State Chapters > Arizona

Council to consider Second Amendment Sanctuary declaration Tuesday (Bullhead City, AZ Update PASSE


Cyber Liberty:
Council to consider Second Amendment Sanctuary declaration Tuesday

--- Quote ---BULLHEAD CITY — The Bullhead City Council will have a busy Tuesday.

The regular meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, 1255 Marina Blvd.

Among items on the agenda is a resolution declaring Bullhead City a Second Amendment sanctuary city. It was proposed by Council members Steve D’Amico and Sheila Shutts.

The regulation cites Arizona and federal laws as well as U.S. Supreme Court decisions in the proposed resolution. Two of the these cases were decided by the court during this century: District of Columbia vs. Heller in 2008 and McDonald vs. Chicago in 2010.
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More from Mohave Daily News:


My little town.  Mohave County passed a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary policy a moth or two ago.  The County one has some teeth in it, because it means the Sheriff won't recognize gun-grabbing laws.  The Sheriff is the highest law enforcement agency in the County.

Cyber Liberty:
City council approves Second Amendment Sanctuary declaration

TERRI HARBER, The Daily News

--- Quote ---BULLHEAD CITY — At least 60 people were in the audience on Tuesday evening to watch the City Council unanimously approve a resolution declaring Bullhead City to be Arizona’s first Second Amendment Sanctuary City.

The resolution, proposed by council members Steve D’Amico and Sheila Shutts, cited the 1791 adoption of the Second Amendment as well as various U.S. Supreme Court cases related to it.

It then went on to reaffirm the city’s commitment to support the United States and Arizona constitutions and state laws and expressed the council’s commitment to “take all actions within its powers as granted by the laws of Arizona, to support and defend the rights and liberties for individuals to keep and bear arms as guaranteed by the U.S. and Arizona Constitution ...”
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