Author Topic: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In  (Read 296 times)

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Offline EasyAce

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Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« on: December 17, 2019, 08:55:24 pm »
The movement has a math problem. There’s a solution, but it will require some soul-searching.
By David French

. . . The short answer is race—in exactly the way you think. And one of the barriers to breaking through on race is a kind of political correctness, but it’s not left-wing political correctness that’s the true problem.

One of the most obvious and salient differences between the British and American electorates is a simple one: Britain is white. Really, really white. It’s almost Iowa levels of white. (Britain is a bit more than 87 percent ethnically white; Iowa is right around 90 percent white.) It’s layered with differences and divisions, of course. But it does not have America’s racial history, and that distinction matters.

Why does it matter? Well, setting aside the overarching historical and moral issues of national unity, equal opportunity, and equal justice, racial differences create a simple math problem for right-wing populism. There aren’t enough white working-class voters to create a sustainable right-wing populist party—especially since (so far, at least) right-wing populism is unattractive to most educated voters, including (increasingly) white educated voters . . .

. . . If you don’t think that the right has its own problems with political correctness, then you haven’t talked or written much about race. In powerful right-wing populist circles—talk radio, Fox prime time, etc.—the absolute last thing you can argue is that right-wing populism has a race problem. The last thing you can say is that the big white populist tent includes too many racists, and is cozy with too many racists. No sir. The last thing you can say is that some of the anti-immigrant rhetoric is motivated by racial animus against Latino immigrants. Nope. Can’t say that. Then you’re being politically correct. You’re giving in to the left . . .

. . . If it’s a problem when members of The Squad make anti-Semitic statements (and talk-radio world is very well-acquainted with the failings of The Squad), isn’t it also a problem when powerful populists host racists and make excuses for racism? . . . [T]he truth is that right-wing populism is in bed with too many racists, and so long as it gives aid and comfort (including on Fox prime time) to some of the worst voices in American life, it’s doomed ultimately to fail. And it will richly deserve that demise when it comes . . .

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Offline skeeter

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2019, 09:06:31 pm »
The writer has white right wing racism issue nailed. Not exactly a unique take on things, but he’s nailed it.

But what if all of those non-white Democrat voters have a race problem of their own, eagerly pumped up by the rats they overwhelmingly vote for? After all, they’re as human as white right wingers are.

Now there’d be a fresh thesis, we’ll have to wait a bit longer for.

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #2 on: December 17, 2019, 10:58:57 pm »
But what if all of those non-white Democrat voters have a race problem of their own, eagerly pumped up by the rats they overwhelmingly vote for? After all, they’re as human as white right wingers are.
And those who do would likely bypass, if not wish to crucify Mr. French, over his (wholly accurate) observation about the Squad.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Offline dfwgator

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #3 on: December 17, 2019, 11:00:09 pm »
It's not race, it's culture.

Offline skeeter

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #4 on: December 18, 2019, 12:20:35 am »
It's not race, it's culture.

Of course it is.

What if your opinion on, say, liberal immigration policy isn't resultant of racism at all, but is influenced by its clear and undeniable connection to enhanced power of anti American, anti constitution democrat politicians?

Shall we slink off, afraid of being marked with the scarlet R, simply because the powers that be have decided that the demographic make up of the flood of immigrants makes the charge superficially plausible? Wouldn’t it be logical to believe we’d be better off with fewer immigrants?

Wouldn’t it be possible to reach that conclusion yet not have a racist bone in your body?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 12:24:34 am by skeeter »

Offline dfwgator

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #5 on: December 18, 2019, 12:25:36 am »
Of course it is.

What if your opinion on, say, liberal immigration policy isn't resultant of racism at all, but is influenced by its clear and undeniable connection to enhanced power of anti American, anti constitution democrat politicians?

Shall we slink off, afraid of being marked with the scarlet R, simply because the powers that be have decided that the demographic make up of the flood of immigrants makes the charge superficially plausible? Wouldn’t it be logical to believe we’d be better off with fewer immigrants?

Wouldn’t it be possible to reach that conclusion yet not have a racist bone in your body?

Today, Racism is basically disagreeing with the Left on anything.

Offline EasyAce

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #6 on: December 18, 2019, 12:55:38 am »
Of course it is.

What if your opinion on, say, liberal immigration policy isn't resultant of racism at all, but is influenced by its clear and undeniable connection to enhanced power of anti American, anti constitution democrat politicians?
I'm far less concerned about that than I am that a sensible immigration policy makes emphatically clear that the topic is moderating all immigration, not just particular immigration. If the Republican Party can't make and enunciate that case, in hand with the precept that those who wish to immigrate without discouragement must do so by the law (to those who do so by the law we should always say, Welcome home and thank you for choosing the United States of America, regardless of their origin), that's on the Republican Party. About whom it is extremely fair to say these days that they are in little to no position to criticise anyone, never mind Democrats (we know which side you'll find most Democrats, we've known for long enough!), over behaving according to constitutional prescription.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #7 on: December 18, 2019, 01:15:47 am »
Posted above:
"It's not race, it's culture".

No. It IS "race". Will I be censored for saying so?

Traditional-minded Americans -- who are going to be the ones embracing "rightwing populism" (or whatever else you wish to call it) -- are going to be white, no question about it.

But that's only logical, because the traditional "America" of the past WAS "white" (yes, I realize about 11% of the population was black -- but for how long were they relegated to the back of the bus?).

The "newcomers" -- Asians, Hispanics, 3rd-worlders -- are likely NEVER to embrace the same traditions, as their heritages are totally different and as Kipling wrote, "never the twain do meet". And "public education" (at least what it is today) is teaching the younger of these newcomers that "tradtional America" was always "racis'" and evil. So "assimilation" isn't going to happen, either.

This is what it is.
It's not going to change.

And this is a fundamental reason why America is "dividing".
This, too, is not going to change.
The divisions are going to widen and deepen.

That's why an eventual "breakup" of the American nation is a real possibility, though it might not happen in the lives of most of the [older] members of this forum.

The only alternative to a peaceful separation will be "the submission" of the traditional-minded whites to the leftists (who embrace the newcomers because they are the antithesis of the "old whites").

Will the old whites step aside and let this happen without a fight?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 01:19:15 am by Fishrrman »

Offline skeeter

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Re: Right-Wing Populism Is Boxing Itself In
« Reply #8 on: December 18, 2019, 01:39:40 am »
I'm far less concerned about that than I am that a sensible immigration policy makes emphatically clear that the topic is moderating all immigration, not just particular immigration. If the Republican Party can't make and enunciate that case, in hand with the precept that those who wish to immigrate without discouragement must do so by the law (to those who do so by the law we should always say, Welcome home and thank you for choosing the United States of America, regardless of their origin), that's on the Republican Party. About whom it is extremely fair to say these days that they are in little to no position to criticise anyone, never mind Democrats (we know which side you'll find most Democrats, we've known for long enough!), over behaving according to constitutional prescription.

Makes sense. But the left and media allies will never allow such reasonableness as they quite obviously are using lax immigration policy as a political strategy, their future as a political force depends upon it, and they have no plans to stop using the ‘racist’ cudgel, as corrosive as it is, because it has proven an extremely effective means to quiet dissent.

Who am I kidding. Very few in DC in either party want to fix the this problem.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2019, 02:06:53 am by skeeter »