Author Topic: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared  (Read 2415 times)

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Offline Elderberry

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #50 on: November 18, 2019, 07:48:15 pm »
I forget that they don't even care if the driver is impaired. All they care about is if they can prove they are "Under the Influence" of some listed drug(alcohol included), that is testable. Everyone's resistance to alcohol and drugs are different. They don't care. You may not be impaired in the least. All they care about though, is the "test results".

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #51 on: November 18, 2019, 07:48:22 pm »
They just need to go back to the "Field Inpairment Tests". And with body cams, the police would have a video record of the performance of the test.

Anyone with inner ear problems can cause "impairment" on many of those tests.

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #52 on: November 18, 2019, 11:24:23 pm »
The same people who whined about cigarette smoke have no compunction about smelling like a skunk.

Well, to be fair, the smell ain't exactly the same, and nowhere near as intense.

That said, I can't count on my fingers and toes the number of apartment building hallways I have been in that reek of pot. I wonder how their neighbors fare on random drug tests, whether they use or not, and those tests are a large part of being/staying employed in an oilfield town.

I know what you mean there...  I find it funny that I can't recall the last time I ran into it... Either in house /hallway, or car... Hardly ever anymore, and probably not much since I quit the party scene all those years ago... I guess  just don't travel in them circles these days.

LOL! That's really funny, and I never gave it a thought.

And what's hilarious is that I have been physically and REALLY skonked by skunks enough to be counted easily in the past few years... enough to need to treat for it, stay out of the house, and sleep in a hammock for a couple days...

I guess I am hangin with the wrong crowd.   :shrug: :whistle:

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #53 on: November 18, 2019, 11:48:37 pm »
With that, I have no problem with its legalization, but I hope the masses have the common sense to enjoy it in the comforts of their home versus taking the high on the road.  Roads are already dangerous enough with the drinkers, texters, phone junkies, and those who seem to use the new enhanced auto-safety features as catch all for their driving shortfalls.

I dunno where I am with it, other than two fairly well thought out points:

[1] Real medical need: knock yourself out.... grow your own... own any paraphernalia, grow for others in the same condition... whatever... no license, unmolested in private, with carry in public.

[2] Largely against WoD and fed involvement any which way. Should be a state issue, other than interstate and border...

That said, I know plenty of folks that have become a POS over pot - And that seems to be unrecoverable once they get there... I know that can happen with alcohol too, but it seems easier to come back from without dead brain cells and lowered IQ... If you can get em to crawl back out of the bottle.

I am pretty much against all of it anymore, other than medicinal use as I said... Same with alcohol. I do like a good party and love the feeling just this side of sh*t-faced... Pretty well tooted, but still functionally and completely capable. My brain shuts off and my inhibitions come down... I can have a really, good time... But it seldom has that happy ending - and not just for me, and really ain't worth the trouble that will almost certainly come.
I wish that particular wisdom had come way earlier to me. That I really do.

Offline Elderberry

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #54 on: November 19, 2019, 12:39:48 am »
Most all of my close friends from H.S. on were pot smokers. First multiple times a day, to occasionally over the years. For several years I stopped purchasing as I was growing my own. I gave it up  20 or so years ago. Though I did take a toke or two at hunting camp abt 7 yrs ago. I do not believe it affected any of my friends on a functional level. Their careers were not impacted as I could tell. And none died from drug use unless there was some unknown connection between drug use and the cancers which killed several of my friends.

Now three of my friends killed themselves with alcohol. Two died knowing that if they continued to consume alcohol they would die as their livers were in very bad shape. The third died from stomach cancer after consuming a bottle of VO every day for way too many years. I started out drinking beer. A lot of beer. In the Navy, in-port, every nite, we'd consume a case of Falstaff longnecks apiece as it was only abt $3.25 a case back then. Now I hardly drink a beer, but I'll have a bit of red wine or a bourbon nitecap.

Why is one condoned and the other not? It makes no sense to me.

Moderation in all things.

Offline verga

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #55 on: November 19, 2019, 08:20:12 pm »
File this under "No Shite" or "The law of unintended consequences"
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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #56 on: November 19, 2019, 08:32:46 pm »
Not me. Smoking tobacco provides nothing for anyone but bad  health and medical bills. Smoking pot calms down a lot of people who are normally agitated,and relaxes people who are just stressed from daily life. It also helps you sleep.
Never a smoker, but may have gotten some contact high, but over the years a good number of regular users that I knew were some of the most paranoid people you would want to meet. Dead certain Big brother was coming to get them NOW! TODAY! T"HIS MINUTE!!!!!
In a time of universal deceit - telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
�More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.�-Woody Allen
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Offline sneakypete

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #57 on: November 19, 2019, 08:39:40 pm »
Never a smoker, but may have gotten some contact high, but over the years a good number of regular users that I knew were some of the most paranoid people you would want to meet. Dead certain Big brother was coming to get them NOW! TODAY! T"HIS MINUTE!!!!!


Hard to blame them for this when they are right. Put yourself in their position. They aren't harming anyone,including themselves,yet they have to worry about the cops crashing through their doors to arrest them and most likely cost them their jobs and most of what they own as they sell off assets to pay lawyer fees to try to stay out of jail.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Fishrrman

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #58 on: November 19, 2019, 10:57:34 pm »
I recall reading just a few days ago that some kind of device that could actually measure impairment by marijuana was under development and getting close to coming onto the market...

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #59 on: November 20, 2019, 12:03:51 am »
Most all of my close friends from H.S. on were pot smokers. First multiple times a day, to occasionally over the years. For several years I stopped purchasing as I was growing my own. I gave it up  20 or so years ago. Though I did take a toke or two at hunting camp abt 7 yrs ago. I do not believe it affected any of my friends on a functional level. Their careers were not impacted as I could tell. And none died from drug use unless there was some unknown connection between drug use and the cancers which killed several of my friends.


I will challenge that.
One of my companies was involved in painting... It is very hard to find competent painters, because they tend to be users... We dealt often in high VOC varnishes, lacquers, and epoxies - So getting a buzz at work is very commonplace, and either that flatly attracts a certain kind of employee, or the work itself produces them... It is hard to be buzzed all day, and come off of it after work, so painters tend to like the buzz and stay that way even after work. And in that, I have had a rather unique problem hiring people, as the work actually attracts folks with substance abuse problems.

As a rule of thumb, I would much rather deal with a drunk than a doper. No doubt there are folks who can handle their weed - Some of my most honored mentors, truly gifted and thoughtful people, were habitual tokers. But those folks tend toward an accelerated employment curve, or wind up in their own businesses... And I was not dealing with that cream.

Dopers tend to be inattentive, forgetful, and unworthy of responsibility. They lack the drive toward quality, tend not to be self-starting, and require constant oversight. As a general rule, you need to constantly kick em in the ass to make their lungs work.

That is not to say that working with drunks is any better - They have their problems too... Binging being the worst from an employment perspective...  but as a rule, the artists in that craft that can produce tend toward the drunks... the productive ones, the more responsible ones, the ones who I could trust to lead teams and reliably get quality work done unsupervised were largely padded toward the drunks.
Now, I understand the militant pro-weed position - I really can. Because those I know that can handle their weed tend to be the spear-point of that militancy... But there are many, many in my experience that cannot. A less problematic condition than a drunk, a more passive fading of function to be sure... but very problematic all the same.

One of my favorite friends of my youth wound up that way... Straight As in middle school, bright, curious, inventive... An imaginative philosopher, handy with his hands, superb already in electronics...
Sophomore year in high school he started on dope, and the change, within that year was profound.
I literally saw his promise fade to nothing. Dropped out of school his junior year, and I split ways with him shortly after that. He never grew after that... taking only whatever work that would keep him high. He never drifted into heavier drugs to my knowledge, but he was lit, literally all the time.

He wound up living in a small camper, growing his own, and pretty much shiftless. He died in 2011, a life truly 'wasted'.

Why is one condoned and the other not? It makes no sense to me.

I see that the other way around - putting up with alcohol is no reason to open Pandora's box even further...
« Last Edit: November 20, 2019, 12:08:07 am by roamer_1 »

Offline Elderberry

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #60 on: November 20, 2019, 12:19:10 am »

I will challenge that.
One of my companies was involved in painting... It is very hard to find competent painters, because they tend to be users... We dealt often in high VOC varnishes, lacquers, and epoxies - So getting a buzz at work is very commonplace, and either that flatly attracts a certain kind of employee, or the work itself produces them... It is hard to be buzzed all day, and come off of it after work, so painters tend to like the buzz and stay that way even after work. And in that, I have had a rather unique problem hiring people, as the work actually attracts folks with substance abuse problems.

As a rule of thumb, I would much rather deal with a drunk than a doper. No doubt there are folks who can handle their weed - Some of my most honored mentors, truly gifted and thoughtful people, were habitual tokers. But those folks tend toward an accelerated employment curve, or wind up in their own businesses... And I was not dealing with that cream.

Upon thinking about your rule of thumb, the only reply that comes to mind is "Birds of a Feather Flock Together".

Offline LegalAmerican

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #61 on: November 20, 2019, 12:55:15 am »
Same regulations and common sense should apply to driving while under the influence of alcohol to 'pot'.  Good grief! 

Lots of medicinal benefits from pot, and other than the occasional glass of wine, I don't know of any medicinal benefits from alcohol.

Resveratrol in wine.  Concentrated antioxidants from the grape skin. Grape juice too, but much more concentrated in wine.
Even alcohol is 'good'.  Keeps down cholesterol, but most don't want to be alcoholics to get that benefit, as it does take a lot of drinking!  Alcohol can stimulate the appetite, hence aperitif before Dinner.  Can also aid the digestion. Just don't use it to get drunk.  Of course it does 'relax ' one. lol 

Offline roamer_1

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #62 on: November 20, 2019, 01:15:33 am »

Upon thinking about your rule of thumb, the only reply that comes to mind is "Birds of a Feather Flock Together".

If you meant to imply that I am a drunk, no doubt I was... But long, long before I started that company. I had not been wasted, nor had more beers in a year than I could count on my hands, in over a decade by then...

So no, @Elderberry , I think my observation is relatively without bias.

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #63 on: November 20, 2019, 06:03:21 pm »
CBD oil contains no THC – the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, at least not in any significant quantities and doesn’t, can’t actually make you high (assuming you get it from a “legitimate” and not completely shady source but being that it’s not closely regulated….?) no matter how much you use and is typically produced from hemp plants, not marijuana plants. Hemp is a close relative of marijuana but

Here in PA you can buy CBD oil and CBD infused products including in energy drinks, breakfast bars, chocolate, “gummy bears” just about everywhere – including at convenience stores like Sheetz and Rutters and lots of other places including beauty stores and salons.

Where I get my hair done, they’ve introduced a line of CBD hair and skin care products. I got suckered into buying some CBD hair finishing oil. My hair stylist used it on my hair two appointments ago and it did make my hair very soft and silky and very shiny so I bought a small bottle for $20.

Sometime after I started using it I noticed a strange odor, sort of like BO, not quite as bad as BO but still a musty, musky, funky, sort of an oniony-garlicy odor mixed with sweat, not a skunk weed or pot odor but still not very pleasant. And strangely the odor didn’t seem to be coming from my hair but from my other regions and my “nether regions” and even permeating my clothes so I didn’t equate it at first with the CBD hair oil since my hair didn’t seem to smell that way. But after I stopped using it, the odor went away. Hey, if had made me “feel” more “chill” I might have been OK with the funky odor and the silky hair. : ) But I instead went back to using argon oil for taming my thick, course and curly hair as it is odorless and FWIW is a lot cheaper and does as good as a job.

A lot of people swear by the positive effects of CBD oil, but I’m suspicious of any single product that claims to be a “cure all” for all sorts of and wide variety of unrelated conditions.

I also feel the same about the “essential oil” craze.

But…then…OTOH, after a friend recommended it to me as she said it really helped with her arthritic knee pain, I bought an essential oil pain relief roll on product to use on my foot that has become increasingly arthritic and painful, sometimes to the point of making even simple walking difficult. It contains camphor, copaiba, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, Frankincense and sage oils. I was very skeptical that it would work at all but it is as least as effective for temporary pain relief as my Rx  cream, but damn if it doesn’t seem to help more.

Am I the only one who found this post strangely arousing?

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #64 on: November 20, 2019, 10:12:51 pm »

Am I the only one who found this post strangely arousing?

@Maj. Bill Martin

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

Offline Maj. Bill Martin

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #65 on: November 20, 2019, 10:34:53 pm »
@Maj. Bill Martin



That was intended to be a little adult humor.  But it turns out that I apparently was the only one laughing....

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #66 on: November 20, 2019, 11:25:56 pm »

That was intended to be a little adult humor.  But it turns out that I apparently was the only one laughing....

@Maj. Bill Martin

Sometimes it's the thought that counts.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared
« Reply #67 on: November 22, 2019, 02:52:54 pm »
I've tried CBD for pain and saw absolutely no benefits. It's too expensive for me to continue this experiment.
 Another possible reason not to use it:
Air Force Is Latest Service to Warn Against Using CBD Product Use
20 Nov 2019 | By Oriana Pawlyk

The U.S. Air Force is reminding airmen that while taking cannabidiol, or CBD, is the hot new trend, it's off limits to all service members and federal employees.

In an announcement published Tuesday, the service said using CBD oil -- which may contain tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and might result in a positive test for marijuana -- is against the rules for all Defense Department troops.  ...

"Products containing unregulated levels of THC can cause positive drug tests, resulting in the same disciplinary actions as if members had consumed marijuana," he said in a service release. ...
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