Author Topic: Propaganda: Grayzone, Grifters and the Cult of Tank  (Read 361 times)

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Propaganda: Grayzone, Grifters and the Cult of Tank
« on: February 10, 2020, 05:30:38 pm »
This is so, Roger Waters, Pink Floyd and Oliver Stone, Platoon, Wall Street, World Trade Center, talks up this press outfit that will report things like "all is okay in Venezuela", I think these folks are a bit evil,


Grayzone, Grifters and the Cult of Tank

The sordid origin story of Max Blumenthal’s huckster cadre
Joshua Collins   Feb 10

A photo of US freelance journalist Carl Goette-Luciak with a Nicaraguan Sandista that Max Blumenthal misrepresented on his blog Grayzone that had grave consequences (Photo: Twitter)

The first in a three part series on the toxic influence of psuedo-journalists in the digital age and the danger they represent to the self-determination of peoples across the globe.

Professional liars, conspiracy theorists and old-fashioned fanatics have existed since the dawn of civilization, but in a digital age where clicks are driven by outrage and sensational headlines, these bad actors find themselves in possession of a megaphone with global reach that has never before been seen in human history. But not all grifters and yellow journalists are created equal. That is to say, in media platforms prone to consolidation and driven by outrage, the most extreme voices have a tendency to dominate the field.

The game of exaggerations, baseless accusations and dictator apologia for cash and clout is becoming increasingly dominated by a small and particularly unhinged group of smear-merchants who boast a cultish group of very-online and very-aggressive followers. These electronic minions of misinformation spread the exaggerations, denials and half-truths they receive from their grifter masters with evangelical zeal, and an apparent imperviousness to facts or reality ¹.

Enter Grayzone, a supposedly leftist crew of “journalists” with opaque financing and Russian support.

Read more at:

A lot of Grayzone is detestable, anyway, on a search just now, I came up with this, random story, it looks interesting:

Neoliberalism, US Politics   December 17, 2019   
The insider: How national security mandarins groomed Pete Buttigieg and managed his future

Pledging to “end endless wars,” Pete Buttigieg claims he has “never been part of the Washington establishment.” But years before he was known as Mayor Pete, an influential DC network of military interventionists placed him on an inside track to power.
By Max Blumenthal

In his quest for front-runner status in the 2020 presidential campaign, Pete Buttigieg has crafted an image for himself as a maverick running against a broken establishment.

On the trail, he has invoked his distinction as the openly gay mayor of a de-industrialized Rust Belt town, as well as his experience as a Naval reserve intelligence officer who now claims to oppose “endless wars”.  He insists that “there’s energy for an outsider like me,” promoting himself as “an unconventional candidate.”

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