Author Topic: Stunner: The U.S. Marines Want A Taser That Can Shoot Over 300 Feet  (Read 165 times)

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November 23, 2019

Stunner: The U.S. Marines Want A Taser That Can Shoot Over 300 Feet

If Police have them, why not America's armed forces?
by Michael Peck

Key point: A military Taser bullet isn’t as easy as it sounds.

A bullet that zaps you with an electric jolt like a Taser.

That’s what the U.S. Marine Corps wants as a non-lethal munition that can be fired from a regular small arm. The U.S. military has been trying to develop a Taser-like bullet for twelve years but has yet to succeed. This time, the Marines hope to get it right.

The U.S. military already uses regular X-26 Tasers, pistol-like devices that fire two wired electrode darts that transmit a jolt to incapacitate a target. But not surprising for a device designed for civilian police forces, the wires limit an accurate shot to less than twenty-five feet, and the target is disabled for only about five seconds.