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The Chicken Gun Presidency (Berman)
« on: February 08, 2020, 04:28:23 pm »
The Chicken Gun Presidency

by Steve Berman

I’m not going to deny that President Donald Trump is 600-grit sandpaper to the smooth burled wood of our national government. He mars and gouges it. Another analogy is the hurling of a frozen chicken at an airplane canopy or a jet engine using a compressed-air “chicken gun.” It’s entertaining as hell to watch, but deadly serious when you’re stress testing a system that can save–or take–your life. Donald Trump is our chicken gun president.

While the president was riffing, unscripted, unrestrained, and hilariously improper, yesterday, I saw his enemies in the media and in politics, broken and hysterical. The more Trump launched bird after bird at them, the more his enemies turned their attacks to a wider target (I can’t say “bigger,” because Trump, by his nature, consumes all media space within his grasp).

But the complicity of those in attendance — the most powerful people within the Republican Party — is what was truly astounding. Yes, the Republican Party threw in its lot with Trump (and his forced takeover of it) long ago. But to sit by or even celebrate while Trump used the White House as a combination of a campaign venue, or a bathroom wall on which to write his darkest thoughts about those who oppose him, was beyond unforgivable.
The hidden worst part of Donald Trump’s unhinged impeachment victory speech, CNN (Chris Cillizza), February 6, 2020

I think that Mike Lee was probably cringing inside at some of Trump’s remarks, but he was also chuckling along with the rest of the nation who realize that Trump, in entertainment mode, is as effective as Ricky Gervais at the Golden Globes, except Gervais had the extra privilege of saying it to their faces.

No government in the 12,000 years of modern mankind history has led its people into anything but the history books with a simple lesson, don't let this happen to you.