Author Topic: Families Are Furious with Parents Magazine’s Latest Cover  (Read 317 times)

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Families Are Furious with Parents Magazine’s Latest Cover
November 11, 201916   

Parents magazine decided to be inclusive in regards to transgender children. However, parents aren’t having it. Much of it may have to do with the editorial decision of how they handled the front cover. It featured a photo of a “super cute” 4-year-old boy. He held a sign that read “Some men have periods, too.” It was followed by, “If I can get it, so can you.” This is where parents got upset, and they haven’t stopped complaining since the magazine was released earlier in the week.

An Instagram post from the magazine includes text from Milly Bhaskara, a mother from Hull, England who is dedicated to showing parents how easy it is to share the concept that women aren’t the only ones who menstruate. The magazine identifies that Bhaskara has 173,000 followers and is known for creating posts on body acceptance and mental health awareness. She wants to make sure that language isn’t so inclusive. She shared that men, women, and non-binary people have periods.

Bhaskara went as far as explaining that her four-year-old could grasp it because he hadn’t had to “unlearn the ingrained societal norm.” Then she said that we should have a “crack at unlearning trans-phobic/misinformed norms.”