Author Topic: Dissident Scientist Exposing Mainstream Astrophysics — by Jamal S. Shrair, PhD  (Read 587 times)

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Electroverse by Jamal S. Shrair PhD November 25, 2019

Like all fantasy theories of astrophysics and cosmology, the fantasy theory of neutron stars is full of absurd notions and so many contradictions. But that is not surprising at all. When you construct a hypothetical physics theory based only on theoretical mathematical formulation, especially in the field of astrophysics, usually, if not always, such theory comes out to be wrong, if not in a direct contradiction to physical reality.

The currently accepted theory of the sun and its chemical composition is the most ideal example, to the tragedy of astrophysics. Keep in mind, that the Sun is our own star and considered to be understood beyond doubt. In spite of this common belief, we have seen over the last a few decades a huge volume of solar data that contradict all the hypotheses of the standard solar model. And we continue to see detailed data from advanced space instruments that are in direct contradictions with the fundamental concept of the model, namely, the concept of the thermonuclear furnace. Very recently, decisive data that were obtained by Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, have further exposed the truth about the standard solar model. Now, these obtained data are considered strange and defy all logic by institutional solar physicists. However, according to my understanding, these data that were collected over a period of ten years make complete sense and in full agreement with the physical reality of the Sun. Mainstream astrophysicists are delusional about our star and their minds are trapped inside a dogmatic box. They are using the current standard solar model as a reference in interpreting observational studies and findings. In other words, solar observations based on modern space devices must fit and agree with their hypothetical model which is centered on a gigantic thermonuclear furnace. That is the reason, why they consider the collected data from the above mention telescope as startling mystery that defy all logic. Read, the Sun is stranger than astrophysicists imagined (

Thus, when the empirical data clearly contradict the basic concepts of a “wellestablished” theory, theoreticians will add to it new concepts in order to explain the unexpected observational data. If, however, the modifications can’t be successful or possible due to the huge difference between the observations and the expectations, an entirely new theory is invented (new physics). This trend has been going on for over a century. So, instead of revising the fundamental laws of physics, as mounting of observations show those laws and their associated models to be obsolete, theoreticians are always ready to invent new theories, in order to, insert any empirical data from space or from laboratories on the surface of the earth, that do not fit into those standard models. But, if those models cannot be preserved with theoretical attempts, then the observations have to be considered as mysteries or something that should not exist. In other words, in the final analysis, the defects have to be associated with the observed events (the physical entities), not with the theoretical models. The links below are constructive proof to what I am saying. Astronomers Have Found a Strange Neutron Star That “Shouldn’t Exist” (

Another crucial observation by Hubble Space Telescope (HST) in the beginning of this year confirms the above arguments. It is also, huge empirical evidence to what I have stated over the last several years, in different articles and research papers. Namely, that the highest magnetic radiations in the Universe come from the center of galaxies, not from collapsing stars. Extremely bright magnetic radiations (socalled Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) was detected in January of this year, by a suite of telescopes, including NASA’s Swift and Fermi telescopes, as well as by the Major Atmospheric Gamma Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) telescopes ( This event is known as GRB 190114C. The light detected had the highest energy ever observed: 1Tera electron volt (TeV) — about one trillion times as much energy per photon as visible light. This detection is considered now as a milestone in high-energy astrophysics. “Hubble’s observations suggest that this particular burst was sitting in a very dense environment, right in the middle of a bright galaxy 5 billion light years away,” explained one of the leading authors, this is really unusual, and suggests that might be why it produced this exceptionally powerful light.” This is really unusual. In other words, that should not happen according to our understanding and standard laws.
