Author Topic: A Cop’s-Eye View: Thoughts on Assimilation  (Read 290 times)

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A Cop’s-Eye View: Thoughts on Assimilation
« on: December 28, 2019, 02:30:13 pm »

A Cop’s-Eye View: Thoughts on Assimilation
avatar By Guest Opinion   December 12, 2019 

(The third in an on-going series of articles from a police officer actively serving in a sanctuary county outside Washington, D.C.)

As I write these words, it is late 2019, and nobody seems to be talking about the “crisis at the border” or “children in cages” anymore. With half our Congress focused on trying to undo an election, it’s become abundantly clear how little this alleged humanitarian crisis actually​ matters to those most vocal about it. That said, the United States did not manufacture this problem, although some might argue that decades of inaction are directly to blame for the situation we find ourselves in today.

What does all this mean for a cop in a sanctuary jurisdiction like me? We’re told by higher ups that illegal immigrants are less likely to come forth with information if their status is in question. The only time in over twenty years I’ve seen an illegal immigrant come forth with information about a crime, is when I’ve charged him with possession of a fraudulent government ID and the defendant squealed because he wanted to roll over on the guy he bought it from.