the way, to the average person? If you’re talking about solutions to problems that don’t exist, you must be advocating for the problem. Who wants the problem? If the problem doesn’t exist, you don’t want that just to get Democrat solutions. One thing we know is Democrat solutions don’t work. They prolong problem.

There’s one more here. Nah, I gotta take a break.

Trump did his own version of Operation Chaos at the rally last night — which, of course, I admired.


RUSH: So here’s Trump at the rally, the Keep America Great rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, last night. This is his version of Operation Chaos.

THE PRESIDENT: We hear that there could be — ’cause you have crossovers in primaries, don’t you? So I hear a lot of Republicans tomorrow will vote for the weakest candidate possible of the Democrats. Does that make sense? You people wouldn’t do that. My only problem is I’m trying to figure out who is their weakest candidate? I think they’re all weak!

CROWD: (laughter, whistling and applause)

RUSH: Classic. Classic Trump. That right there is a microcosm of how Trump is entirely, totally different than your average Washington (or anywhere else) politician. That is the same attitude that Trump had when he said, “Hey, Russia? Russia, if you’re listening, maybe you could find the missing Hillary emails. There are so many people in our media looking for ’em.” He’s totally jabbing ’em, he’s totally jabbing them, making a big deal out of Hillary’s missing emails.

So he’s jamming ’em up with it, and now he’s jamming ’em about having nobody that can beat him and then helping the Republicans pile on. This is the kind of stuff that the Drive-Bys and the Democrats say (sputtering), “This is — this is dirty tricks! This is — this is despicable. This is… It’s a closeted message to the Russians,” and so forth. The key thing present here that they lack is a sense of humor, particularly a self-deprecating sense of humor.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2020, 08:48:53 pm »

Who’s Surprised Biden Bombed Out?

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: Plugs is fleeing New Hampshire, folks. Listen to this.

BIDEN: We’re gonna fight for every vote we have here, and then I’m getting on a plane and heading down there, doing a little rally in South Carolina to get going, and then get in a plane and going in…


BIDEN: …Nevada. (reporters all talking over one another)

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: (crosstalk) Are you concerned about the message that you’re sending to New Hampshire by going…

BIDEN: No, I’m not.


BIDEN: Not at all. Not at all. They know we’ve worked our heart here. We’re continuing (cheers start) we’re going to go all the way to the end.

RUSH: We’re not even waiting for the results. We already know we’re gonna get shellacked. We’re heading down to South Carolina. We’re gonna save the black vote. No. No. Ain’t gonna happen there or in Nevada.


RUSH: Grab sound bite number 6. We’ve got time to squeeze this in. This is Andrea Mitchell, NBC News, Washington, on the Today show today, and it’s just more evidence that it’s not looking good for Joe Biden.

MITCHELL: Not at all! And they could place fifth, certainly fourth. And the fact is, they’re beginning to have that feeling of a loser. Mike Bloomberg has moved into position, and having lost so much of the African-American support, Joe Biden is almost on fumes, really. This is a real problem for their campaign.

RUSH: I hear this stuff and I wonder, “Where have these people been?” They believe their own conventional wisdom, inside baseball stuff. Biden hasn’t… It was never going to happen. Beginning to lose African-American support? Guess I’m gonna have to explain that too.


RUSH: Now, I mentioned in the previous hour that one of the mistakes that Plugs made was mentioning me. The Democrats believe that they can fundraise off my name. They believe that they can get cheers and accolades by mentioning my name and that it’s gonna redound to their benefit. I want to demonstrate here via audio sound bite that that’s not how this happens. We’re at audio sound bite number 7.

Now, this is Friday night in Manchester. This is live on ABC. It’s during the Democrat presidential debate, and Biden is talking about Trump (I can’t wait to talk about this) frog marching Vindman out of the White House. “O say can you see you later, by the dawn’s…?” This guy… We all know an Alexander Vindman. We’ve all had at least two of these guys in every class in high school. We’ve all had a guy like this somewhere where we work.

This guy turns tail on Trump, participates in an impeachment hearing in an attempt to get Trump thrown out of office, and now people think it’s outrageous that Trump would fire the guy? “This is unheard of! This kind of retaliation is unheard of.” What do you mean, retaliation? What about what Vindman did? “He’s a decorated military man, Mr. Limbaugh. How dare you assault his motive.” What do you mean, decorated?

I can assault his motives all I want! It doesn’t matter what his medals are! It matters what he did, and he made up a bunch of stuff, sitting there saying Trump didn’t follow his talking points. He doesn’t set foreign policy! Trump never even met this guy. Trump doesn’t know this guy produces talking points. But Vindman’s taking it personally. “He did not follow the talking points that I wrote! I produced the talking points for that phone call.

“I do U.S. national security for Ukraine.” In your dreams, dude, do you do national security for Ukraine. You might have in the Obama years with your buddy Eric Ciaramella, the whistleblower. But Vindman’s gonna be okay. He’s back at the Army somewhere, some Army War College. I just marvel at all these people. (sniffling) “It’s so unfair what happened to Vindman. This retaliation has gotta stop!” Yeah, like you can sit there, and anybody can shoot at you and take potshots at you.

And you just have to sit there and take it, and then you’ve gotta thank ’em after you survive it then you gotta walk up and shake their hand and say, “Nice try.” Nope. It isn’t how it works anywhere. You take a shot at the leader, the king? If you miss, you’re history — and everybody in this game knows that. Anyway, anyway, Biden’s being asked about Vindman and being fired, walked out of the White House, and this is what Plugs had to say.

BIDEN: Colonel (sic) Vindman got thrown out of the White House today, walked out. I think we should, and — and at the same time, he should have been (sputtering) pinning a medal on Vindman and not on Rush Limboll.

CROWD: (smattering of applause)

BIDEN: (coughing) And I think…I think we should be doing now… I think we should all stand and give Colonel Vindman a — a — ashow of how much we supported him. Stand up and clap for Vindman.

CROWD: (smattering of applause)

BIDEN: Get your… Get up there!

RUSH: Right, stand up for Vindman. Stand up! Right, stand up for Vindman. (interruption) No, no, no, I’m not playing this ’cause it’s about me. I’m telling you, Plugs thought that he was gonna score big my mentioning me, by pitting Vindman against me and so forth. Here’s how it fared. We’ll get back to sound bite 8, sound bite number 9. This is David Axelrod and Joe Lockhart, and they are talking about how phony and practiced and ill-delivered Biden’s line was.

AXELROD: This had all the earmarks of something that was planned, that he wanted to do. Um, and that — and it was effective. But it also, you know, he — he just getting… Getting the whole thing, laying it out is not his. He’s.. He’s not smooth in doing it, and so, um, it could have been a — amore effective moment than it was.

LOCKHART: David has hit on, uh, a point which is when you try to script Joe Biden, it doesn’t work, and he kind of stepped on his own line.

RUSH: Well, in the first place he mispronounced my name, “Rush Limboll.” But the whole thing was ill-conceived and the amount of… I was actually surprised at how little applause Biden got for it. Anyway, there’s a staccato or an exclamation point to this.


RUSH: The Drudge Report has a link to, “Record Turnout in New Hampshire?” I didn’t click on it. Look. I gotta run fast here. Sound bite 10 and 11. Now, the point here is Biden invokes my name — he liked it so much, he did it again — and after doing it, he has fled New Hampshire, conceding defeat, and this has happened before. This what I want to illustrate. So here is Biden yesterday in Manchester.

BIDEN: (shouting) Are you ready to get rid of president who pins a Presidential Medal of Freedom on Rush Limboll?

CROWD: (applause)

BIDEN: Are ready get rid of a president who has marched a decorated war hero out of the White House for telling the truth and who was a real hero and has real courage and escorted him out?

RUSH: Right. So there he is: Me versus Vindman again. Of course, Vindman, more on him later. Now, when has this happened in the past? It happened in… Let’s see. This was 2004, and this happened… It’s either Iowa or New Hampshire. This is actually a montage all of the times Howard Dean tried to revive his faltering campaign using me.


DEAN: I am tired of having Rush Limbaugh lay claim to the American flag. We aren’t under the thumb of the Rush Limbaughs. We are taking our country back piece by piece from the Rush Limbaughs. We have the power to take back the United States of America so our flag is not owned by Rush Limbaugh. You have the power to take back our country so that the flag no longer represents solely Rush Limbaugh. You have the power to take back our country. So that the flag never again is the sole property of Rush Limbaugh.

The flag of the United States doesn’t belong to Rush Limbaugh. So the flag of the United States of America is no longer the sole property of Rush Limbaugh. This democracy and the flag of the United States do not belong to Rush Limbaugh. We have the power to take back our country so that the flag of the United States is no longer the sole property of Rush Limbaugh. This country does not belong to Rush Limbaugh. I want my country back, Mr. President. That flag belongs to every single American, not to Rush Limbaugh. Move over. I want my country back again, because the flag of this country does not belong to Rush Limbaugh. You have the power to take back the flag, so it does no longer belong solely to Rush Limbaugh.



RUSH: This guy flamed out. Howard Dean flamed out. It was one primary he was supposed to win. I think it was either Iowa… He was supposed to win the Hawkeye Cauci real big and came in 23rd, and it was over. I don’t even remember why he got on this roll thinking that the flag was mine or why anybody else in the Democrat Party thought the flag was mine. This is so funny to go back and listen to that. But this is what happens. They think they’re going to skyrocket mentioning my name, and it doesn’t end up helping them.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 11, 2020
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2020, 08:49:30 pm »

DOJ Reverses on Stone Sentencing

Feb 11, 2020

RUSH: Ah, my friends, this is so much fun to watch. Now, you know that Roger Stone was given a sentence of seven to nine years for bragging about knowing Trump and WikiLeaks and whatever the hell else they think he did. And the Drive-Bys, it’s about all they were gonna get out of the Russia thing is Roger Stone going to jail for seven — that was gonna have to do, that was gonna have to suffice for victory.

Well, they are about to blow a gasket in the Drive-By Media ’cause the DOJ just announced that seven to nine years is excessive and that they’re gonna drastically reduce it. And so CNN’s got a whole panel convened, “Can you believe? This is just not done. The DOJ does not countermand judicial sentences like this. This is more Trump corruption.” They’re driving themselves crazy. Trump is driving them nuts. And I have to tell you, it is entertaining to watch.

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Democrat Party...the Party of Infanticide

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34