State Chapters > Arizona

Proposed gunshow ban violates first, second amendment


Elderberry: by Jonathan Hoffman 1/12/2020

The following column is the opinion and analysis of the writer.

In the past, I have defended the notion that there is a hierarchy in the Bill of Rights. Specifically, the first two amendments in relation to the rest. There are three aspects of human existence: spiritual, intellectual and physical. The First Amendment covers the spiritual and the intellectual, while the second covers the physical. With the possible exception of the Ninth Amendment, the rest are procedural. It is the first two that define a free citizen. So, if you really want to make a libertarian see red, try fooling with the First or Second Amendments in the Bill of Rights.

There is an ongoing effort to try to exclude gun shows from the Pima County Fairgrounds. This is not a new thing, it is a natural next step after the Tucson City Council banned gun shows from the Tucson Convention Center.

According to a recent article in the Arizona Daily Star, a group called Citizens for a Safer Pima County is lobbying for the banning of gun shows at the Pima County Fairgrounds “primarily because of their concerns that private sales of firearms are allowed there without a background check,” the Star reports. I think I can help relieve them of their concern — private sales are allowed everywhere in Arizona without a background check.


PeteS in CA:

--- Quote ---... I have defended the notion that there is a hierarchy in the Bill of Rights.
--- End quote ---

Hierarchy of the breadth of scope, maybe. Hierarchy of importance? No.

Gun-grabbers have worked long and hard to bogeymanize the Gunshow Loophole. Gun-grabbers' goals have zero to do with safety, and everything to do with making gun acquisition, ownership, and use by law-abiding citizens difficult and expensive. So bogeymanizing the Gunshow Loophole is just the camel's nose under the tent in a larger backdoor attack on private sales, trades, and gifting.


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