State Chapters > California

San Francisco: Just Urinate in the Streets, Please


San Francisco: Just Urinate in the Streets, Please
4 days ago editor

Just when things could not get any worse for San Francisco at the hands of the Democrats a new issue arises. It all starts with Chesa Boudin, who is dumb and stupid as they come, and their entrance into the office of the District Attorney. Boudin is a hard-core liberal that most liberals would be embarrassed to identify with. Boudin plans on letting low-life criminals that love to use them outside as their bathrooms and camp in public areas become legal practices. In Boudin’s sick head this helps the police free up more of their time for other things.

The state of California is already going down the toilet because of the stupid socialist policies that are being fed to the public, but now San Francisco has just legalized pooping in public. People no longer have to go to a bathroom to relieve themselves. They can just stand in the middle of the street and let it rip. This kind of behavior is indecent as it is unhealthy.

Smokin Joe:
Gotta wash the poop away somehow....
Insects gotta love it...
I bet the flies genuflect around Boudin....and Ms Breed, Lord of the Flies

Yet the progressives will still curse the past and pat themselves on the back for making America so much better.

CA gov't is always getting picked on, but never getting any credit for the things it does right.  Why, last time I was in SF I didn't step on a single plastic drinking straw.  How awesome is that?  I hate it when that happens.  I'll be walking around, minding my own business, not looking down at my feet and wham!  Stepped in plastic straw.  They always get stuck in the treads and I gotta find something to dig them out, it's just gross.


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