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The Evolution Fraud

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If you have something intelligent to say, please do so.  But spare me your hateful pettiness. I've read and critiqued books by Richard Dawkins of Oxford and the best he could do was call me names, instead of address his numerous errors and nonsense.  Carl Sagan wrote me a letter after I critiqued several of his books and Carl asked me to buy his newest book.
I sold his letter on eBay for $125. 

"A book is proof that humans are capable of magic." - Carl Sagan

"My wonder button is being pushed all the time." - Carl Sagan

Now any time a person of faith expresses the wonders surrounding us as powerful, indeed incontrovertible evidence of our Creator is invariably snarked by the Godless Left (the counterpart to "the Religious Right," of course). "You're simply ignorant of science! That's the argument from incredulity, ha ha ha".

Was astronomer, professor, author Carl Sagan likewise ignorant of science? Of course not. He was one of them, a liberal agnostic, whose memorial service was ironically held at St. John the Divine Cathedral in New York City.

Carl never deviated from the Darwinian Paradigm, but he often expressed The Fallacy of the Argument From Incredulity, which the Darwin Camp utilizes with such sneering contempt, but only against people making the argument for Nature's God, our Creator. There may be many religions, but there is only one Creator of the Universe.


Free Vulcan:
Most evolutionists justify their theory by saying creation is fairytale nonsense.

The reality is the theory of evolution as it is today sucks, is weak and full of illogical holes spackled over by wishful thinking and near religious like faith.

Which is kinda where I leave it. You believe yours, I'll believe mine, and don't try to sell snow to an eskimo.

I believe it was Einstein that said something to the effect that as our knowledge grows, so does the circumference of the circle of darkness surrounding us. (correct me if I am wrong about the appellation).

As the "sciences" grow,  through genomic studies, archaeology, "climate science", and paleontology, (add any more) the circumference of Darwinianism shrinks.

My two cents.


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