Author Topic: Cruz: OIG Report Found Steele Report Based on Statements Made in ‘Jest’  (Read 265 times)

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CRUZ: ‘This Wasn’t Jason Bourne, This Was Beavis And Butthead’ (VIDEO)
Avatar by Eric A. Blair December 11, 2019 

A fiery Ted Cruz on Wednesday blasted the surveillance of the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, saying the errors made “are grotesque abuses of power.”

The IG compiled a 434-page report on how a secret court came to approve FBI requests for surveillance, which Cruz called “a stunning indictment of the FBI and the Department of Justice, of a pattern of abusive power.”

The Texas Republican said he’s “angry” and said the report, which sets out numerous errors in obtaining the go-ahead to conduct surveillance “should be deeply chilling” to all Americans.
« Last Edit: December 12, 2019, 04:08:12 pm by Mod2 »


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Cruz: OIG Report Found Steele Report Based on Statements Made in ‘Jest’
By Melanie Arter | December 11, 2019 | 3:48pm EST

( – Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) on Wednesday compared leadership at the FBI and DOJ to “Beavis and Butthead,” saying that when he was working at the Justice Department, if someone suggested tapping Hillary or Bill Clinton or John Kerry, “the people would have said, ‘what in the hell are we talking about?’”

“I can tell you from my time at the Department of Justice and from my time in law enforcement, any responsible leader when hearing that you're talking about sending in spies and sending in a wiretap on any presidential nominee, should say what in the hell are we doing?” Cruz said after questioning DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz at the Senate Judiciary Committee’s hearing on FISA abuses at the FBI.


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If true, there can be but one way "jesting" could lead to an impeachment.  If made in "jest" one would think the "jesters" would have come forward to say so.  They didn't so the only way it could happen is for the "jesters," FBI, CIA, DOJ, media, and democrats were in collusion. :grouphug: