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Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« on: February 12, 2020, 06:48:53 pm »

My Unique Outlook on the Democrat Race

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: Somebody asked me last night, “Rush, since you know these people so well and you know what’s gonna happen, does it ever just get old hat and boring when it does happen and it happens exactly as you say?”

I said, “No, it’s kind of like playing golf, hitting a straight down the middle drive never gets boring.” Right, Brian? “Never gets boring. It just continues to be fun.”

Great to have you with us, folks. Here we are, three more hours straight ahead, broadcast excellence, El Rushbo at 800-282-2882. The e-mail address,

Let me share with you some headlines here. I have, as usual, an entirely different take on what happened last night than what you’re getting in the Drive-By Media. I’ll just ask you a series of questions as my take on this. Here are the headlines from the Drive-Bys. This is all conventional wisdom, this is all — I don’t know — so utterly predictable.

“Narrow Win In New Hampshire Bolsters Sanders’ Frontrunner Status.” All right. Just bank all this, and we’re gonna come back to it. “Is It Already Too Late For The Establishment To Stop Bernie?” What establishment? You mean they’re admitting there’s a Democrat establishment? And is it too late to stop Crazy Bernie? “Why Joe Biden’s Campaign Is Collapsing.”

Grab audio sound bite number 1. I want to play for you something I said back on May 1st, 2019 when Joe Biden first got in this race. Some of you will remember this.

RUSH ARCHIVE: I’m gonna whisper this to you ‘cause I don’t want it to get out. (whispering) You just keep this between you and me, okay? Turn your radios up a little bit so you can hear this, ‘cause I don’t want this to get out. Don’t anybody tweet this. Don’t anybody put it on Facebook. But old Joe is not gonna be able to handle the rigors. It ain’t gonna be long, folks, and he’s gonna have to pull out.

RUSH: Now, what did I know that these wizards of smart in mainstream media news didn’t know? Where in his track record has Joe Biden ever won anything in any presidential contest he’s entered? I’m not trying to be mean. I don’t want anybody misunderstand this. This is just fact-based analysis, intelligence guided by experience or vice-versa.

There is no way Joe Biden was ever going to be the nominee of the Democrat Party. It wasn’t gonna happen. Because it hasn’t happened when he’s tried before. He hasn’t done anything to erase the negatives that happened in the past. The fact that he was Obama’s vice president and Obama won’t even endorse him and Obama’s out telling other Democrat candidates that Biden doesn’t even have a connection with voters.

You know, at Obama’s office in Washington, he’s been receiving Democrat candidates. They’re coming in, they’re asking him for advice and so forth. And he’s been handing it out. But that’s another questionable thing. I mean, the people Obama endorses lose as well.

But some of these Democrat candidates are reporting that when they went in to seek advice and counsel from Obama, that Obama would say things (imitating Obama), “You know, when in 2008 when I went into Iowa, I had a deep connection with Iowa voters, but I’ve lost that connection. They don’t last forever in politics.” He said, “Let me tell you somebody who never had it, and that’s Joe Biden.”

Now, what he meant was, Biden didn’t do a thing to help Obama get elected, in Obama’s mind. But you know where Biden was valuable to Obama? And I guess this doesn’t count for much. You can’t find anybody more loyal to Barack Obama than Joe Biden was. Whenever Obama was in any trouble, whenever they needed somebody to stick up for Obama, his character, whatever it was, they brought Biden out at the convention or wherever. And there was nobody better to sing the virtues and praises of Obama than Biden, and he did it. And this is his reward.

It’s a cutthroat business. But he was never going to be the nominee. “Well, what about all the polls, Rush? What about all the polls the past year that show him as the frontrunner?” Yeah, what about those polls? What did they mean? Another thing that I have been attempting to get people to pay attention to, and that is ignore all of these polls that are taken months before any kind of an election because they don’t matter. That’s not their purpose.

These people that had Biden as the frontrunner for the last five months ought to be getting out of business by now, don’t you think? I have never believed that Biden was going to be the nominee. And I’ve made that abundantly clear on many occasions. It has nothing to do with what I think of him. It has nothing to do with whether I like him or not. Just straight-up-and-down political analysis that, frankly, isn’t hard.

But these people in the Drive-By Media get all caught up in the fact that he’s an ex-vice president, and that’s the number one qualifier. He was Obama’s vice president. By golly, by gosh, that’s who the establishment Democrats ought to want. Well, they don’t, and they never did. And why did Biden get in in the first place? He had to be dragged into this. Does anybody remember this? Biden didn’t really want to do it. They had to drag him in there, and that’s ’cause of Crazy Bernie.

Now, just stick with me here. I’m gonna go through the rest of these headlines. “Why Biden’s Campaign Is Collapsing –” I have an answer to that one, right here. This story is from Ben Domenech in the New York Post. But let me tell you why this is great. Never Trump Republicans were secretly working on the Biden campaign. Did you know this?

“Emails obtained by The Post show that two top staffers from Kasich’s failed, 2016 primary campaign and Ohio’s former GOP chairman, a Kasich ally, were among those involved in efforts to boost support for the former vice president in last week’s botched Iowa caucus and Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary.

“Documents attached to one email show the group planned to identify and target at least 5,000 Democrats ‘from the conservative voter base’ in each of Iowa’s four congressional districts, then use that information in ‘suppression, persuasion and GOTV [get out the vote] efforts.’”

So you had a bunch of Never Trumpers, a bunch of Republican Never Trumpers, including Kasich’s people, trying to help Biden get elected, trying to help Biden get the nominee ’cause they can’t stand Trump, they hate Trump, they can’t find a way to get rid of Trump, so they figured the best way to get rid of Trump is Biden. So these Never Trumpers struck out again, demonstrating once again they don’t have a feel for the electorate, they don’t have a feel for the American people. They don’t have a feel for what their own party voters want.

Never Trump Republicans helping Joe Biden? Why, you want to talk about the kiss of death, and it happened. I find it funny. I find it immensely satisfying that a bunch of nose-out-of-joint Never Trump Republicans who have it in their heads that they’ve gotta hate Trump for reasons they can’t even enunciate anymore, despite every supposed policy they told us all those years they endorsed now being implemented and working, that doesn’t matter to them. They gotta get rid of the guy who’s implementing everything they’ve ever believed or said they believed. And they have been working to undermine Donald Trump since the campaign of 2016.

Now they’ve been working to undermine Trump’s reelection. They probably had a lot to do with all the Russia impeachment hoax stuff. Now they’ve been helping Biden? Is it any wonder the guy went down the tubes? Of course, Biden was capable of that all by himself. But with the assistance of John Kasich and his campaign team, Biden’s failure was thus guaranteed and assured.

There’s another headline here. Let’s see. “Biden Would Show Selfless Patriotism by Quitting the Race.” That is Peter Funt, USA Today. These Democrats have the strangest definitions of patriotism. “Biden Would Show Selfless Patriotism by Quitting the Race.” Let me tell you something. I’m gonna tell you people one thing here. Joe Biden still has value to the Democrats that they may not realize, ’cause I’ll tell you, if Biden…

Well, Biden’s finished, and you know what that means? That means that a significant percentage of the black vote is legitimately up for grabs by Donald Trump. That’s what that means, and that is gonna dawn on these people the minute it’s official that Biden’s done. It’s official now, but it’s not official ’cause he’s still in there. But he’s done. But once it’s official — after Nevada, South Carolina — you watch.

Panic is gonna set in. Here’s Byron York, Washington Examiner: “What Happened to Elizabeth Warren?” What happened to Elizabeth Warren? Can you say she tried to say she’s an Indian? What do you mean, “What Happened to Elizabeth Warren?” And then she said that her kids didn’t go to private school when they did. She can’t tell the truth. What happened to Elizabeth Warren?

How about “you didn’t build that”? What happened to Elizabeth Warren? The question is, why was she ever viable? Why did Elizabeth Warren ever…? Now, maybe within the context of the Democrat nomination, you can say that she thought… These are people that get caught up in their own created media narratives that are oftentimes (sigh), well, created absent any consideration of public opinion.

Or maybe they calculate public opinion by looking at polls which have Biden as the clear frontrunner with nobody even close. There’s a lot less gut being utilized by political analysts. Let’s see. “Amy Klobuchar Is the Thinking Moderate Democrats’ Candidate.” That’s in Vox. You know they’ve got a word for what happened to Klobuchar? “Klobmentum.” That sounds like a constipation drug you might see on TV: Klobmentum.


RUSH: I want to finish what we started here, and I want to present you the options I think the Democrat Party’s faced with after what happened at the Hawkeye Cauci and in the New Hampshire primary.

But first, more evidence that you’re right where you need to be if you want to know what’s first and if you want to be cutting edge political analysis. Last night CNN special coverage New Hampshire primary, former governor Terry “the Punk” McAuliffe, the Clinton campaign, the Clinton White House, governor of Virginia, had this to say.

MCAULIFFE: You’ve gotta give this guy credit. I mean, he came in first in Iowa. It looks like he’s gonna be second tonight. This is a guy, a mayor of a small town. A year ago, nobody gave this guy a chance.

RUSH: He’s talking about Mayor Pete Buttigieg. Nobody ever heard of this guy. Nobody knew where this guy was. Nobody… Uh, not so fast. Let’s go back to 11 months ago today.

RUSH ARCHIVE: Keep a sharp eye out for Mayor Pete. Keep an eye on this guy. He is gonna make mincemeat of all the rest of these people. When his time comes to face these people in debate, if he gets that far, keep an eye on Mayor Pete of South Bend. It’s all I’m gonna say. This guy was articulate for what he believes. He was personable. He had an answer for everything. There was no, “And, y’know, I… Like, uhhhh,” and there was no radicalism. Some things that he believes about Trump are typically crazy, but keep an eye out for Mayor Pete. He’s 37. Keep an eye out for Mayor Pete.

RUSH: Snerdley has been ticked off at me for making that observation nearly a year ago, because Snerdley believes had I not made the observation, a lot of people would not have given Mayor Pete Buttigieg the time of day. But just to illustrate. Now, Mayor Pete is, like every other leftist Democrat in this whole roster, a fraud in the sense that he’s trying to cover up the fact that he is a radical leftist.

His dad was a Marxist communist, who loved the Communist Manifesto. Mayor Pete’s trying to carve a niche for himself where he’s not Crazy Bernie’s got that all wrapped up. But I don’t care who the Democrats nominate. The party, as we’ve said, is gone. It is a far-left party now. There isn’t any moderate wing of any significance or size. There isn’t any segment of it that is not some flavor or form of socialist. They want you to believe that it is.

They want you to believe that Crazy Bernie’s off on a tangent and that he’s not really defining policy set for the Democrat Party. But a party is what its base is, and its base is maybe even to the left of Crazy Bernie. So let’s say you’re the Democrat establishment, and you’re faced with some hard, cold truths. You got Bernie number one, Buttigieg number two, and Klobuchar with her Klobmentum number three.

You’ve got Fauxcahontas way back there in the background barely out of the tepee bringing up the tail end. Biden’s gone. So you’re faced with a dyed-in-the-wool socialist who’s not even a Democrat; a gay guy, 37-years-old, loves kissing his husband on debate stages (can you see Trump have fun with that?), and Amy Klobuchar. So you are whoever the grand pooh-bahs in the Democrat Party are.

You’re looking at your options today (laughing), and you’re asking, “Okay, can we win with Klobuchar? We don’t want to put Klobuchar up there because she doesn’t have a prayer. Trump’s gonna wipe the floor with her, and that would mean two women in a row get wiped out by Donald Trump. Two Democrat women in a row. We can’t have that! We can’t let that happen.”

Then they’re sitting there and they’re looking at Mayor Pete — a 37-year-old gay guy, mayor of South Bend, loves to kiss his husband on the debate stage — and they’re saying, “Okay. How’s this gonna look, a 37-year-old gay guy kissing his husband on stage next to Mr. Man, Donald Trump? What’s gonna happen there?”

They gotta be looking at that, and they’ve gotta be saying that despite all the great progress and despite all the great wokeness and despite all the great ground that’s been covered, America’s still not ready to elect a gay guy kissing his husband on the debate stage president. They have to be saying this, don’t they? Now, there may be some Democrats who think that is the ticket.

There may be some Democrats who think, “That’s exactly what we need to do, Rush. Get a gay guy kissing his husband on stage! You ram it down Trump’s throat and beat him in the general election.” (laughing) Really? Having fun envisioning that. What are you left with? Crazy Bernie. They’re left with the avowed revolutionary socialist who isn’t even a Democrat.

So which of those three…? They want to take all three out. They would like to get rid of all three of those, the establishment of the Democrats. But if they can’t, which of those three would they rather lose with? Who among those three losing will do the least damage to the Democrat Party going forward? That’s what they are facing, if you ask me.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #1 on: February 12, 2020, 11:00:45 pm »

Bloomberg Doesn’t Have a Prayer

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: We haven’t talked about Bloomberg today because I just don’t think that’s real yet, and Bloomberg… This racism stuff and his stop-and-frisk? We’ll get to Bloomberg when it’s time. I just have never thought… You’ve heard me say, “I don’t think guy’s got a prayer for reasons that have nothing to do with anything that he thinks.” Actually, it’s not true. There’s something about Bloomberg. This is what I should say about this.

I don’t understand how the guy has gotten as far as he’s gotten when he’s as dumb as he is. Now, I know. “Rush, he’s a billionaire. He’s a billionaire. He’s not dumb.” I know. It’s automatically concluded that billionaires are smart, and he may be smart in the business he set up. But when I heard Bloomberg talk about the dictator of the ChiComs (impression), “Hey, look, he’s gotta serve his constituents, too. If he’s gotta hold office, if he’s gonna stay in office, he’s gotta please his constituents like any other leader.”


How in the world can you believe that a communist dictator thug cares about what voters think when they don’t vote? They can’t vote! If they say one thing against him, they go to some reeducation camp or gulag. Now, that, to me, is disqualifying. I don’t care if he’s a billionaire. That doesn’t matter to me. Look, I wish I had more time to develop this, but I don’t know because I’m out of it now, but that doesn’t matter because I’ll be back next week. See you then, and I’ll remind myself to expand on this.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2020, 11:01:28 pm »

Trump’s Budget Is a Brilliant Answer to Democrat Socialism

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: Ken, greetings. Welcome to the EIB Network. Hello, sir.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. Mega prayers, my friend.

RUSH: Thank you very much.

CALLER: Hey, I want to get your opinion on what President Trump can spend his new political capital on. And my point is I think in this post-impeachment status that he’s in, he’s uniquely powerful, and he’s gonna take advantage of that.

RUSH: This is a brilliant, brilliant question. And I have the answer for you here in the Stack of Stuff. I am so glad you called because I would have forgotten that I had this in the Stack of Stuff, and this is important. Trump’s political capital, you’re right. He has survived now every bogus attempt to reverse the election results. He has survived every bogus criminal attempt to put him in jail, to get him thrown out of office, to ruin him, his family, ditto. He’s survived it all.

His approval numbers are now at an all-time high in Gallup, not Rasmussen, but in Gallup for his presidency. The American people’s approval numbers of his handling of the economy and their satisfaction with it is an all-time high. Therefore, Trump has the balance of this year to really try to make hay, folks, to really, really try to make tracks and to incorporate whatever he can into his reelection effort. And I think there is a hint to be found in the president’s budget.

Now, normally the discussion of budgets traditionally on talk radio is if you want to kill your show, if you want to destroy your audience, start talking about budgets. But not true in recent years because of the size of the federal budget. Remember, it was the Obama administration’s seemingly limitless spending on health care that caused the Tea Party to organically create, which frightened the Washington establishment. And that was specifically about budget.

The way to use this capital can be found in Trump’s budget. Headline of a story I found on it: “Trump Budget Cuts Size of Federal Government, but Bolder Reforms Needed.” Now, this is Daily Signal story, and they’re chronicling what the attempts here to reduce the size of government are in Trump’s budget. They don’t think he goes far enough.

But I think that it is time Trump gets serious about this. I think it’s time Trump gets aggressive about spending. He has achieved a lot of his agenda. He has revived the economy. This is the time to get serious about discussion of bringing down this excessive spending. It’s got to stop at some point. We know this. We’ve known it our entire lives. It hasn’t stopped except for a couple brief intervals in the 1990s where the budget was balanced for six months or so. But it is a big issue.

Spending, federal spending, ongoing, limitless federal spending is a big issue for a lot of people who may not vote for Donald Trump. Now, we don’t talk about this much. We haven’t talked about the this since the 2016 campaign. One of the things that happened in that campaign was that traditional conservative elements sort of got swept aside. This is one of the things the Never Trumpers couldn’t deal with. They couldn’t stomach a Republican nomination where there wasn’t some concern for fiscal restraint, federal spending, the overall expansion of the budget and so forth.

Now, Republicans have talked about it, have never done anything serious about it other than in the nineties when they won control of the House for the first time in 40 years. But there are a lot of potential Trump Republican voters who don’t vote for him because of this. And I think this is a way to get ’em back in the fold.

Now, I looked at Trump’s budget request, and here’s what I found just with a cursory glance. It’s humongously long. I can’t read the whole thing. You have to know where to go to find what you’re looking for, which I do because I’m a highly trained broadcast specialist.

Trump’s budget request would cut spending by $4.4 trillion and finally, after years, put the federal budget on a path to balance. It doesn’t have to balance tomorrow. It doesn’t have to balance next year. It’s the pathway. It is the intention. It is the structure of the budget aimed at that that would matter, and it would be big. It would be big. It’s one of the ways of disarming the left.

I mean, look at what the left is talking about: $52 trillion Medicare for All. Take Crazy Bernie, Fauxcahontas, any of these people and their massive federal spending programs. It is obvious that it doesn’t matter a hill of beans to them. They’ve gone full-fledged socialist, and it may as well be that there isn’t a federal budget. Their spending is such that it may not matter that there isn’t even money because I’ll tell you, we don’t have the money for all the spending they have planned: $52 trillion over 10 years, $60 trillion over 10 years for health care for all.

And, by the way, Medicare for All is not Medicare. This is one of the grandest marketing deceptions in politics. Medicare is a separate thing for people 65 and older. Then there are derivatives in it. You can choose it. You can not be part of it, you can pay cash, you can do whatever you want. Medicare for All is not Medicare for 65 and everybody else.

Medicare for All is single payer. And Medicare today is not single payer. But the Medicare for All that Fauxcahontas and Crazy Bernie are talking about is single payer. And if that day ever happens, here’s what’s gonna happen. Most people will not be able to get health care without going through the government. It’s gonna be rationed, it’s gonna be lackluster, it’s not gonna be the best. And then people that don’t have to, because they can afford it, are gonna have much better hospitals and much better doctors, concierge hospitals, concierge doctors, and they’ll get their credit card out and they’ll pay for their medical care, and it’ll be top flight.

And people that can’t afford that are gonna be stuck in the Medicare for All system, and hello coronavirus and whatever else. This is gonna cost $60 trillion, and it still isn’t gonna work. Sixty trillion dollars? There isn’t $60 trillion printed or in circulation! The Democrats are acting as though there isn’t even the need for money anymore. So Trump’s budget proposal to eliminate $4.4 trillion and put the federal budget on a path to balance is brilliant, I think, and especially as a way of getting some — ’cause there are.

There are a lot of so-called conservative Republicans that are still very nervous about all this. Trump’s budget also would significantly reduce the federal bureaucracy, and you can see, he will occasionally identify some cut in the bureaucracy that he wants to make. Some bureaucracy here, some division of some cabinet-level office over here. Whenever he does it, everybody has a cow. “You can’t just shut that down!” But he’s serious about it. He always has been serious about it.

But to do something like this, you do need to do it from a position of strength, and you do need to do it when the economy is just humming along and smoking. He would prioritize national defense. That would be the priority. Not welfare, not entitlements, but national defense. As I say, the Daily Signal has reviewed it. They don’t think he’s going far enough. But I think this is one way he could use the political capital, Ken, that you’re talking about to really solidify his agenda and his presidency and close the loop on what his vision for the country actually is. I’m glad you called.


RUSH: So I checked in the email (I do that during the break now and then) and there were a couple asking, “What do you mean, Medicare for All is not Medicare for everybody?” I realized I went through that very quick. I should have spent more time on this when the Democrats were debating this, but I don’t know. I just have a tough time taking these people seriously, but this is a good point. Everybody knows what Medicare is and for the most part, people like it. Medicare now is for the elderly, 65 and older, on average.

Yoou can opt in. There are various plans within Medicare that you can choose or not choose. It’s something that people pay into, so it’s not completely seen as welfare. And they like it. It’s an entitlement that’s settled in, and people like it. Nobody wants to get rid of Medicare. It’s on you Nanaw and Grandpaw are dealt with and handled without stress on the rest of the family. And it helps with prescription prices and whole bunch of things.

And, as I say, you can choose to supplement it with some of your own money and have it even better, or you can not. It’s got some options in it. So the Democrats have come along, Crazy Bernie and Elizabeth Warren, and they’ve got this thing called Medicare for All, which is designed to make you think that what they want to do is expand Medicare for 65 and older and just include everybody on it. It’s not what they mean. It’s what they want you to think.

Medicare for All is something entirely different. Medicare for All is what Obama really wanted with Obamacare. It’s what he wanted it to eventually become, and that is single payer. You have no choice. If you have private insurance, it’s gonna be taken away from you. If you have insurance at your employer, it’s gonna be taken away from you — and over 150 million Americans get their health insurance at work.

It’s gonna be taken away from you with Medicare for All. But remember; Medicare for All is not the current Medicare program just applied to everybody. It’s entirely new, single payer. It takes away from you every aspect of your health care today that you might like and puts the government in total control of health insurance, health coverage, and health treatment. But they’re not telling you that.

They want you to think that Medicare for All is simply the expansion of existing Medicare to everybody, and it isn’t. In the U.K., you can go to government providers or you can spend and go to a private, nongovernment provider. You will not have that choice under Medicare for All. They are not gonna allow any private health care. Sanders and Warren and any other Democrats will not allow any private health care under Medicare for All. Don’t doubt me.

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Democrat Party...the Party of Infanticide

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #3 on: February 12, 2020, 11:02:30 pm »

Democrats Are Depressed and in Deep Doo Doo

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: “Van Jones: ‘People Are Depressed’ By Primary Process, Just Want ‘Somebody to Vote for Against Trump.’” Okay. Why do you think Democrats are depressed by this? You’ve got Bernie Sanders who is trying again after having had it taken away from him in 2016. Now you have all these other people. You had Kamala Harris — by the way, is her stock as a potential VP now rising vis-a-vis the black vote and Biden may be going south? (interruption) I find this fascinating.

“Van Jones on Tuesday said he thinks that Democratic voters ‘are depressed’ and ‘sad’ over the Democratic primary process, saying that it is a ‘messy, confusing choice’ and Democrats ‘just want somebody to vote for against Trump.’ ‘I think people are depressed,’ Jones said while discussing the large split of Democratic votes. ‘I think people are sad. I think people can’t figure out which of the people they’re supposed to vote for, and people are waiting to come out and vote against Trump.’”

Well, you know what this says — I mean, if this is true, if he’s right about this, “I think people can’t figure out which of the people they are supposed to vote for” this party is guaranteed to lose. Now, that may be a risky thing to say this far out. But if there’s not even one candidate in this whole shebang that is inspiring people to want to vote for them for reasons having nothing to do with Trump, I mean, you would think that you want to vote for somebody because of what their vision is or what they want to accomplish or what they want to help you accomplish.

But these people have got it in their head, they are so poisoned with Trump hatred that that’s all they want. It’s no wonder they’re depressed because they’re looking at this seeing nobody who can beat Trump. That’s the bottom line. I think this depression that Van Jones has recognized can be traced directly back to the Drive-By Media. All of these Democrats immerse themselves in it. They immerse themselves in the New York Times and the Washington Post and PMSNBC and CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, take your pick, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, and they get a steady diet of nothing but Trump hatred. That’s all it’s been for four years.

But the problem is that same media has been promising these people that Trump is going down. They promised people that there was evidence Trump was a traitor. They promised their readers and viewers that there was evidence Trump had meddled in the election and stole it. They promised. They had sources, named and unnamed, anonymous. They had the goods. They were gonna get Trump. It was only a matter of time.

Then here comes Schiff and his merry band of impeachers, and they were gonna get Trump. And it’s been one gigantic blob disappointment after another, despite promise after promise after promise that Trump was going down. So the fact that these Democrats are depressed I think has more to do with the fact that they can’t understand how the media’s been so wrong. The media assured them. The media is their religion. The media is their gospel. The media promised them that Trump did it, that Trump cheated, that Trump stole.

The media promised them that Trump said all these things that he hasn’t said and done all these things that he hasn’t done. And the media that made all these promises and the Mueller team that made all the commitments, there hasn’t yet been an apology. There has yet to be a mea culpa. There has yet to be the media saying, “You know what? Yeah, we kind of blew it. Yeah, we were kind of wrong.”

The media’s not trying to find out who lied to them. The media’s not trying to find out who misled them. You ever think anything about that? Isn’t that interesting. Because the media wasn’t lied to. The media was not misled. The media was part of this. The media were coconspirators in this, in an attempt to create a groundswell of public opinion among Trump voters to abandon him. And that’s another thing they’re depressed about.

So now Van Jones says that this depression is about the candidates. “Yeah, there just doesn’t seem to be anybody that knows who to vote for. Who are they supposed to support so they can defeat Trump?” This party is in a bigger mess than anybody knows. And there are a lot of people that are acknowledging the Democrat Party’s in a mess.

It is in a big, big mess. I’ll tell you one of the reasons why. (interruption) What are you laughing about? (interruption) What… (interruption) Would you stop throwing wrenches in this? So Snerdley says, “What if Biden comes back in South Carolina?” What would that mean? You mean wins it? (interruption) I hope it happens. If Biden comes back, gets enough delegates in South Carolina, that’s just gonna delay the pain. That’s just gonna create more illusion of things that aren’t true.

I think this is such a classic example of what happens. They have lost their ability to connect, the party, the party’s lost its ability to connect with its own voters. But I’ll tell you, this Trump hatred has never been rational, and the irrationality has been amplified to the point that it’s delusional and almost poisonous. And you see the results of it. And it’s infected everybody on the left and the media. It’s infected elected Democrats and so forth. I think this is just a fascinating thing to admit: “People can’t figure out which of the people they are supposed to vote for, and people are waiting to come out and vote against Trump.”

So essentially, they don’t care. They don’t care who the nominee is. “Just get us to November!” Well, where is this enthusiasm? The enthusiasm he says is there isn’t showing up yet in the Hawkeye Cauci or in New Hampshire. Democrat turnout is anemic, and in the Millennial age-group it was 11% in New Hampshire. It was nothing. Let me find this. Let me see. (muttering) Hang on. I’m looking for Mark Penn. Mark Penn…

Hang on just a second here. I think I’m already out of order in the… (interruption) Number 14, yeah, but I need to see what comes before it and after it, and… Okay, Mark Penn is warning the Democrats that if Biden doesn’t come back, Trump is gonna steal African-American votes. This was last night on Fox Business Network. Wall Street Journal editor Gerry Baker was talking to Mark Penn.

PENN: If Biden, uh, comes back, it will be because, uh, there is a deep love for him within the African-American community. If he doesn’t — and that vote is drifting. Right now, that vote will not really have as big a turnout as it would have had because they’re not really energized as yet by any of these candidates, and none of these candidates has a history of energizing African-American voters. Meanwhile, President Trump is making an all-out attempt to get African-Americans voters, and his favorability there has risen from about 10 to close to 25, particularly with African-American men.

RUSH: I would say, then, that they are in deep doo-doo, because old Joe ain’t coming back to the degree he needs to come back to save the African-American vote, ’cause that would mean he’s gotta get the nomination. Do you think that he’s got any way of getting the nomination? Remember I said 11 months ago, he’s not got a prayer, and you know that I’m not wrong about this, no matter what you think these people are talking about now.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2020, 11:03:08 pm »

Everything That’s Happened to Me Is a Blessing

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: That is mind-boggling. I just asked Snerdley — you think I ought to mention this? I just asked Snerdley lightheartedly, “What did that guy want that was through talking to me and wanted to talk to you?” And Snerdley did not hesitate, did not drop a beat, said, “He wanted to donate a lung if you wanted one.”

And then Snerdley said – You’re getting two of those a day. Oh, wow. Wow. Okay. That would have been the last thing that I would have — I thought he was making arrangements to call back in, you know, trying to grease the skids to get in again.

Well, you all just continue to stop me dead in my tracks. I continue to get emails and flowers and cards. I mean, it’s voluminous. And it is so touching. I mean, people recounting experiences they had 30 years ago, 25 years ago, and this is why I said last Friday, last week, how lucky I am, and people have trouble understanding that. But, believe me, everything that’s happened to me is a blessing. And I hear things like that, and I don’t know what to do with it.

The objective is to get mine fixed. So, we’ll see. Again, speaking of that, I think Steyn is gonna be here tomorrow, Friday, Mark Steyn. So I hope to be back bright and early next week to just pick up where we left off. Anyway, greetings, and welcome back. So happy you’re all here.

Telephone number, if you want to be on the program, 800-282-2882. The email address,

Van Jones: People are depressed by the primary — yeah, I just got a note. “Oh, my God, Rush. I cried.” She says, “’Stop me dead in my tracks,’ though, is not the best expression you could use.” Well, it’s the first thing that came to my mind. (laughing) That’s the flu. By the way, do not get — I hate it. I just thought this was a common cold, and it first tested negative for flu. They were so convinced it was the flu, they took blood and they found out that it was the flu because I was insisting it wasn’t when they wanted to hospitalize. “I don’t need to be hospitalized. It’s a cold. I get one of these things every two years.”

It’s the flu. So they were gonna find evidence of the flu if it took ’em six years, and they did, justified being in the hospital.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2020, 11:04:10 pm »

Bill Barr Is Blowing Up the Mueller Travesty

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: Let’s talk about what happened here with the DOJ, the attorney general, Barr, these four prosecutors, the Roger Stone case, because this, folks, is an object lesson in presidential follow-through.

The proof of the pudding here is I’m watching the Drive-By Media, “Oh, my God. This is horrible. This is so bad. Trump now has no guardrails. There’s nobody stopping Trump from doing anything. He survived impeachment. He survived the Russia thing. Oh, my God. There’s nothing to stop Trump. This is horrible. This is bad.” And of course that’s exactly 180 degrees wrong.

Now, the big news here is Roger Stone. You remember Roger Stone was minding his own business one day at home and then jackbooted thugs along with CNN cameras strategically located outside his front door, surrounding his house. At 6 a.m. they stormed in and pulled the guy out of bed and run him down to jail and charge him with something or other. Why was CNN there? Who tipped CNN? We know why CNN was there.

This whole thing was a setup. And so Roger Stone is charged with some crime having to do with the Russia hoax, some involvement he had with WikiLeaks and the Hillary emails. It was specious because this whole thing has been made up, this entire hoax, this entire coup started out with the Steele dossier. Four FISA warrants were granted on a fake document to spy on the Trump campaign via Carter Page.

There was never anything to it. Not a single crime was committed by the Trump campaign at any stage. There was never any evidence of a crime having been committed. So anything that was charged along the way here was purely political. What happened to Manafort, those things that they charged and convicted Manafort on had nothing to do with when he was in charge of the Trump campaign or working there.

Sentenced to solitary confinement. Sentenced to die in jail. And that’s what they did to Roger Stone. They gave him a seven- to nine-year sentence hoping he would die in jail. Roger Stone didn’t do anything. There’s not a person in the world that can tell you what Roger Stone did of a criminal nature that threatened the people of this country, that violated the laws of the country, that somehow helped the Trump campaign win an illegal election. Nothing. Roger Stone didn’t do diddly-squat.

I could go on about this, but I don’t want to further characterize Roger Stone. Roger Stone was an ancillary player who wanted to make himself look like he was in the middle of everything. And he wasn’t. But because he put himself out there as a major player, a major adviser, he became a target. When I saw the special counsel was gonna indict Roger Stone, that’s the first — I do not mean this as an insult to Roger Stone in any way, shape, manner, form. Please don’t misunderstand me. None of this is intended to be critical of Roger Stone at all.

But the fact that they got an indictment and wanted to charge Stone with anything was all the evidence any of us needed that they didn’t have a thing on anybody, and they never were gonna have a thing on anybody because all of this was factually made up.

There was never a story. There was never a hoax. There was never Russia collusion. There was never any evidence any kind supporting this. This was a pure hatched effort to stop Donald Trump from being inaugurated. And then after he was inaugurated, it was to get him thrown out of office. The Mueller investigation was a very elaborate obstruction of justice trap, a very elaborate process crime trap.

Like I told you, they appoint Mueller as special counsel. He gets to the special counsel office. He’s got his 16 lawyers there. He said, “Okay. Let me see the file. What is the evidence in the Russia case?” There isn’t any. You go back two years on this program where I said if Robert Mueller was indeed the man of honor and integrity that they told us he is, he would have refused the gig. He would have not taken that job once he saw that there wasn’t a shred of evidence when it comes to anything Trump and Russia.

There wasn’t any evidence. There wasn’t a shred of evidence. There never has been. They haven’t produced any. So what happens in those two years? Why did he take that job? Well, we all know why he took the job. He was the figurehead that allowed all of his Democrat lawyers, Hillary-supporting, Trump-hating lawyers to try to build a case that could be used ultimately in impeachment to get rid of Trump and throw him out of office. And it was in the midst of all that that they ended up charging people that had nothing to do with anything. Roger Stone seven to nine years.

So these prosecutors — and this is the truncated version of this — the prosecutors recommend seven to nine years. And anybody who has followed this knows how absolutely atrocious that is. They know how bogus it is and the fact that the attorney general moved in here to stop it ought to be one of the best indications you could get so far that he and Durham are still working this case, and they still have major announcements yet to come over all of these people that engaged themselves in this coup.

To shut this down this way, I don’t care whether Trump was involved in it or not. He has total freedom to be involved in this. If he can pardon Stone, then what the hell’s everybody worried about whether or not he gets involved in the sentence being reduced? And he can pardon Stone. Seven to nine years. Stone’s age, he’s being sentenced to die in prison. He didn’t do anything, folks. Because nothing that was alleged during this entire Russia collusion hoax happened.

So all these charges of people, like Manafort and Roger Stone, it’s the only thing they could do to make it look like there were things that went on. Roger Stone got caught up with his own bragging about what he knew about WikiLeaks and who he was talking to about it, just his desire to be a player. And they said, “Okay. You want to be a player? Well, here’s what’s gonna happen to you, player.” And he gets charged and convicted and then here comes the sentencing recommendation, and Barr says this is just ridiculous, this whole thing is ridiculous, the whole aspect of this case has been ridiculous. It’s nothing more than an elaborate coup.

And they’re moving and they’ve totally withdrawn those sentencing guidelines seven to nine years. So the four prosecutors resign. Now, who are these four prosecutors? One of the prosecutors was Robert Mueller’s lead investigator. These four prosecutors are holdovers from the Mueller investigation who are still trying to make all of their time pay off somehow, some way.

And this is Trump and this is Barr blocking them. This is justice taking place. But it’s still a matter of some question because the judge, Amy Berman Jackson, can do whatever she wants when Stone is sentenced on February 20th. Now, this judge — and Trump has tweeted about it — this judge is the judge who demanded that Manafort be put in solitary confinement.

Seven to nine years. Can anybody up there tell me what Stone did? Do you know what the average rapist sentence is? Four and a half years. Beat somebody up, grand larceny, one and a half to two years. Manslaughter second degree starts at 15 years, plea bargained down to under 10. Here’s Roger Stone, seven to nine years, and he hasn’t done diddly-squat, certainly by comparison.

So Trump’s out there attacking the judge as well, in addition to praising Barr for moving in on the case this way. It is a gutsy thing for Barr to do. This goes flat-out, smack-dab right in the face of the Washington establishment and the people who are in charge and responsible for this coup. But the thing is, the judge can do whatever she wants. Now with Trump attacking the judge, the judge can sentence the guy to maintain the seven to nine years if she wants on February 20th.

She could do it out of spite. She could do it on the grounds, “You’re the president; I understand that. But you don’t get to tell me how to do my job. I’m independent. I got a lifetime appointment; you don’t, you schlub. You can’t talk to me this way. Your guy’s going to jail for seven to nine years!” Despite all this, she can still do that — and then Trump could still pardon him.

I have no idea what the judge is gonna do, but my guess would be that she’s gonna slap the seven to nine years back on him. My guess, that’s what some people want to happen here so that the establishment will show they’re vindictive. (interruption) What do you mean? You don’t think they want that to happen? I think they do. Barr’s not a dummy. Barr’s not just playing one move ahead.

But this is outrageous.

Every aspect of this case was outrageous.

This should have never happened. This remains the most outrageous political scandal that has occurred in our lifetimes, folks, and there’s nothing even close, including Watergate, which is nothing but Romper Room compared to what happened here. They can’t find a single crime involved or undertaken by anybody in the central charge of the case, and that is that Russia meddled with the election, and Trump helped, to benefit him and hurt Hillary.

That’s what they said. There’s no evidence. It didn’t happen. In fact, the meddling with Russia was occurring between Hillary and the DNC, their law firms. The meddling with Russia did happen. The rigging elections did happen against Crazy Bernie: The 2016 Democrat primary. But Trump didn’t do anything. Trump nor his team did anything. They had 40 FBI agents from the Mueller investigation. Forty FBI agents!

Again, folks, Robert Mueller takes the job of special counsel. He shows up to the office on day one and says, “Show me the file. What do we got on the Russians?” “Uh, nothing, Bob. Uh, there’s no evidence yet.” “What do you mean, no evidence? Okay. Get me 40 FBI agents and we’re gonna find it!” They had 40 — 40 — FBI agents. Everybody in this case — and I’m sorry. This makes me so mad, I can’t see straight, which is why I’m yelling.

Everybody on the Mueller side, the Democrat side, the special counsel side — everybody on this side — knew that there was not a shred of evidence ever to back up one single charge they were making. This was a made-up, manufactured attempt to get rid of Trump, and they had 40 FBI agents looking for dirt, trying to make up dirt. Talk about Ukraine and making things up?

And even with that and with spies from the FBI and informants, they couldn’t find one thing that Trump or anybody in his immediate circle had done that violated election law. Forty FBI agents. What did they do for two years? Forty FBI agents, 16 Hillary lawyers, Robert J. Mueller III, whatever, and they got Roger Stone? Did you say to yourself, “Who the hell is this?” when that indictment came down and they’re ramrodding his house with the jackbooted thugs and the CNN cameras?

After Manafort’s been given solitary confinement, did you say, “What did he do?” You find out he did nothing with the Trump campaign. The stuff they got him for happened in his businesses before he was even part of the Trump campaign. How can any so-called crime have occurred in a bogus, no-evidence allegation of collusion between Trump and Russia? If they couldn’t find one shred of evidence to support it, what the hell crime occurred anywhere?

If there was no Trump-Russia collusion, then what the hell did Stone do with WikiLeaks that was criminal? Zip, zero, nada. WikiLeaks got hold of John Podesta’s emails ’cause John Podesta fell for a phishing scam on his own computer. So it only makes sense that the attorney general, seeing an outrageous seven- to nine-year sentence for a guy.

That means he’s gonna die in jail for something that nobody in this country can name that he did criminally. Moves in… This is excessive. Then these four holdover prosecutors from the Mueller investigation decide to resign in a huff, in anger, because their work has totally been blown up now.

Moving in and reducing the sentence on Stone is the final move on blowing up everything having to do with Robert J. Mueller III and Andrew Weissmann and the rest of that bogus team with those phony FBI clowns and all of the subterfuge they engaged in to overturn the election results of 2016. There wasn’t a single crime committed in anything they alleged.


RUSH: So I checked the email. “So what did Stone do, Rush? Can’t you be more specific?” Okay. I’ll tell you what Stone did, if you really want to know. You’re gonna… (sigh) You’re gonna demand more, but I’m gonna tell you what it is. Roger Stone’s crime boils down to him having tweeted, “Congratulations to WikiLeaks” when they published the DNC emails.

That is basically it. That is how he made himself a target. He tweeted, “Congratulations.” That let them zero in on, “What did he know? Was he part of it? Did he facilitate making them available? Did he tell Trump in advance that WikiLeaks had the DNC emails?” His crimes are all process crimes. Roger Stone’s crimes are process crimes. He mixed up some dates in his posts, in his tweets.

He was never charged with anything involving the Russians or election meddling, folks. Roger Stone was never charged with anything that had to do with the Mueller team being constituted and put together in the first place. Now, the average sentence for rape in this country is four years. The average sentence for armed robbery is three years.

If you beat somebody up while snatching their purse or wallet, that’s a year and a half to two years. Roger Stone was given seven to nine years for essentially tweeting, “Congratulations” to Julian Assange and WikiLeaks when they published the DNC emails. This sentence, this seven- to nine-year sentence is proof beyond any shadow of a doubt of the vindictiveness of the Mueller team and their last-gasp effort to make what they did seem relevant.

Forty FBI agents, folks — 40 FBI agents who knew there was nothing to the case. What did they do? Robert J. Mueller III, who knew there was nothing to the case, Andrew Weissmann who knew there was nothing to the case, and the other 15 Hillary lawyers on that team who knew there was nothing to the case, what did they do? Why, they snared Roger Stone, and they set up essentially an obstruction of justice impeachment case for the House Democrats because they didn’t have collusion.

So they had to manufacture obstruction — and that blew up on ’em! That’s why they had to go to that Ukraine phone call. Nothing to do with Mueller, nothing to do with Stone, nothing to do with Manafort. And they’re trying to do the same thing to General Flynn. That is another thing. “No, we can’t criticize Vindman! Oh, no! He’s decorated military. We can’t criticize Vindman.”

We can certainly lie about General Flynn and try to put him in jail.

Barr’s had enough of it, folks. So has Trump. So should we all.


RUSH: Here are the names of two of the prosecutors who quit. Jonathan Kravis (summarized) “wrote in a court filing that he had resigned as assistant U.S. attorney, leaving government entirely, totally frustrated.” They spent 2-1/2 years trying to get Donald Trump, and they got nothing. See ya later! “Aaron Zelinsky, former member Robert Mueller’s team, said he was quitting the special assignment to the D.C. U.S. attorney’s office to prosecute Stone.”

His spokeswoman said he’s gonna go back to Baltimore, as U.S. attorney in Baltimore. But this was Mueller’s team and trying to exact revenge, trying to get anything out of this that they could. Devin Nunes was on with Lou Dobbs last night on the Fox Business Network. Dobbs said to Devin Nunes, “There’s something terribly, terribly wrong happening in that Justice Department. The president’s right. This is just outrageous.”

NUNES: The lawyers that stepped aside today —

DOBBS: The prosecutor.

NUNES: — that made the seven- to nine-year recommendation, this is not gonna be the only example. We think there’s other examples of things that they did during the Mueller investigation that I think you and your listeners and the American people will be very interested to learn in the coming weeks as we start to unpeel the onion of what the Mueller team was really doing.


NUNES: When Mueller was appointed — we have to ask ourselves — he walks in the door the first day and said, “Okay, show me all the evidence you got on the Russians.” They’re like, “Uh, Bob, sorry. Uh, we don’t have any Russians here. We don’t have any evidence.”

DOBBS: Yeah.

NUNES: So what the hell did they do for two years? They set up an obstruction of justice trap.

RUSH: Stop and think of that. I made the same point. Mueller shows up; asks to see the file. There’s no evidence. Why take the job? Well, I mean, it answers itself. But I’m saying if he’s Mr. Honor and Mr. Integrity, Mr. All of This that we were told he is, then he should have known he’s involved in a railroad here, he’s involved in a coup — and he chose to be part of it. He chose to be the figurehead while the underlings did all the dirty work.

Two years.

What did they do?

There was nothing to find.

I’m being redundant here. Two years, nothing to find, but a lot of time to create potential traps down the road, which is what they did. If you read the Mueller report, you find out it makes a perfect primer for House committee chairmen who might be planning impeachment investigations. Now, last night on CNN’s special coverage of the New Hampshire primary, they were so outraged here over the attorney general moving in to reduce the sentences on Roger Stone, they broke away from coverage of their own presidential candidate to talk about this — and who did they go get?

Andrew McCabe.

Andrew McCabe — who has been fired from the FBI for lying, for engaging in this coup — is now an accredited commentator on CNN, and they wanted to know what he thought of all of this.

MCCABE: It’s preposterous to think that the president’s own public statements had no impact on the department’s reversal of their position on the recommendation. Look, this is something we’ve seen before. I’ve seen it myself, very personally in my own situation. The president indicates on Twitter for the world to see exactly what he wants done, and the department lines up behind that and executes his, uhhh, vision. We have seen that before.

RUSH: What do you think he’s gonna do after what you tried to do to him? He tried to take him out, McCabe. You think he’s gonna sit there and have no retribution come your way? The audacity and the arrogance of these people. Now, David “Rodham” Gergen this morning, CNN Newsroom. Question: “The deciding factor is, ‘Are you on the president’s side or not?'”

GERGEN: He’s setting up two classes of people. One class of people, he — he likes and he’s gonna give favor to. Another class, he hates, and he’s gonna treat harshly, and he’s compromising the Department of Justice in a way we have not seen, I don’t think, since Watergate, and even then —

RUSH: Stop the tape. That’s just flat-out B.S. The compromising of the Department of Justice took place by your buddy McCabe and by Comey and by all of these people running this bogus investigation. You’re talking about a two-tier system of justice where Hillary Clinton is totally exonerated for legitimate crimes of an off-site server, unsecured emails all over the place. Hillary Clinton committing crimes by colluding with Russia, fake dossier, all of this.

She is exonerated by the director of the FBI, not even the attorney general! She’s totally exonerated, because the attorney general met with her husband on the tarmac in Phoenix in the midst of all this. The two-tier system of justice is: “Democrats innocent. Republicans guilty.” Except Donald Trump came in and put the kibosh on their effort to, once again, rid the town of elected Republicans. I know you people that voted for Trump have a great deal of admiration for him.

But you don’t know how much admiration you have in reserve for him, because he’s the only Republican you could have elected who would have ever fought back against any of this and beaten it — and they’re not finished. He and Barr are not finished. I’ve been convinced ever since I saw Durham impanel a grand jury that they’re serious about meting out some serious punishment to the people who engaged in this hoax or this coup or what have you.

Okay, back to the phones. This is Bob in Spokane, Washington. I’m glad you waited. I appreciate it. How you doing, sir?

CALLER: Doing fine, Rush. Mega dittos. Hey, lemme run something by you. I’m thinking that these four prosecutors are trying to set up Trump, because they went to the DOJ first with lesser sentencing. DOJ looked it over and said, “Yeah, okay,” then they go to court with this outrageous seven to nine — and, you know, the more outrageous, the better, ’cause they know they’re gonna get a reaction from Trump (and they got it) and the DOJ (and they got it).

Then they make this dramatic, “We quit,” okay? Now you got Schumer sending a letter over to Horowitz: “This needs to be investigated.” They’re trying to set him up for obstruction of justice on the sentencing, because last time, they didn’t have a crime. Now they can point — for the new, you know, impeachment — and say, “We have the crime: Obstruction of justice.” Boy, to me it just looks like lather, rinse, repeat, you know?

RUSH: If that’s what it is, if you’re right, and if this whole thing is yet another Democrat scheme, that the seven to nine years is designed to trap Trump into engaging in activity that might be criminal, they have failed.

CALLER: I hope so.

RUSH: Well, what are you afraid of? You think there’s gonna be a new investigation of Trump, be new impeachment hearings? They’re finally gonna convict him in the Senate, get 67 votes, get Republicans to vote, “This is horrible; Trump’s gotta go”? Is that what you’re afraid of?

CALLER: No. They don’t need a conviction. They just need to keep this ball rolling and keep nagging at him and running at him and another impeachment trial and anything to keep him from being successful.

RUSH: All right. For four years… I hope they do. You know what? I really hope that that’s their gambit, because if they can’t see what’s happening as a result of their three years already… Have you seen Trump’s approval numbers — in the Gallup poll, not Rasmussen? Have you seen the numbers of the American people satisfied with life in America? Trump has record turnout in uncontested primary races in New Hampshire and in Iowa.

Trump’s approval rating is at an all-time high. Congress, all-time low. The Democrats are in an absolute mess. There’s not one… The Drive-By Media is bleeding ad revenue and audience. There’s not a single thing they have done that has worked, and so they want to keep at it and try again? This is suicide, if this is what they’re doing, and they’re entirely capable of it. I just think they’re knee-jerk reaction-ing — and if it is a setup?

If it’s these four prosecutors saying, “Okay. Let’s set Trump up. Let’s sentence his buddy Stone seven to nine years. Then that’ll…” (Snort!) This is hardly the stuff. Then Schumer goes on TV. “This is outrageous. I’ve never seen a president interfere in the Justice Department like this.” They are forgetting that the electorate is up to speed on the things they have tried and failed. They ran an impeachment circus with the full-fledged support of the Drive-By Media, and they bombed out.

None of it has worked. Now, I know it bothers you that they won’t stop going after Trump and that you might fear that the American people are gonna get so fed up with this that they gotta stop it by getting rid of Trump. We’re not there yet. And, by the way, for all of this the Democrats are doing? Trump, Barr, Durham have not yet revealed what they are going to reveal later this year. Devin Nunes just alluded to it. The Democrats don’t know yet what’s about to hit them.


RUSH: I was gonna shelve these until the next hour but they kind of dovetail with our last caller who is very, very, very alarmed, very concerned this whole thing is a Justice Department — with these four lawyers — a trap to get Trump to act this way so they can restart impeachment hearings and just an ongoing, never ending attack on Trump as somebody unqualified, shouldn’t be there. And we have evidence that the Drive-Bys are looking at it this way.

This is Gloria Borger, who is — well, they’re out of their minds here. This is just this afternoon on CNN. And the question to Gloria Borger: “This move that shows DOJ is backing a convicted criminal, whose crimes were on the president’s behalf, done for the benefit of the president in part –” All the guy did was tweet “Congratulations” to WikiLeaks when they released the DNC emails. And he made it look like he had something to do with it ’cause he wanted to be seen as a player. I knew when this happened — anyway, here’s Gloria Borger reacting to the question.

BORGER: What I see is a president who believes the Department of Justice is the law firm of Donald J. Trump. And that is the way the Attorney General behaves. And remember, during the campaign and early on in the president’s tenure, he kept saying, “Where is my Roy Cohn? I need a lawyer like Roy Cohn,” who was his infamous friend and attorney in New York, who would do anything for him and of course had few scruples. The question is – has been answered I think. And his Roy Cohn seems to be the current Attorney General, Bill Barr.

RUSH: Yeah. Before Bill Barr began to work for Trump, he was among the most respected lawyers in Washington by the Drive-By Media and by the entire establishment. He has been attorney general for numerous administrations. He’s been a special Justice Department official for numerous administrations, impeccable resume, impeccable intelligence, impeccable reputation, until he started working for Trump.

Now all of a sudden he’s his Roy Cohn. I realize a lot of people don’t know who the hell Roy Cohn is, and obviously Gloria Borger doesn’t know much about Roy Cohn, either. I’ll tell you about him in a minute. But I want to play the next sound bite. This is a hack, liberal hack, Manu Raju, ran up to the Senate trying to gin up new impeachment hearings on this Roger Stone business.

RAJU: In light of the president’s actions do you think there’s any lessons that he learned from being impeached?

SUSAN COLLINS: I don’t which actions you’re referring to. I’ve made very clear that I don’t think anyone should be retaliated against.

JOHN KENNEDY: I don’t think it had anything to do with this. I haven’t seen any proof that it has.

RICK SCOTT: Well, first off, I don’t – I don’t know, you know I don’t know exactly what happened. But I do believe everybody, there ought to be equal treatment under the law. So, I mean, I’m sure I’ll get more information on it.

RUSH: He ran up to the Senate and ran into any Republican they could, “You think Trump needs to be impeached over this thing in the DOJ?” Susan Collins didn’t even know what had happened yet. She thought she was being asked about retaliation to Colonel Vindman — O say can you see.


RUSH: I remember back in the day where the attorney general of the United States said that he was Barack Obama’s wingman. And remember back in the Obama administration when all of these race riots were occurring all over the country, what did Obama do? He sent Eric Holder into every one of those towns to take over those police departments with consent decrees. The idea that Barack Obama was not directing the Justice Department to implement his political agenda is absurd. And Eric Holder admitted that he was Obama’s wingman.

We did segments on this program detailing how Obama would, in channels, let Holder know what he wanted the DOJ to do. The idea that Trump has turned the DOJ into his personal law firm is outrageously incorrect. Obama did it with Eric Holder. And CNN and Gloria Borger and all these people celebrated it. They applauded it.


RUSH: Here’s Farmington Hills, Michigan. David, great to have you, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Mega dittos, Rush. Mega prayers. This morning I took a peek over the fence to see what the other side was saying about things, and they went way overboard, bad-mouthing Barr and his team for involving themselves in Roger Stone’s case. I just think that the media are trying to discredit and tarnish him because they know that the upcoming results of their investigation of the swamp is gonna be embarrassing when it’s public, and I think they’re just trying to make ’em look bad in advance, to build a foundation. It seems like more than one or two people are ranting and raving like that.

RUSH: Well, you know, that’s a good point, and it’s been mentioned before. There’s no doubt that they know what’s coming. Everybody knows! Everybody involved in this knows what they did, and they are very aware that if it’s uncovered and reported, that it ain’t gonna be good. Andrew Weissmann, Mueller, these people know what they did. Those 40 FBI agents who for two years found nothing, they know what they did. All these FBI staff pukes and Comey — you name it — they know what they did, and they are quaking in their boots.

Much of this, by the way, was designed as a cover-up to make sure what they did never came out, that everybody was so distracted by dealing with these charges against Trump that the real scandal with Hillary Clinton and the FBI and the Russians would never come out. Well, it is gonna come out, and these people that did what they did know what they did, and therefore they know what can be discovered.

So if Barr and Durham are doing this, then what’s left to these people but to discredit Barr and to discredit Durham and to discredit Trump and to make it look like what they report is nothing more than sour grapes. So, yeah, there’s no question that that’s probably an element here. But you know what? Despite that, David, what you saw on MSNBC today would have happened anyway. You’re looking at borderline insanity when you turn on MSNBC.

You’re looking at borderline (let me qualify it further) political insanity.

You’re looking at borderline delusional political insanity when you turn on CNN.

And then you add the frustration of failure to these people who don’t know failure. When they decide to take somebody out, they generally succeed in doing it. But they have failed with Trump. So even if there weren’t a need to discredit Barr, if there weren’t a need to discredit Trump, investigate, whatever, they would still react this way. Trump is in their heads, has totally poisoned them, and no matter what he does, no matter what he says, this is the reaction they’re going to have to it.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2020, 11:05:00 pm »

Trump Smashes Turnout Record for Incumbents

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: You want another shocking bit of news from last night’s turnout? In fact, let me find a graphic here. Trump turnout — and he wasn’t even contested — dwarfed the Democrat turnout in Iowa, and it happened again last night in New Hampshire. In fact, here’s a breakdown of some numbers. Trump’s record-breaking incumbent voter turnout. If you are an incumbent and you are unopposed, there’s no reason to show up other than to show your support. I mean, your candidate doesn’t really need you because he’s already got the nomination locked up.

Last night 118,774 people showed up to vote for Donald Trump, 118,774. And they found a bunch of them were Democrats, a bunch of them are stealth, they hadn’t identified them before. I mean, that number is close to what the turnout was for the Democrat candidates who were actually in a contest.

But here’s some even starker comparisons. Obama, who was running in 2012 unopposed, this is the New Hampshire primary, Obama 49,000 votes. Trump, 118,000. In 2004, George W. Bush, incumbent, unopposed, New Hampshire primary, 53,000 votes. Bill Clinton 1996, 76,000 votes. And Reagan 1984, 65,000 votes.

Trump is dwarfing every previous incumbent president so far in turnout and votes so far in the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary. It equals enthusiasm, and it equals, I think, a very energized level of support. And I think much of it — not all, obviously — but a significant percentage of it is driven by the never-ending, ceaseless hatred for Trump throughout the Drive-By Media.

I think the Drive-By Media is actually being counterproductive for their own interests. I think they are creating Trump support. They’re not hurting Trump. They are creating more and more Trump support among people who otherwise wouldn’t even be motivated to go out on a night where Trump’s election is not even in question.

But these are people that want to go back and show the mainstream media or whatever it is that’s angering them that it isn’t working. There’s so much enthusiasm for Trump out there, it’s gonna be hard to tabulate. But on the other side, NBC News exit polls showed last night voters between the ages of 18 and 29 made up only 11% of the Democrat electorate, 18 to 29, Millennials, made up only 11% of the Democrat electorate, far below the 19% of 18 to 29-year-olds who voted in 2016.

Now, we keep being told that the Democrats have all this enthusiasm, they hate Trump, it’s just about beating Trump, we gotta find anybody that can beat Trump. Trump’s gotta go, Trump’s gotta go. The Democrat Party doesn’t care who, they’re so energized, they hate Trump, they hate the name calling, they hate the mudslinging, they hate the tweeting, they hate Trump, they hate him, they can’t wait to get rid of Trump. There is no such enthusiasm. At least it isn’t showing up in Iowa, and it didn’t show up in New Hampshire.

Bernie Sanders percentage of the vote that he got — I know he was only opposed by Crooked Hillary back in 2016, but it doesn’t matter. Bernie Sanders, his support has dropped off the map. He barely ekes out a win last night. He wins, it counts as a win, although Buttigieg is still leading in delegates. But the enthusiasm for Crazy Bernie is even waning. How do you explain that?

Like I said yesterday, the Democrats are offering solutions to problems that no longer exist. And boy, is that ever true of Crazy Bernie.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #7 on: February 12, 2020, 11:05:46 pm »

Fauxcahontas Takes $3 from Student Who Says She Only Has $6 in Bank

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: Let me give you another headline. “Millionaire Takes Half Of Poor Person’s Last Six Dollars So She Can Stay In Failed Race For President.” This news story just broke, and it is a headline to a tweet from Fauxcahontas.

The tweet reads as follows: “A young girl came up to me tonight and said, ‘I’m a broke college student with a lot of student loan debt. I checked and I have $6 in the bank—so I just gave $3 to keep you in this fight.’ We’re staying in this fight for the people who are counting on us.”

So here is Fauxcahontas, a millionaire, Elizabeth Warren has millions of dollars. Not gonna get into how she got it. Not the point. She’s got millions of dollars, she comes in so far back last night you need a telescope to see her. She doesn’t have a prayer out there. She gets [approached by] a broke, in-debt college co-ed, says, “I checked and I’m down to six bucks, and I’m gonna send you three.”

And she kept the money! She kept the three bucks and then used the message as a sign she’s gonna keep fighting for the people who are counting on her. Had it been me, I would have sent the money back and stayed in the race if that was the intent, but you know what this is? This is total absence of any empathy whatsoever. This is so egoistic, it’s incredible.

Elizabeth Warren can only see this one way. The circumstances of this young girl are irrelevant to her. All she sees, “This woman, this young girl, loves me. I must stay in for this young girl,” rather than see an opportunity here to score a point, this mind-boggling.

This reminds me of when Clinton was having, back in the nineties all these bake sales, students in junior high, middle school, grade schools, running bake sales to reduce the federal deficit. And they were sending Clinton the money they raised, 25 bucks here, 30 bucks. And he was keeping the money. Promised to apply it to the deficit.

What was the lesson? The taxes you pay are not enough. You need to do bake sales for your government. You need to raise even more money for your government in addition to the taxes that we are collecting from you. And these are the people, we are told, who have all the compassion for the downtrodden, the homeless, the hungry, the thirsty. And you can’t find any evidence that they do.


RUSH: I guess. I hadn’t thought of that. That broke college co-ed with six bucks in the bank that gave Fauxcahontas $3 and that Fauxcahontas kept? I just got a note from somebody, “You gotta remember, Rush. That young girl is hoping that she can get a free education, that Fauxcahontas will forgive her student loan. By investing…” (laughing) Maybe it makes sense.

“Okay, here’s three bucks. If you get elected, you can forgive any student loan.” But it isn’t gonna happen, and even if that was the objective, Fauxcahontas should have given the money back! She should not have kept it. Somebody says, “Here. (sobbing) I only have six bucks, and I’m gonna give half of it to you. (sniffling) You’re so important.” For crying out loud. But I guess that’s why I’m not in politics.


RUSH: If you want to know what happened with Fauxcahontas, it’s very simple. Bernie Sanders tomahawked her in the back. From the moment that he said she couldn’t win because she’s a woman, her poll numbers nose-dived and the wampum from donors dried up. They had an agreement. They had an agreement.

Do you remember this? They had an agreement not to attack each other, Fauxcahontas and Crazy Bernie, and Bernie broke it. Just one more treaty the white man violated with the native peoples, indigenous peoples, Fauxcahontas.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Feb. 12, 2020
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2020, 11:06:18 pm »

Ask Your Doctor About Klobmentum

Feb 12, 2020

RUSH: Speaking of Klobuchar, this is… I said they’ve got a new nickname for her. Here’s a media montage, number 6, in three, two, one…

GLORIA BORGER: Is there Klomentum?


ALISYN CAMEROTA: There’s Klobusurge. There’s Klobucharge. And there is Klobmentum.

RUSH: Yeah, and when you look at the word like I have it here on the official transcript, it looks like a constipation ad that you would see on the internet or on TV. Just Klobe — you know, Klobe, Klo, Klob — Klobmentum. And then you start with Klobusurge? That could be the laxative version of it. Here’s Amy Klobuchar herself last night at her headquarters in Concord, New Hampshire.

KLOBUCHAR: Hello, America.

FOLLOWERS: (silence)

KLOBUCHAR: I’m Amy Klobuchar, and I will beat Donald Trump.

FOLLOWERS: (applause)

RUSH: “And I am very mean, by the way. Ask my staff.”

KLOBUCHAR: Donald Trump’s worst nightmare is that the people in the middle — the people who have had enough of the name-calling and the mudslinging — have someone to vote for in November.

RUSH: John Lennon #9 Dream is going through my head here. She eats her salad, by the way, with a comb. Did you know that, folks?
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
-Matthew 6:34