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Matthews GOES OFF on the Evils of Bernie’s Beloved Socialism (This Really Happened)



--- Quote ---Matthews GOES OFF on the Evils of Bernie’s Beloved Socialism (This Really Happened)

During MSNBC’s Friday night post-debate coverage, Hardball host Chris Matthews behaved like a man possessed, hellbent on informing all about the deadly dangers posed by communism and socialism, how concerns during the Cold War were real, and Bernie Sanders might not be looking to just remake America into a socialist country a la Denmark.

Something was up early on in the show as he praised Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) for having “had guts to talk about the issue of this campaign,” which “is that word socialism” as “some people” and “younger people like it,” but socialism wasn’t exactly what they think it is.

“[T]hose of us like me who grew up — who grew up in the Cold War and saw some aspects of it after visiting places like Vietnam like I have, seeing countries like Cuba, being there, I've seen what socialism is like. I don’t like it. Okay? It's not only not free. It doesn’t freaking work. It just doesn’t work,” he added.

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Funny, none of the actual debaters have anything bad to say about it except the price tag.

Well, I'm glad someone trusted by liberals knows them evils and dangers of socialism and maybe can explain it better than I can.  I've tried  with my liberal friends, but they just blow me off. 

Matthews obviously wants a society closer to socialism than where we are now or he wouldn't be a liberal. It would be interesting to hear him explain where the line is between his ideal society and Bernie's.

They are just upset that Bernie is saying outloud what they all really think, but they know they could never get elected if they admit it.

They are supposed to wait until they are elected to go full Commie.


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