Author Topic: A major New York police union declares open war on Mayor De Blasio  (Read 402 times)

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February 10, 2020
A major New York police union declares open war on Mayor De Blasio
By Andrea Widburg

Five years ago, two police officers were murdered in Brooklyn and the New York City police blamed Mayor Bill de Blasio for fomenting an atmosphere in which police murder was acceptable. This past weekend, although thankfully no one was killed, a man twice attempted to assassinate police officers in New York City. This time, the Sergeant’s Benevolent Association says this is war – not with the criminals, but with the mayor.

One of the most striking images from the first year of Bill de Blasio’s mayoralty was the scene at the funeral for Wenjian Liu. Liu and his partner Rafael Ramos were killed in an ambush. Police officers blamed de Blasio’s constant anti-police, pro-Black Lives Matter rhetoric for creating an atmosphere so hostile to police that murder was inevitable. At Liu’s funeral, in January 2015, when de Blasio began his eulogy, many of the assembled police officers turned their backs on him: