Author Topic: You're So Dead: Iranian Troops Aren't Safe As Long As Israel Owns Syria's Skies  (Read 163 times)

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January 3, 2020

You're So Dead: Iranian Troops Aren't Safe As Long As Israel Owns Syria's Skies

With F-35s and more.
by Sebastien Roblin

Key point: Syrian air defenses have not been enough.

On November 19, four unguided artillery rockets arced out from Syrian territory into Israeli airspace in northern Galilee in the Golan Heights. These were detected and promptly destroyed by Israel’s Iron Dome air defense system.

What prompted this ineffectual attack from Iranian forces?

Like the Ouroboros, the snake that is forever preoccupied devouring its own tail, the side-show war between Israel and Iranian forces in Syria seemingly stretches out into an infinite series of violent affronts repaid in kind.