Author Topic: After Florida county becomes '2nd Amendment sanctuary,' others in state want to follow suit  (Read 854 times)

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After Florida county becomes '2nd Amendment sanctuary,' others in state want to follow suit

TAVARES, Fla. – Earlier this month, a Florida county became the state's first so-called "Second Amendment sanctuary," passing a resolution strengthening gun rights and rejecting calls for gun control. Now, at least three other counties are considering following suit.

Elected officials in Wakulla, Sarasota and Clay counties said they also want to protect the Second Amendment in their regions and want to propose a law that would let people keep their guns. It would mimic Lake County's resolution, approved Nov. 5, that officials there say stands behind the Second Amendment.

"I’m a big fan of what Lake County did, and I’m proposing the same resolution in Clay County. With Beto [O'Rourke] saying he’s going to take people's guns away, I think it’s important that, as community leaders, we stand with our citizens and reaffirm that the Second Amendment is not negotiable," Gavin Rollins, a Clay County Commissioner said. "This is going set off a ripple effect."......
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My little County in AZ just did this.
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