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Car Crashes in Pot-Legal States Have Soared

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In Illinois it is going to be legal soon.


--- Quote from: TomSea on November 16, 2019, 08:35:30 pm ---Now, there is CBD, a derivative from Pot, it might be the "pain killing" part, I know someone who uses it because of his "bad knees".   So, I've seen it in "vaping" stores. My friend gets it on amazon, I would think one could find something a lot cheaper than what I saw it selling for. So, in this, we are discussing "medicinal uses" of marijuana:

Web MD discusses it:

As usual, Web MD seems to come out with a conservative view but that's not a big deal.  It might be worth a try if one has some problems was described above.  I'm unsure of the state-by-state issue.  I guess, if one buys it in a local store, they are not dealing with that issue too much.

If I tried it, basically, I'd try to do it at home, where I'm not worried about being on the road, etc. As I will do with alcohol. I won't really drink away from home. The law can really mess one up if they catch you.  Not worth the fuss.

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You make some valid points, and perhaps  they are coming out with a 'breathalyzer' machine that measures pot?  Does it really matter how much someone has smoked before getting on the road?  Bottom line, they shouldn't be smoking or drinking and driving period.  In my books, one drink before getting on the road is one too many! 

I find it interesting that it is viewed as acceptable to go out to dinner and have a few drinks and then drive, or have a couple of drinks at the local pub,  but people have a panic attack if someone takes a few puffs on a joint and see that as not acceptable.  No the two are not equally the same, but similar in that both substances have an affect on one's ability to drive.


--- Quote from: libertybele on November 16, 2019, 08:04:24 pm ---I don't know of any medicinal benefits from alcohol.

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WHAAAT??? Y'all better think that one through... Start with what is very likely the single most preeminent pain killer ever... an historically prolific disinfectant, particularly in the mouth... a major carrier for herbal medicines... a proper topical astringent... I could go on and on. While some may be trying to prove the medicinal value of weed, there is hardly a house on the planet in all of history that hasn't had alcohol in it's medicine chest.

How fast were they going when the crashes happened?

Just saying.......


--- Quote from: TomSea on November 16, 2019, 08:35:30 pm ---Now, there is CBD, a derivative from Pot, it might be the "pain killing" part, I know someone who uses it because of his "bad knees".   So, I've seen it in "vaping" stores. My friend gets it on amazon, I would think one could find something a lot cheaper than what I saw it selling for. So, in this, we are discussing "medicinal uses" of marijuana:

Web MD discusses it:

As usual, Web MD seems to come out with a conservative view but that's not a big deal.  It might be worth a try if one has some problems was described above.  I'm unsure of the state-by-state issue.  I guess, if one buys it in a local store, they are not dealing with that issue too much.

If I tried it, basically, I'd try to do it at home, where I'm not worried about being on the road, etc. As I will do with alcohol. I won't really drink away from home. The law can really mess one up if they catch you.  Not worth the fuss.

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CBD oil contains no THC – the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, at least not in any significant quantities and doesn’t, can’t actually make you high (assuming you get it from a “legitimate” and not completely shady source but being that it’s not closely regulated….?) no matter how much you use and is typically produced from hemp plants, not marijuana plants. Hemp is a close relative of marijuana but

Here in PA you can buy CBD oil and CBD infused products including in energy drinks, breakfast bars, chocolate, “gummy bears” just about everywhere – including at convenience stores like Sheetz and Rutters and lots of other places including beauty stores and salons.

Where I get my hair done, they’ve introduced a line of CBD hair and skin care products. I got suckered into buying some CBD hair finishing oil. My hair stylist used it on my hair two appointments ago and it did make my hair very soft and silky and very shiny so I bought a small bottle for $20.

Sometime after I started using it I noticed a strange odor, sort of like BO, not quite as bad as BO but still a musty, musky, funky, sort of an oniony-garlicy odor mixed with sweat, not a skunk weed or pot odor but still not very pleasant. And strangely the odor didn’t seem to be coming from my hair but from my other regions and my “nether regions” and even permeating my clothes so I didn’t equate it at first with the CBD hair oil since my hair didn’t seem to smell that way. But after I stopped using it, the odor went away. Hey, if had made me “feel” more “chill” I might have been OK with the funky odor and the silky hair. : ) But I instead went back to using argon oil for taming my thick, course and curly hair as it is odorless and FWIW is a lot cheaper and does as good as a job.

A lot of people swear by the positive effects of CBD oil, but I’m suspicious of any single product that claims to be a “cure all” for all sorts of and wide variety of unrelated conditions.

I also feel the same about the “essential oil” craze.

But…then…OTOH, after a friend recommended it to me as she said it really helped with her arthritic knee pain, I bought an essential oil pain relief roll on product to use on my foot that has become increasingly arthritic and painful, sometimes to the point of making even simple walking difficult. It contains camphor, copaiba, eucalyptus, lemongrass, rosemary, Frankincense and sage oils. I was very skeptical that it would work at all but it is as least as effective for temporary pain relief as my Rx  cream, but damn if it doesn’t seem to help more.


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