Author Topic: Renaissance in Climate Physics Plus Political Reform  (Read 461 times)

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Renaissance in Climate Physics Plus Political Reform
« on: December 17, 2019, 02:26:53 pm »
Electroverse by Bob Hoye 12/17/2019

There have been two great experiments in authoritarian government and each burdened society with bad science and confiscatory taxation. In the early 1600s the establishment insisted that the universe rotated around the Earth. More recently, the establishment insists that violent weather and global warming are due to society’s incorrect behavior. Climate alarmists from Maurice Strong, in the 1990s, to today’s Christiana Figueres have advised using the UN to basically change the Western World to a political system dominated by bureaucrats. This article reviews that the political reformation that began in the early 1600s was accompanied by a renaissance in physics. And observes that today’s popular uprisings could be the early stages of another great reformation accompanied by another renaissance in the physics of the solar system.

The 1500s suffered from cool and wet weather as part of the Little Ice Age and the establishment not only turned to bad science it became murderous. Witches “caused” the bad weather and thousands were tried, convicted and executed by highly educated magistrates.

Today’s climate control freaks such as Kennedy, Suzuki and Krugman have been calling for “deniers” to be imprisoned for “heresy”.

Indeed, this week a Danish professor suggests that his personal anxieties could be relieved by military hostilities against heretics. Highly motivated, the professor stated “this is your emission target, it’s not negotiable.”

Researchers in the 1970s observed that cooling trends were associated with declining solar activity. And vice versa. However, changes in the Sun’s heat output have been small relative to changes in the Earth’s temperature. Something else has been in play. 

Water, in ocean and atmospheric currents, has been the main conveyor of surface heat from hot to cold places. And clouds beyond providing cooling shade reflect the Sun’s heat to outer space.

Cosmic rays have more than enough energy to force changes in cloud cover.


In the world of particle physics, these are relatively big, fast and furious. Indeed, one detected in 1991 had so much energy that researchers called it the “Oh-My-God” particle. So, even average ones hitting our atmosphere produce a fascinating series of collisions. An atmospheric shower of secondary radiation that cascades down, creating X-rays as well as ions of nitrogen and oxygen.

And ions can be the nuclei for cloud formation.

When solar activity is increasing the strengthening magnetic field reduces cosmic ray penetration. Going the other way, diminishing solar activity reduces field strength allowing more rays through. Supercooled water vapor needs a little something to condense out on. Like jet exhaust from airliners forming condensation trails. Or from cosmic rays.
