Author Topic: 2015: “Obama likes Soleimani, and admires his work,” says Arab Muslim countries should be “more like  (Read 185 times)

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2015: “Obama likes Soleimani, and admires his work,” says Arab Muslim countries should be “more like Iran”

Jan 3, 2020 12:00 pm By Robert Spencer 3 Comments

As always, on the side of America’s enemies. Soleimani was responsible for the deaths of numerous Americans. That makes him a “revered” figure to the Leftist establishment.

“Obama Strikes a Deal–With Qassem Suleimani,” by Lee Smith, Hudson Institute, July 14, 2015:

    According to the terms of the Iran deal announced in Vienna on Tuesday, U.N. Security Council sanctions regarding nuclear-related issues will be lifted on a number of entities and individuals—from Iranian banks to Lebanese assassins, like Anis Nacacche. The name that most sticks out is IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Suleimani. Administration officials counsel calm, and explain that Suleimani is still on the U.S. terror list and will remain on the terror list. But that’s irrelevant. The reality is that Suleimani is the key to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.

    The White House’s so-called nuclear talks with Iran over the last 18 months were never about Iran’s nuclear weapons program. Like everyone else in the Middle East, the Iranians understood that when Obama failed to strike Syrian president Bashar al-Assad in September 2013 for crossing his redline against the use of chemical weapons, there was no way the president would ever order military action against Iranian nuclear facilities. When Obama took that option off the table, he signaled to Iran that he wasn’t going to stop them because he thought there was no way to do so. When he leaked information about the Stuxnet worm, he suggested that he could help with Israel, too.