Author Topic: The world owes U.S. climate reparations  (Read 451 times)

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The world owes U.S. climate reparations
« on: January 23, 2020, 04:52:26 pm »

The world owes U.S. climate reparations
By James Taylor |January 10th, 2020|Climate|98 Comments

Climate activists bemoaned the conclusion of the United Nations COP25 climate meetings last month without an enforceable obligation for Western democracies to send more “climate reparations” ( money to China, India, and other developing nations. The 2015 Paris climate accord called for $100 billion per year ( in such payoffs, but apparently that is nowhere near enough reparations to satisfy the international climate class. Before recklessly throwing around the “r” word, however, activists should give closer thought to who should be paying reparations to whom. Given record global crop production (, a dramatic greening of the Earth (, fewer extreme weather events, and fewer people dying ( from temperature-related causes, any accurate accounting of positive as well as negative climate impacts would have low-emitting nations sending compensatory money to high-emitting nations.