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Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« on: November 14, 2019, 06:30:47 pm »

The Schiff Has Hit the Fan

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: Ladies and gentlemen, the Schiff has hit the fan. I’ve been running a test all morning long. I’ve been asking people, “So what is the big news today? What do you think the big news is?” And I have not got a consensus of answers. And it is the most amazing thing. What happened yesterday, folks? Stick with me on this, now. What happened yesterday? What happened yesterday was we had an opening round of hearings into what? The impeachment of a president of the United States for the, what, fourth time in 300 years, 250 years, fifth time, fourth or fifth, regardless.

You know what the lead story on the Drudge Report right now is? A marital spat between Kellyanne Conway and her husband, George. Are you kidding me? After a full day of impeachment hearings, that’s the lead story. Really? I’m looking here at my Stack of Stuff today. I’m going to be very honest with you. This is the thinnest Stack of Stuff that I have had in I don’t know how long. This is the slowest news day that I can remember in I don’t know how long. And what day is this? This is the day after opening hearings into what? The impeachment of the president of the United States.

Now, you would think that after the opening day of the impeachment of the president of the United States, which is so rare it practically never happens — it has happened once in our lifetimes, Bill Clinton. Nixon was not impeached — you would think that after three years of all of the alleged crimes that Donald Trump has committed, all the alleged scams, the collision with the Russians to steal the election in 2016, all of this that we have been subjected to daily, seven days a week, 31 days a month, 365 days a year for three years and counting, you would think that after the first day of impeachment hearings that there would be overwhelming, shocking oh, my God, what’s happened to our country news.

Ladies and gentlemen, they don’t have anything. I’m trying to be very reasoned here and very serious. This is a Schiff show, and Pelosi is committed to it. And I am telling you right now that if she could find a way out of this, she would. They don’t have anything. They didn’t have anything to start with. They never had collusion with Russia. They never had any of the things they told us that Donald Trump did.

After the first day we had two witnesses and neither of the two witnesses at any time in their lives have ever had direct contact with the president of the United States. They are the star witnesses. They were the witnesses that were going to create the inertia that would lead to the public clamoring for the removal of Donald Trump.

There is no clamoring today for the removal of Donald Trump. The media doesn’t even have anything to make a bombshell out of. There literally was nothing yesterday. And I’m telling you that Schiff and Pelosi know exactly how bad this show is playing. They are not confident. They’re gonna have to make another pivot. They’re gonna have to change directions. They’re gonna have to do something if they’re going to save this because, folks, there is nothing.

So the big news of the day is Kellyanne Conway and her husband in a marital spat over an interview that she gave Wolf Blitzer on CNN. The news of the day is not whatever happened in those hearings yesterday. The second big news of the day is that Deval Patrick is gonna get into the Democrat presidential sweepstakes. Really?

On the day after the president of the United States underwent the first day of impeachment hearings, where’s the news about it? Oh, you can find it if you tune in to CNN, but, folks, you don’t find it. There really isn’t anything. It’s striking. My instincts yesterday that they had nothing have been more than confirmed overnight and today.

And let me tell you why they’re in this position. Aside from the fact — I’m gonna make it specific to this instance. But they’ve never had anything. There’s never been a single bit of evidence. There hasn’t ever been anything solid to back up any of the numerous things they have accused the president of for the past three years. If it was solid, it would have all come out yesterday.

This was the impeachment of the president of the United States, and there isn’t a thing that anybody can remember about this yesterday. There isn’t one element of it that stood out, that everybody’s talking about and saying, “Oh, my God. We didn’t know that, oh, my God. Can you believe that?” I mean, this was a flatline with two dryball witnesses who couldn’t even testify to direct knowledge and communication with the president of the United States.

Now, the way this was supposed to go — and don’t doubt me on this — Pelosi should have pulled this away from Adam Schiff, and I will guarantee you she wishes that she had. The moment Donald Trump released the transcript of the phone call on July 25th with the president of Ukraine, that blew up the entire plan they had. The media will not acknowledge this. Very few people in Washington will acknowledge it.

But I’m telling you right now that the plan was for the whistleblower to be the star of this show. The whistleblower was set up. The whistleblower, this whole thing was orchestrated, it was practically scripted by the Democrats, including Schiff and whoever at the National Security Council and John Brennan, who was directly responsible for picking the whistleblower and positioning him. The original plan was for the whistleblower to come forward and say the most shocking, outrageous, “Oh, my God. We can’t believe that” kind of things, that Trump engaged in in the phone call with the president of Ukraine.

They rolled the dice that Trump would not reveal the transcript of the phone call in order to protect executive privilege, to continue to wage battle between Congress and the executive branch and the separation of powers. And they really believed that Trump and his advisers would go to the wall not releasing the transcript. That would permit Schiff and the whistleblower and the Democrats to accuse Trump of exactly what got Nixon: cover-up, obstruction, what is he hiding? What did he know, and when did he know it?

When the president released the transcript, it immediately rendered the whistleblower irrelevant. We then learned the whistleblower himself only knew secondhand what was said on the phone call. Plan A was the whistleblower, with instant credibility, was to be the Christine Blasey Ford of this story. Except nobody was gonna get access to him.

He was never going to testify because his life was threatened, remember? He was going to be kept under wraps because the president’s men were trying to kill him. The president’s men were trying to injure him. The president’s men were trying to find him. This was going to be the story. The whistleblower would never face cross-examination, would never face questions, would never be identified because what he had was so shocking, it would bring down the entire presidency.

That was Plan A. Trump releases the transcript of his, quote, unquote, perfect phone call with the president of Ukraine, and we find out that there’s nothing in it that is impeachable. There’s nothing in it that is criminal. It’s literally a nothing burger. That’s when Pelosi should have canceled this. But Schiff told her that he had it. Schiff told her he could still get the ball across the goal line.

Schiff told her he had a Plan B, and Plan B is what’s in motion now, but they’re trying to make everybody think that Plan B is Plan A. They’re trying to make everybody think the whistleblower was never a big deal, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. But the whistleblower was it, folks. All eggs were in the whistleblower basket. Now the whistleblower isn’t even gonna testify. Now the whistleblower isn’t gonna even be acknowledged. The whistleblower may as well not even exist.

Oh, I know the media is talking about a bombshell. You know what the bombshell yesterday was? Let me run this by you. Here’s the bombshell from yesterday. This is the only new evidence — and I’m saying that in quotes — that came from yesterday’s hearing. In fact, in fact there’s actually a second thing. George Kent inadvertently made Trump’s case yesterday.

I went back – you know, I’m trying to follow this stuff while hosting the program at the same time, and it’s impossible to follow it intimately. I mean, I’ve got three-minute spot breaks. I went back and looked at some of the things this guy said. This guy actually did great damage to Schiff and his case. But I’ll get to that in a minute. He didn’t mean to.

This new bombshell yesterday is more thirdhand hearsay. This bombshell evidence — and this is what the media is reporting today is the bombshell — Ambassador William Walter Cronkite, Edward R. Murrow Taylor claims that he had an aide named David Holmes. Taylor said that his aide, David Holmes, told him three months after the fact that when Holmes was at a restaurant, he overheard Gordon Sondland talking to Trump on the phone.

The phone call is in July. Three months later, Taylor’s aide is in a restaurant within earshot of Gordon Sondland. After this phone call, David Holmes said that he asks Gordon Sondland what Trump thought about Ukraine, and Holmes said that Sondland told him that Trump said he cared more about investigations than he cared about Ukraine. This is it! This is the sole totality of what the bombshell is yesterday, that a thirdhand witness had to go ask Sondland, “What were you talking to Trump about?”

He said, “Trump cares more about investigations than he does Ukraine!” This is like a high school romance. This is like the cheerleader’s girlfriend saying of the star quarterback, “He cares more about football than he does you, Babe.” (whining) “He cares more about investigations than he cares about Ukraine,” and that was the bombshell. That’s what CNN and the… They tried to run with it. They couldn’t even give this bombshell status. They tried.

It is so pathetic.

“Trump cares more about investigations than he cares about Ukraine,” like caring about Ukraine is the equivalent of a high school romance where people are judging what you care about and what you don’t care about as a testament to your character. It’s mind-boggling. High crimes, misdemeanors, bribery, extortion, the emoluments clause, colluding with Russia — and the bombshell was that William Taylor’s aide (three months after the fact) talks to Gordon Sondland, and Sondland told him that Trump cared more about investigations than he cared about Ukraine.

(wailing) “We care about Ukraine. We love Kiev! (sniffle) We love the people of Ukraine, and Trump doesn’t even care! Trump doesn’t even care what we care about, my God.” This is flat-out, immature, childish embarrassing — and once again, this is thirdhand information that came from one person, Gordon Sondland. Well, guess what else? Guess what else? This David Holmes, the aide working for Taylor who asked Sondland what was on that phone call with Trump? He worked for Marie Yovanovitch, who was the Trump ambassador Trump removed.

So he’s probably yet another disgruntled employee (blubbering) “upset that Trump… (mewling)” See, these guys, their reason for existence is Ukraine. They love Ukraine. Oh, Ukraine’s the center of the universe because it’s their diplomatic assignment. They love Ukraine! They love “Keeve.” See, us plebes pronounce it “Key-ev,” but they call it “Keeve” because they’re insiders. It’s Kiev. (sobbing) “They love Ukraine and they care about Ukraine and so forth, and they found out that Trump cares more about investigations than he cares about Ukraine! Oh! Oh!” They went nuts.

This is the basis. This is the bombshell that Trump’s gotta go. He doesn’t care about Ukraine, supposedly. It’s all hearsay anyway. The fact that there are adults literally reacting as though this is one of the single greatest offenses a human being could commit: “He cares more about investigations than he cares about Ukraine!” We don’t even know if it’s true — and even if it is true, so what? Trump is not president of Ukraine. But that was it. Regardless what you think of it, that is the bombshell.

That’s why Kellyanne Conway and the spat with her husband is the lead story on Drudge. That’s why today my Stack of Stuff is thinner than it has been in years. That’s why today is the slowest news day that I can recall. This is gonna be a day where I’m gonna have to be doing a lot of vamping, because the news media is so depressed, they have not reported on anything else. Everybody is in a collective mood of despondency because they all know that yesterday was a complete and total bomb. The Schiff hit the fan.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2019, 07:25:30 pm »

Deflated Libs Know Impeachment Failed Yesterday

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: So what is the big news right now on the cable networks? It’s not just Fox, but CNN. A school shooting in Southern California, Santa Clarita. Six victims in the Southern California high school shooting. It’s a terrible thing. We’re very sad about it, very sorry about it. But, folks, if there were any bombshell revelations — if the ball had been moved even one yard yesterday — this school shooting would be in a little picture-in-picture graphic inside a discussion of how Trump’s presidency is over.

If they had that story, if they had the story that yesterday’s impeachment hearing was the beginning of the nail in the president’s coffin, that’s all they would be talking about today. They don’t have anything. Pelosi rolled the dice and trusted that Schiff could bring this home. Remember, the hearings were given today off so the media could package and program all the bombshells from yesterday — and they don’t have any because there weren’t any.


RUSH: Here’s Joe Lockhart this morning on CNN’s New Day. He’s the former Clinton spokesman, the former spokesman for the National Football League. Alisyn Camerota said, “Most working people can’t be glued to their TV.” That’s another telltale sign, by the way, that the Drive-Bys know they’ve got nothing.

Believe you me, everybody stopped what they were doing to watch the Watergate hearings. People took off work. TV sets were turned on at work. The Watergate hearings captivated the United States.

Nobody made any extraordinary effort to watch any of this yesterday, and I’m here to tell you that if people did tune in, the first hour of this thing was as much as they dared watch. It was boring. It was eventless. It had no drama whatsoever. It had no bombshell revelations. It didn’t come close to meeting the expectations that the Democrats had built up.

And Alisyn Camerota’s question here acknowledges that nobody watched. She says to Joe Lockhart, “Well, you know, most working people can’t be glued to their TV.” A tacit admission that they know nobody watched. “Well, you know, Joe, most working people –” well, then why are you on the air during that period of time anyway? Most working people couldn’t watch yesterday, they can’t watch any day, right? Why are you even on the air? Why doesn’t CNN sign off from say 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. if most working people can’t watch it?

“Most working people can’t be glued to their TVs, Joe. Do you think that there is any way in our tribal universe that this moves the needle for some –” stop and think of this question. She knows. They all know nothing happened yesterday to move anybody anywhere. Nothing happened. In fact, the Democrats hurt themselves yesterday. The media hurt themselves. They spent three years building people up for yesterday.

They have spent three years. I cannot overemphasize this, three years of Trump colluding with Russia, Trump stealing the election, Trump a traitor, Trump a foreign agent. Rudy Giuliani a foreign agent. Then the Kavanaugh hearings and all the rest of it. Then the Mueller report. All the stories in the New York Times and the Washington Post, three years of this, and nobody watched yesterday. And the people who did had to be asking themselves, “What is this?”

Folks, you cannot watch this, you can’t judge it in a vacuum. You have to put it in context. And they have built this country up, expectations that this was gonna be the beginning of the end. Finally we’re there. We got Donald Trump now. We got him on a phone call with the president of Ukraine. And the question essentially, “Joe, nobody watched yesterday ’cause there was nothing in there. You think there’s any way in our so partisan universe, is there any way that what we did yesterday can somehow still work even though we know that it didn’t?”

LOCKHART: Republicans did what they needed to do, which was they just need to give their base something to hold on to. And I think their best argument was the simplest argument, which is the aid went through, and there were no investigations. Now, it’s an argument that falls apart with one more piece of information, but they’re not gonna get that from Fox News. They’re not gonna get that from Rush Limbaugh. So I think there’s nothing there that moves the hard-core MAGA base.

RUSH: There was nothing there that moved the hard-core MAGA base away from Trump, exactly. But there was nothing there that moved the great unwashed, the independents, the moderates. There was nothing there to move them to your sideshow, and his answer is a tantamount admission. Well, the Republicans, you know what? Their best argument was the simplest argument. The aid went through. There were no investigations. Yep, this baby is over, folks. The aid went through and there were no investigations. Doesn’t matter whether Trump likes investigations more than he likes Ukraine, Ukraine got the money, and there were no investigations.

And Lockhart says, the argument falls apart with one more piece of information. But he doesn’t provide it. He then goes into “and the American people are never gonna know what it is because of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.” Aw, poor people, they can’t overcome us, folks. No matter how hard they try. The New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, you name it, the American people aren’t gonna know the truth because of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh.

It’s so unfair. We had Trump, we had him right there, we had him right there, Trump was gone! And they got nothing. And look what they put the country through in the process of this.

Remember Harold Ford. Don’t forget Harold Ford earlier this week talking to Bret Baier on the Fox News Channel. He said (paraphrasing) “I won’t be surprised if after this thing gets to Friday Pelosi sees there’s no chance of a bipartisan vote on this that she just decides to pull it.” Don’t forget Harold Ford said that.

Here’s Jeffrey Toobin, one more sound bite, CNN as well. This was yesterday afternoon in yet another telltale sign of how deflating, disappointing, depressing all of yesterday was.

TOOBIN: The one criticism of these two witnesses, which I think is very much legitimate — it’s not really a criticism, it’s just a factual statement — is that neither of them had direct contact with the president.


TOOBIN: Ever. And, yeah, that’s a problem if you’re gonna impeach the president.

RUSH: You think? You think? Neither of these two witnesses ever had any personal contact with the president. They cannot testify to anything Trump did or said. All they can do is what they did. (impression) “Well, somebody told me that had told them three months ago, it got passed on to them. By the time I heard it was fourth or fifth hand, but what I heard was that the president likes investigations more than he likes Ukraine.”

I’m not exaggerating. That was the news yesterday. That was it. That’s the bombshell. Let’s see. What’s on cable news? Still talking about the school shooting in California, folks, still not a word on this massive first step toward getting rid of Donald Trump yesterday in the House of Representatives.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2019, 08:09:05 pm »

Was Harold Ford Right? Will Pelosi Pull the Plug?

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: Well, Pelosi had a press conference, her weekly press conference, always on Thursdays, just before the program began, and one of the questions that she was asked — by the way, before I get to that, she referred to James Rosen, Fox reporter, as “Mr. Republican talking point” in her response.

\Now, these are people that know they run the media. These are people that think they run Washington, D.C. Folks, she’s in a tizzy here. She’s ticked off. She’s not happy. She’s not feeling her oats. Believe you me, this did not go any way, anywhere like they dreamed it was gonna go. This was spin day. Schiff schedules hearings on Wednesday, takes a day off today, resumes tomorrow.

This was spin day. This was where all the bombshells, today, all the bombshells were gonna be spun, all the bombshells were gonna amplified. They were gonna be driven home. By the end of today the American people were going to be clamoring for Trump’s removal. There isn’t any spinning because there wasn’t any bombshells. We don’t have anything.

There isn’t a single take-away from what happened yesterday of any substance that would lead anybody to believe the House had a purpose for doing what they did yesterday. This is Peggy Lee. (singing) “Is that all there is? Is that all there is? If that’s all there is, my friends, then let’s keep dancing.” And they’re gonna keep dancing. They don’t have anything.

Pelosi was asked by a reporter today, an eager beaver reporter, “Madam Speaker, Madam Speaker, will you be looking at an article of impeachment?”

Pelosi: (paraphrasing) “I don’t know that. We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry’s about. And when the committees decide that, well, they will decide what the articles are.”

Wuh wuh wuh wuh?

That’s not the answer she was expecting to be able to give to that question today. “Madam Speaker, will you be looking at an article of impeachment?”

“I don’t know that. We haven’t made a decision to impeach.”

You haven’t made a decision to impeach? What was that yesterday? Oh, it was an inquiry? We’re still at the inquiry stage? You mean, we’re still looking for this impeachable offense? Remember yesterday John Ratcliffe, Republican congressman from Texas, looked at both George Kent and William Taylor, said, “Can either of you two guys point to me the impeachable offense in the phone call?”

And dead silence. After a couple of seconds of silence a kerfuffle began as Schiff attempted to make a bunch of noise and cause distractions so that people didn’t realize that these two guys didn’t have an answer to that question. So a kerfuffle begins and Ratcliffe, being the polite mannered guy he is, “Okay, okay, I’ll withdraw the question.”

He was happy to withdraw the question because he didn’t get an answer. And no answer is the same as, “No, I’m sorry, I didn’t hear anything impeachable.” All this time Taylor is waving his hand, “Hey, hey, I want to say something!”

“Mr. Taylor, you’re recognized.”

(imitating Taylor) “I just want to remind everybody, I’m not here for that. I’m not here, I’m not invested in one outcome or another. I’m not here as a partisan. That’s your job.”

Wait a minute. Then why are you there? This is an impeachment inquiry. That’s the only reason you’re there, Mr. Taylor. You are there to help start nailing nails in Donald Trump’s coffin. That’s why you’re there. Neither of these two witnesses yesterday could provide any direct firsthand knowledge of anything Donald Trump has done in Ukraine, and they are the star witnesses.


RUSH: We’re gonna start in Savannah, Georgia. John, great to have you on the EIB Network, sir. Hello.

CALLER: Hello, Rush. Thanks for having me on.

RUSH: You bet.

CALLER: Hey, at the top… In one of the Fox News breaks, I think, right before your opening monologue, Nancy Pelosi was quoted as saying she couldn’t guarantee — I’m paraphrasing — that the House would vote on impeachment. So I think your point is very valid that they’re about to ready to throw in the towel and she wishes she could pull the plug on this right now.

RUSH: Wait a second. You are the second person who’s told me this, and I can’t find verification of this. So I need to ask you: Did you actually hear her say it or did someone else say that she said it?

CALLER: No, this was a sound bite from her.

RUSH: And did she say some…? Did a reporter say, “Will you be looking at an article of impeachment?” Did she say, “I don’t know that. We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry is about,” or did she flat-out say that they are not going to vote on impeachment?

CALLER: She said the possibility was there that they would not vote, and that was it. Again, I’m paraphrasing. But that was Fox News, and right after that you went into the fact that they are running out of steam on this and the plug needs to be pulled, and I think she realizes that. She also made another interesting statement asking Trump to come offer exculpatory evidence, which is, “We’re running out of ammo, Mr. President. Give us something we can twist and turn around. We don’t have anything.”

RUSH: Well, Trump’s already provided exculpatory evidence. By the way, it’s not up to the accused to prove he didn’t do it, although in Trump’s case we could probably throw that out the window. The phone call is the evidence. The phone call transcript is the evidence that the whistleblower and everybody else is lying about this. The phone call is the exculpatory evidence. That’s the problem they’ve got. Let me remind you again, folks, the way this was supposed to go.

The whistleblower was going to be the star. The whistleblower was gonna be the hero. The whistleblower was gonna carry the day. The whistleblower was going to be able to characterize this phone call however he wanted to. The theory was that Trump would never release the transcript of the call no matter what, because presidents don’t do that. They protect executive privilege. They don’t set the precedent of letting the legislative branch get their noses that deep into the executive branch because of separation of powers.

So they thought Trump and his advisers would hold fast on not releasing the transcript of the call. That would allow the whistleblower to say whatever he wanted to say was on that call, and then Trump not releasing it would be the equivalent of covering it up or obstructing the impeachment inquiry. That’s what they were going to ride to victory. Trump releasing the transcript blew that to smithereens, and they had to scramble and come up with Plan B. Plan B is what we’ve got, what we watched. They’re trying to make it look like it was Plan A.

Now, I’ve had two people tell me… This is very frustrating for me, because I can’t find anybody to confirm it, but I’ve had two people tell me that Pelosi said there will not be a vote. If she had said that, that would be the headline. I’ve quoted what she said, but I’ve got people disagreeing. This is what she said. A reporter said, “Will you be looking into an article of impeachment?” Pelosi: “I don’t know that. We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry’s all about.”

Now, if people are hearing that as Pelosi saying, “We’re not gonna vote,” that’s not what she said here in that quote. She didn’t say, “There will not be a vote.” That’s not at all what she said yet. It may be trending in that direction; it’s not what she said. She said, “I don’t know that. We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry’s all about.” Now, if yesterday had gone as planned, she would have answered, “Hell, yes, we’re gonna vote. Probably Friday. Hell, yes, we’re gonna vote!

If they had it, she would have said, “Hell, yes! I’m putting together the vote even now.” Pelosi… Go back to what Harold Ford said. If she did not get some Republicans on this, then she’s got an even tougher way to go here because impeachment has to have a bipartisan nature to it, and she doesn’t have that yet, and she’s acknowledging in her answer that she’s not near a vote. What she said, essentially, was that yesterday was a bomb and we don’t know yet, and that’s… There’s nothing more to it than that yet.

George Kent (the bow tie guy) yesterday actually made the case for investigating Burisma and the Bidens. He actually did.


RUSH: So a bunch of people in the email, “Rush, Rush, Rush, Rush, you’re making a mistake. Don’t act like this is over.” Folks, don’t misunderstand me. I’m talking about yesterday. Remember, I am the guy who said this is going to be like Kavanaugh. As they try things and they fail, another one’s gonna pop up.

They don’t know this has bombed out on ’em yet. I mean, some of the network people do. You can tell by the questions, you can tell by the answers. Look, in a self-contained way yesterday, as a self-contained day, was a bomb. It doesn’t mean in their minds their whole effort has bombed out. It just that yesterday was a bomb. It didn’t produce anything. There was nothing memorable, there was nothing mind-blowing, there was nothing of any substance that’s going to even shock anybody.

They had literally nothing yesterday, and they built everybody up to expect that it was gonna be one bombshell after another yesterday. And they had two witnesses that can’t even testify directly to anything the president’s done or said because they’ve never spoken to him and they haven’t met him. So yesterday was a bomb. But it doesn’t mean that they’re cashing it in. And Pelosi has not said there isn’t gonna be a vote.

They’re gonna do the hearings again tomorrow and they’re gonna hope to try to come up with something to make up for the bomb that yesterday was. A lot of people have a lot riding on this, especially Adam Schiff. But all of the Democrat Party and Pelosi. So of all people not seduced by any of this, fear not, my friends, it isn’t me. I’m just telling you in a flat-out, factual way that yesterday was a total, total disaster. And it was not what anybody on the left was expecting.

Now, they make these misjudgments constantly. They have a total misunderstanding — this all falls into the category of the disconnect that exists between Washington, D.C., and the rest of the country, and particularly when it comes to the Democrats. They literally have lost the ability to relate to most Americans.

And I’ll guarantee you these people in the diplomatic corps and in the interagency group and all these people, the CIA and the national security counsel, they don’t even want to relate to you. They don’t even think you should be electing the president. Because you’re gonna screw up like you did with Trump. And then they’re gonna have to come in and they’re gonna try to take over foreign policy because you elected somebody that doesn’t know what he’s doing.

They’re not elected, they’re not accountable, they’ve got no reason to care what you think. And they don’t. As such, they’re not gonna even try to relate to you. They’re gonna talk to each other in their own world, which is what we got yesterday. And I’m sure that probably some people that watched yesterday thought it was bombshell, that thought Taylor and George Kent were just the end of the world, man, they were fabulous.

But in terms of actually communicating with or relating to and making a connection with the American people, there was none. But, again, I’m just telling you, when the lead item on Drudge is Kellyanne Conway and her husband’s marriage, there was nothing in the hearings yesterday. Both networks are still covering the school shooting. They haven’t even broken away from it.

There hasn’t been a panel discussion on how bad it was for Trump yesterday. There hasn’t been a panel discussion on how Trump’s days are numbered. There hasn’t been a panel discussion on anything. They gave take whirl earlier this morning on CNN. They don’t have anything. That doesn’t mean they can’t try to make something else up.

Remember, the whistleblower was an entire series of lies. The whistleblower, just like Schiff, has lied repeatedly as committee chairman when he characterized the phone call. They’ve got a lot invested in this, and they’re gonna keep plugging away at it, if I know them as I think I do. That’s why Pelosi at some point is going to have to make a decision and is probably very nervous right now. But then I’m crediting her for a modicum of intelligence that she may not have on this herself. I think she does.

We got a couple Pelosi sound bites from the press conference today. Don’t have the bite where everybody thinks that she said that there will not be a vote. That’s not what she said. Again, and I’m having Cookie roll that off so you actually can have the audio of Pelosi saying it. But a reporter asked her: “Will you be looking into an article of impeachment?” And she cut him off. She said, “I don’t know that. We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry is about. And when the committee decides on that, then they’ll decide what the articles are.”

Now, some people heard that as, “Well, she just said there isn’t gonna be a vote.” No, she didn’t say that. She said they not gonna be a vote yet. I guarantee you she wants there to be a vote and she wanted there to be a vote yesterday. She wanted yesterday to be so jam-packed with stuff that the country was demanding that Trump be thrown out of office last night. That’s what their hopes were.

So here are a couple of bites, her press conference, every Thursday she does it. This was a little bit before noon Eastern time. CBS infobabe Nancy Cordes: “You talked about bribery. That’s a very, very serious, serious charge.”

PELOSI: We’re talking Latin around here, E pluribus unum from anyone, from anyone. Quid pro quo, bribery. Bribery. And that is in the Constitution attached to the impeachment proceedings.

CORDES: So what was the bribe here?

PELOSI: The bribe is to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of a — uh, uh, of a fake investigation into, uh, the, uh, election. That’s bribery. Yesterday I think — I do believe the truth will set us free. And so the truth coming from the president’s own appointee, the president’s own appointee describing bribery.

RUSH: Well, but, see, that didn’t happen. I mean, the bottom line is the president never got his investigation and Ukraine did get their money. We told you they’re gonna drop quid pro quo and move down the road to bribery and extortion because they figure people don’t know what quid pro quo is, but bribery that’s easy to understand.

But grab Joe Lockhart again. Grab sound bite number 4. I’m gonna use a Democrat spokesman for Clinton to undercut what Pelosi just said. The question he got was from Alisyn Camerota. “Most working people can’t be glued to their TVs.” Translation: Nobody watched this yesterday, Joe. We had such high hopes, Joe, nobody saw it. Next question: “Do you think that there’s any way that this could move the needle for some –” Joe, is there anything we could do since nobody watched it, Joe? Is there anything we can do to make them hate Trump even more?

LOCKHART: Republicans did what they needed to do, which was they just need to give their base something to hold on to. And I think their best argument was the simplest argument, which is the aid went through, and there were no investigations. Now, it’s an argument that falls apart with one more piece of information, but they’re not gonna get that from Fox News. They’re not gonna get that from Rush Limbaugh. So I think there’s nothing there that moves the hard-core MAGA base.

RUSH: Translation: We had nothing, Alisyn, that’s gonna move this in any direction at all because the main charge of quid pro quo and bribery didn’t happen. Trump did not demand an investigation while releasing the money. So Pelosi’s answer here is connected to nothing. Pelosi’s answer here is a rote and scripted answer she was going to say at this presser regardless of substance or context.

So she gets a question, “You talked about bribery. That’s a very –” In fact, I’m sure Pelosi told the press corps: “Some of you asked me about bribery. I want to talk — So somebody in the press core, “Okay, tell me about bribery.” And here comes here scripted answer that is not related to what happened yesterday.

Cordes says, “So what was the bribe?” “Well, the bribe is to grant or withhold military assistance in return for a public statement of fake investigation into the election. That’s bribery.” Except it didn’t happen. There still haven’t been these mythical investigations and Ukraine got their money, as Lockhart just pointed out.

So Pelosi’s answer here is a generic, scripted answer that she just wants the media to report to continue this lying mischaracterization of what Trump did. And she’s trying to erase the fact that nothing happened in the hearings yesterday. That’s all they can do, folks, is try to tell you that what you saw yesterday you didn’t see, that what was boring as hell yesterday was actually a series of bombshells. And that’s what they’re in the process of trying to do. But they can’t convince anybody of it, and the media isn’t going along with it.

Now, here’s the next one. Chad Pergram of Fox News Channel, he’s a producer, said, “Do you think there is a way, considering that all they’re doing in all the depositions, is there any way the House could not impeach?”

PELOSI: Perhaps you have not heard me (snickers) when I have said, “This is something we’re very — do with a heavy heart. This is very prayerful, because impeachment is — is a divisive thing in our country. It’s hard, and it… (sputters) The place that our country is now, it’s not a time where we go to 70% when President Nixon walked out of the White House. By the way, what President Trump has done on the record in terms of — of acting to advantage his… A foreign power to help him in his own election and, uh, the, uh, the obstruction of information about that — the cover-up — makes what Nixon did look almost small.

RUSH: Again, let me tell you what we have there. Folks, this is an answer that is absolutely devoid of any context of what happened yesterday. Her answer is what she wants people to think happened yesterday. Her answer contains information that she and the Democrats were hoping would be revealed yesterday. This answer of hers contains their agenda. It contains the attempt that they were making here to get rid of Trump.

The problem that she has is that none of what she has described here has happened. Let’s go through it. First, his question: “Is there any way that you could not impeach?” If she had said, by the way, that there’s not gonna be a vote on impeachment, this would have been where she would have said so. She did not. So if it’s going around Twitter or anywhere that Pelosi said there’s not gonna be a vote, folks, it isn’t true.

She hasn’t said that yet. What she said was, “Perhaps you have not heard me when I said this is something we’re very… We do with a heavy heart. It’s very prayerful, because impeaching is a divisive thing in our country.” Well, exactly. It’s very rare, and we had public hearings into impeaching Donald Trump yesterday — and, folks, you can’t find any news about it. There isn’t any news right now. I mean, I’m looking at cable news networks.

They aren’t talking about it, and they haven’t been for the last two to three hours (and not much before that), and the big news of the day has been Kellyanne Conway and her husband and whatever he’s saying on MSNBC. It isn’t a big deal. Yesterday was a total bomb-out for them. (wailing) “Yeah, we had this major, gigantic thing that we hardly ever do in America ’cause it’s so prayerful, it’s so important. We impeached yesterday! We began the impeachment inquiry.”

Yeah, you can’t find any evidence that it happened by virtue of looking at the news. Am I the only one who thinks this is a big deal? I think it is profound that they’ve got nothing to say about what happened yesterday. But her answer? Man, this is… Well, I want to stop short of going the psycho route, but listen to this. (impression) “The place that our country is now, it’s — it’s — it’s not a time where you go to 70% when Nixon walked out of the White House.”

What? (impression) “It’s not a time where you go to 70% when Nixon walked…”? Meaning we don’t have 70% of the people demanding that Trump go? By the way, after pointing out that we don’t have 70% saying Trump should go like we had with Nixon (impression), “By the way, what President Trump has done on the record in terms of acting to advantage his — a — a — a foreign power to help him in his own election and the obstruction of information about…”

No. He hasn’t done that, Ms. Pelosi.

See, this is what the whistleblower’s mission was. She is reading from the script they wrote six weeks ago. The script was to be: “Whistleblower testifies he heard Trump on this phone call demanding this and demanding that and telling Ukraine they’re gonna get jack until they do it.” Trump was not gonna refute it because he wasn’t gonna release the transcript. So they were gonna be able to say what she just said here.

(impression) “By the way, what President Trump has done on the record in terms of acting to advantage a foreign power to help him in his own election and the obstruction of information about that, the cover-up, makes what Nixon did…” There hasn’t been a cover-up! He released transcript. That’s why they don’t know what to do. There isn’t a cover-up. What there is, is their technique and their plan has been exposed — and Pelosi is telling us what it was.

This answer is Pelosi literally telling us what their attempt to get Trump was gonna be based on, and she is saying it as though it has happened even though it hasn’t — and this is the problem they have had from the very beginning of all of this. They haven’t had a shred of evidence to back up any of the accusations or allegations against Trump that they have made. They literally have nothing. They never have had anything.

And Pelosi’s answer here — for people who are up to speed and following this — is quite illustrative. She, in fact, slipped up in this answer because she has just unveiled where she wanted this to go. She unveiled with that answer what their plan was. (impression) “He was covering up. He was using foreign policy to screw a political opponent. He was withholding foreign aid from a valued ally until they investigated his opponent.” None of that has happened, and yet she just answered the press conference as though it did and as though it’s ongoing.


RUSH: Okay. I found the sound bite where everybody thinks Pelosi said that she’s not gonna have a vote on impeachment, and it’s from this press conference, and it was from a question from the CBS infobabe, Nancy Cordes. “Could we be looking at an article of impeachment having to do with bribery?”

PELOSI: I don’t know that! We don’t even — haven’t made — made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry is about, and when the — the committee —

RUSH: That’s it. Stop the tape. That’s what people heard (summarized): “We haven’t even made a decision to impeachment.” She means conduct a vote. They have made a decision. See, that’s even quite telling. This isn’t even an impeachment. This is the so-called inquiry. Schiff called it the equivalent of a grand jury. The problem is grand juries don’t get conducted in the public. But, anyway, what she’s telling people is (impression), “This is still the inquiry, and then next week the Republicans get to bring in some witnesses, and who knows where it’s gonna go.”

Now, the interpretation of this, I don’t even… (impression) “We haven’t made a decision to impeach. That’s what the inquiry’s about.” I think people are combining the uber-reality that yesterday was a total bomb with Pelosi saying, “We haven’t even made a decision to impeach,” and then concluding that she’s decided it was a bomb and so there isn’t gonna be a vote. That’s not what she’s saying.

She’s still hedging her bets, and at this juncture it’d be very helpful to replay Harold Ford and what he said, but I’m not gonna have time to squeeze that in before the break. So we’ll do that coming back. I’m finally able now to understand why everybody thought she said that there was not gonna be a vote. She didn’t say that, but I can see where (after my opening and brilliant monologue) you might have thought she did.


RUSH: Now, let’s go back and listen to Harold Ford. This was Monday on the Fox News Channel, Fox News Reporting. This is the old Shepard Smith hour, 3 p.m. hour. Bret Baier was hosting that day. He had Harold Ford, former member of Congress, Tennessee. Question: “We’re getting ready for these public hearings on impeachment. How much do you think this impeachment show factors in the campaign trail? What 2020 candidates are talking about this ahead of the debate in Atlanta?”

It’s a good question. He’s basically saying, “Harold, how is this impeachment thing playing with the candidates running for the Democrat nomination?” And here’s his answer…

FORD: By Wednesday evening I think we’re gonna have a very strong sense. I think by Wednesday evening, and perhaps Friday afternoon after the ambassador comes forward, we’re gonna have a much better sense of Nancy Pelosi, who I think has been the most mature of all the politicians in D.C. around this issue, ‘cause I don’t think she really wanted to do this. But, if she does not feel that Democrats can have a sound vote, bipartisan vote, and maybe even move to the Senate with a chance to remove the president, I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t pull this in the next several days, if this first week does not go well.

RUSH: Now, my friends, he’s the only guy that I could find alluding to this. But he’s probably by no means the only guy thinking about it. He’s the only guy that said it. By the way, yesterday was a bomb. He said, “I think by Wednesday evening, and perhaps Friday afternoon after the ambassador comes forward,” that would be Sondland, “we’re gonna have a much better sense,” well, Yovanovitch, “of Nancy Pelosi, who I … don’t think she really wanted to do this.

“But, if she does not feel that Democrats can have a sound vote, bipartisan vote,” if they’re not gonna succeed in a conviction in the Senate, “I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t pull this…” You go back to her own words in the sound bite we just played (impression), “I don’t know that! We don’t even — we haven’t made a decision to impeach.” Can I give you another indication? This story just ran (well, it’s been up for a couple hours) on Yahoo News. Headline: “U.S. House Speaker Seeks to Pass Mexico, Canada Trade Pact This Year.”

Wait. What? So the day after, the day after…? Do you know what’s striking my friends? All of my staff thinks I’m making way too big a deal out of the lack of media coverage on yesterday’s impeachment hearings. They all think I’m stepping too deep in it, and I love I’m the only guy that gets it. I love being… After 30 years, they still think I’m misreading this. They think I’ve gone too deep into this, that the Democrats have some sneaky plan they’re gonna unveil tomorrow and I’m gonna end up being embarrassed. I’m the guy who said they’re gonna try that.

The Kavanaugh approach: As everything they try bombs out, they’ve got something waiting in the wings. Anyway, here we are: The day after. I cannot tell you how much was riding on yesterday. They know they don’t have two weeks to make this case. They knew they had the first hour. That’s what makes yesterday so astounding to me. They knew they had to put everything they had, the best they had into the first hour, otherwise they’re gonna lose the audience. The audience is not gonna wait for a story to take two weeks to be told here.

They want to know it tomorrow. They’ve been expecting it. They’ve promised! The Democrats have been promising everybody they’ve got the goods on Trump for three years. Yesterday, the cascade was to begin — and the knew the first hour was it. If they didn’t grab people and hold ’em in the first hour, it’s over, and they didn’t. Those two dryballs? They may be perfectly fine public servants, they may be perfect for what they do, but they are not captivating. They are, by definition, behind-the-scenes people. They are by definition.

We’re never supposed to know what they do. They become the public face of this? And when they were asked point-blank, “Can either of you tell me what the impeachable offense in the phone call was?” Crickets. Dead silence. So here we are, the day after — the day after the big reveal, the day after the opening day of impeachment hearings — and what does Pelosi do? She announces that the intention of Democrat caucus is to pass the Mexico and Canada trade bill this year. What? What?

Exactly. Another data point, that Pelosi sees the Democrats are in a bad position. Pelosi knows that she is in a position of weakness here. She knows that the Democrat presidential candidates are in a tight spot. So after yesterday’s disaster, Pelosi announces that the top item on the agenda for the House Democrats is to pass the Canada-Mexico trade fact this year. Folks, she needs something to change the subject. She needs something to change the subject that her so-called moderates can run on in 2020, because right now… She hornswoggled all those people who got elected in 2018 from Trump districts.

She hornswoggled them into voting for Schiff’s impeachment, and it bombed out yesterday, and so now she’s got to do something to give those people something to run on other than impeachment because they’re not gonna be able to succeed doing that. So here she comes. (impression) “Guess what we Democrats are for? We want to pass the Canada-Mexico trade pact!” Whoever heard of this starting today, yesterday? (interruption) My staff still thinks I’m wrong. I can tell by it looks on their faces.

My staff still thinks I’m overemphasizing this, but I am not. In fact… Don’t misunderstand me. I don’t want Pelosi to cancel this. I’m not trying to talk her into wiping it out. I want her to continue. If the president has done something horrific, I — as an American citizen — want to know. I want Pelosi to keep at this. I want her to not cave. I want her to keep going. Let Schiff continue to call his witnesses. (interruption) Now the staff is really looking at me in a strange way.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2019, 08:34:27 pm »

The Washington Elites Aren’t So Smart!

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: This is Jay in Columbia, South Carolina. Great to have you on the EIB Network. Hello.

CALLER: Hey, thanks, Rush. They’re in full panic mode for sure. They’re pointing the laser light, and we’re the cat chasing it from Russia and now to the Ukraine. Who knows where we’ll be chasing it next. But, anyway, my point is Adam Schiff was caught on video yesterday in a complete, total lie. He told congresswoman Stefanik that he would interrupt the hearing if he felt that a Republican’s question might lead to the identity of the so-called whistleblower.

RUSH: Yes.

CALLER: She said, how exactly would he be able to interrupt a Republican’s question leading to the ID of the whistleblower if he now claims he doesn’t know who the whistleblower is. That’s proof right there that he’s a liar.

RUSH: Yep. We made this point big time yesterday, shortly after it happened. And you’re right, it first came out, it was a Republican questioning, and it was the woman that you mentioned. This was great, actually. The Republicans had a plan to take Schiff off rhythm, and it worked. So Schiff goes through his opening statement and he’s being very serious. He thinks he’s being very professorial and very intellectual and very dramatic and he’s getting ready here to lower the boom on Trump.

And right when he’s ready to send it over to Ambassador Kent, the Republican, “Point of order, point of order, are we gonna be able to question the whistleblower? You know who the whistleblower is and we want to –” And Schiff said, “I don’t know who the whistleblower is.” He lied through his teeth. He coordinated this with the whistleblower. But then he was on record saying that if the Republicans identified the whistleblower and mentioned the whistleblower’s name, that there would be hell to pay.

Well, how would he know if they had mentioned the whistleblower’s name if Schiff says he doesn’t know who it is? He was nabbed red-handed. Adam Schiff lies constantly. Adam Schiff has assured the American people he has reams of incontrovertible evidence of Trump colluding with Russia. He has yet to produce it because it doesn’t exist. Eric Swalwell has said the same. They have not produced it because they don’t have it because it doesn’t exist.

But Schiff did. He threatened Republicans. If you mention the whistleblower’s name there’s gonna be hell to pay. And the question, “Well, if they mentioned his name how you gonna know because you just said you don’t know who it is.” Which is a crock, folks. He set this all up and he and the whistleblower plotted and planned this, along with John Brennan. This whole cabal set this whole thing up.

You know, a little observation. What’s really, really curious to me, because I’m convinced that this whole plot was dependent on Trump not releasing the transcript of the phone call. These people were so arrogant and condescending, they literally believed that they would be able, with the whistleblower, to characterize Trump’s phone call however they wanted and get away with it because Trump would never release the transcript.

Now, that’s a hell of a bet to make. And it’s not very bright. You know that you’re making something up, in fact, your strategy, your objective is to lie to the American people about Trump’s phone call. And you know that there’s evidence that you’re lying in the transcript. And yet you hatched this plan anyway believing that that transcript will never be released for whatever historical reasons.

These people, it’s really hard to calculate the extent of their ignorance, stupidity, or misjudgment, whatever you want to call it. And I think that the explanation for it is their arrogance. I believe they think so highly of themselves and they have such confidence knowing that the media is their backup and their referee and their agent in the rigged game that I think it makes them vastly overconfident that their plans are gonna work because, folks, none of them have.

Everything they’ve done behind closed doors where they’re able to lie and get the media to report the lies and create news based on the lies, which was two and a half years for Trump-Russia collusion using the Times and the Washington Post, they get so convinced that they’ve got a case that is based on nothing that they decide it’s time to go public with it. Every time they have gone public, it has blown up in their face.

Mueller and his testimony in public blew up in their face. The public release of the Mueller report blew up in their face. The Kavanaugh attempt blew up in their face. And this blew up in their face yesterday. Why do they keep making the same amazing mistakes? And the answer is they’re not nearly as smart as you think they are. They’re not nearly as strategically crafty as you think they are. The Republicans kind of make ’em look like they’re really smart. But the nature of the evidence right in front of us is that they’re not.


RUSH: Okay. Here’s the Republican leader in the House, Kevin McCarthy, California, at his weekly press briefing. Get this question from a reporter. Oh, by the way, CNN is back to covering impeachment. I wonder why? And you know what they’re doing? They’re talking about what’s gonna happen next week. Next week’s hearings. Yes, with Gordon Sondland, new evidence in the phone call, shocking new evidence in the phone call.

Don’t doubt me, folks, these people are so predictable. Here’s the question Kevin McCarthy got: “You said that you should be focused solely on the president’s words on that call. You said read the transcript. And yet you have this growing number of State Department officials, career public servants, who say that what they saw was highly irregular, even crazy. Are they all –”

See how this works? So the president’s transcript of the phone call is there, it’s perfectly clean and clear, there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s perfectly fine, it’s aboveboard, but a bunch of eggheaded nerd wonks, unelected, unaccountable, in the State Department, a bunch of Never Trumpers, “Why, that looks very irregular. That went outside regular channels. He did not involve the interagency group.”

So here come the sycophants in the media assuming that the wonks and the nerds and the unaccountable bureaucrats, they are the experts, Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing, you McCarthy, don’t know what you’re doing. Are all of these people? Yes, they are all wrong! I will say it. They’re all wrong because they’re all haters of Donald Trump. They’re all partisans.

They’re all part of the Never Trumper cabal designed to get rid of Trump, so, yes, they are all wrong. Were they right about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Where have they been right recently? Who anointed these people as God’s gift to America? Yes, they’re wrong. I’ll be the first to say that they’re wrong. And they’re wrong on purpose. Now, that’s not what McCarthy says. Here’s what McCarthy said.

MCCARTHY: Yesterday Congressman John Ratcliffe left a question to these two witnesses, who have never met the president, were not on the phone call, has not talked to the Chief of Staff, and asked them, what do you see impeachable? Is there one impeachable item in there? They could not answer one. Remember what we’re discussing here. We’re talking about removing a duly elected president. You take that so lightly? We have the transcripts.

You know, Alexander Hamilton warned us that this day may come, that a person may have the majority with inside of Congress to use impeachment for their own personal, political gains. We’ve watched how many times they’ve tried this in the last three years and failed. And now we watch Adam Schiff, one more time, leading the charge.

RUSH: Look. He’s exactly right. They did ask these two experts who can never be wrong because they care so much about Ukraine and Kiev, oh, they love Ukraine. And Trump went outside regular channels, he didn’t involve the interagency group. “He just destroyed all the work that we’ve done!”

Who appointed these people God’s gift to expertise? Nobody elected ’em. And when asked point-blank, what’s the impeachable offense in the phone call? Zip, zero, nada. Crickets. Well, yeah, I intended to get another phone call in here, but that kind of bombed out like the hearings.
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Re: Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« Reply #4 on: November 14, 2019, 08:52:24 pm »

George Kent’s Bombshell Admission

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: This is Dave in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Welcome, sir. I’m glad you waited. Hi.

CALLER: Hey, Rush. Thank you for taking my call. I listened to the hearings yesterday, and as an American citizen, I want to see Burisma and the Bidens investigated, and it seems like now that’s impossible. (cell drops)

RUSH: You know what? We lost the connection there. I did not hang up on the guy. I never hang up on people. But it’s interesting. He said he wants to see Biden and Burisma investigated. I mentioned earlier that Breitbart has a story today and (I checked this myself) they’re absolutely right. George Kent… He was the bow-tied guy yesterday with that gigantic blue bottle of water. Did you see that? Did you see how big this guy’s water bottle was?

At any rate, he actually made the case yesterday for investigating Burisma and the Bidens. He testified… Follow me on this. “George Kent testified that in 2014, the first thing…” This was under the Obama administration. “[T]he first thing the U.S. demanded from Ukraine in exchange for aid was an investigation of Burisma” in 2014. He said the investigation was “closed down due to bribery and corruption.” Remember, Kent here is an expert on corruption — anti-corruption and bribery, or whatever.

Now, why was this investigation closed down? In 2014, the U.S. demanded exactly what Trump did. The Obama administration demanded Ukraine investigate Burisma in exchange for aid. But it was closed down, maybe because Biden was hired by Burisma in late 2014! Maybe they closed it down because Burisma did what they had to do to close it down. They hired Biden and his kid. In 2015, George Kent pushed to reopen the investigation, but Obama ignored the request. So George Kent admitted that the State Department wanted to do exactly what they’re now saying Trump should be impeached for.

I’m not making this up.


RUSH: Now, want to go back to this George Kent business. I kind of hurried that to get it in before the break, but we learned this from Kent’s own testimony yesterday that in 2014 (Obama is president) George Kent was doing what his usual channels of State Department operations are in Ukraine. He testified, “In 2014, the first thing the U.S. demanded from Ukraine in exchange for aid was an investigating of Burisma.” So why are they trying to impeach Trump over this?

The Obama administration did the same thing. The problem here is that this investigation was begun, and then it was closed down. The demanded Ukraine’s investigation into Burisma be closed down, and you know the timing of it? They closed it down in late 2014 when Hunter Biden was hired. They were full-speed ahead into an investigation of bribery and corruption into Burisma — and the minute Hunter Biden ends up working for Burisma, they shut down the investigation.

The Obama administration “ignored” the request. In 2015, George Kent pushed to reopen the investigation, even with Hunter Biden working for Burisma. The Obama administration “ignored” his request. Again, that’s after Hunter Biden had been hired by Burisma. George Kent said that “he was concerned about the perception of a conflict of interest with Hunter Biden being on the Burisma board.” This was all stated yesterday. Have you heard anything about this? You have not.

This is what they’re trying to impeach Trump for! We demanded Ukraine in 2014 investigate corruption and bribery at Burisma. They started. Then we told them to shut it down after Hunter Biden was hired, and George Kent didn’t like that. The headline for the story: “U.S. Officials Pushed for Ukraine to Reopen Probe into Hunter Biden-Linked Burisma” in 2015. He testified to this yesterday. It’s another reason why they’re not spending a lot of time on it. You can hardly find any sound bites today of George Kent.

It’s all William Edward R. Murrow Taylor. Now, here’s another little tidbit from Headline: “Top Ukrainian Official: Sondland Did Not Link Aid to Investigation of Bidens — Ukraine’s foreign minister told reporters today,” this was this morning, “that U.S. ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland did not link investigations into Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son with military assistance.

“‘Ambassador Sondland did not tell us, and did not tell me exactly, about the relation between the (military) assistance and the investigations,’ Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko told reporters, according to Interfax-Ukraine. ‘I have never seen a direct link between investigations and security assistance…'” It’s military aid. This diplospeak. “ecurity assistance through the channels” is properly approved military aid. These people speak their own lingo: “The interagency group,” “going through the right channels” for “security assistance.”

It’s military aid, guns and ammo. But it’s so couth to talk about guns and ammo. Ew! Dirty, filthy agents of murder! No. We’re talking security assistance. He says, “Yes, investigations were mentioned, you know, in a presidential conversation. But there was no clear connection between these events.” Look, folks, I think we’re pretty much done here on the substance. On the substance you’ve got Ukraine saying there wasn’t any bribery, there wasn’t any quid pro quo, none of this happened. He said it this morning after the hearings yesterday.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2019, 08:53:04 pm »

NFL’s Kaepernick Workout Draws Ire of Sports Media

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: Okay, folks, I finally figured out why the staff in there does not think I’m on the right thing today. It’s not that I’m wrong about anything I’m saying. It’s they can’t believe that I haven’t brought up Colin Kaepernick. So they’re staring blanks at me in there. Every time I make what is an unassailably brilliant point, I get blank stares.

So I finally went in there during the break, said, “What?”

And they start, “What about Kaepernick?” What do you mean, what about Kaepernick? “Can you believe that the NFL –” let me explain this to you. I guess there are some people outraged the NFL has scheduled a workout day on Saturday for Colin Kaepernick.

Because as far as some people are concerned Kaepernick’s a traitor who should not ever be allowed to play back in the NFL. He got the kneeling and disrespect for the flag started, claiming that it was just anti-racist cop actions that he was taking when in fact this is the guy that got the Stand Up for Betsy Ross movement started by telling Nike not to sell anything with the Betsy Ross flag.

By the way, speaking of that, folks, if you haven’t had a chance, head to and click on the “Store” tab. We have replenished the store with all kinds of brand-new items, apparel and other things and a whole new section for ladies with fall and winter gear in addition to everything else, the T-shirts and stuff for Stand Up for Betsy Ross.

Here’s what the NFL is doing. Kaepernick sued them for blackballing him. And they settled with him. And the settlement was somewhere between one and $10 million. Hasn’t been announced. But that’s how much the NFL gave him in a settlement after he threatened a lawsuit based on being blackballed.

I don’t know this, but I’m speculating, I’m guessing that the reason they scheduled this pro day, this workout day is to head off what they might fear is another blackballer defamation suit. Kaepernick hasn’t played since 2016. He went out, he voided a contract from the 49ers in 2017. He walked away. He walked away from a contract. And he has not been given an offer to play since.

And there are people who think that the NFL has hired a bunch of vastly inferior quarterbacks to replace injured quarterbacks. Kaepernick’s much better than the people that have been hired. So the NFL schedules this workout day Saturday. Now, this is not the way these things usually happen. These are called pro days for college players. And after they go through the combine, the potential first, second round picks will have on their college campus what’s called a pro day where they will schedule a workout demonstrating their athletic skills.

If they’re quarterbacks, they do a lot of throwing. If they’re offensive linemen, they hit the — Whatever it is that the pro scouts look for. And all the teams that are interested in that player show up on that campus on that pro day. These are always in the spring before the NFL draft.

There’s never been anything like this. There’s never been a pro day for a pro player who hasn’t worked in three years. The NFL schedules this one apparently without talking to Kaepernick. It is in Atlanta. It’s at the Atlanta Falcons training complex in Flowery Branch. The Falcons aren’t even gonna be there. They’ve got a road game. They will leave for their road game on Saturday.

The thing about scheduling this workout on a Saturday in the season is that none of the principals from any team can attend it. Half the teams in the NFL are on the road. Some of them are on bye. Half of them are on the road and half of them playing at home. And since the Atlanta Falcons is the home team for this workout, there’s nobody that can get there. They gotta send scouts.

And I don’t mean to insult the people that will go, but the general managers, the decision-makers are the people who would want to attend this workout and see it. So one of the theories is that they’re just doing this to stave off what might be a second lawsuit. And it is kind of odd that Kaepernick was not consulted. He said he wasn’t. They said we’re gonna do a workout for you, pal, if you show up in Atlanta on Saturday.

So as I look at it, it’s not really serious. It’s late in the season. It is not gonna be attendable by the principals, like the head coaches of any teams or the general managers. The general managers are gonna be on college campuses. General managers are gonna be scouting college players on Saturday, not Colin Kaepernick.

So the sports media is livid at the NFL for doing this. They think it’s unserious. They think it’s an insult to Kaepernick. They think it’s the league just trying to cover its rear end on what might be another Kaepernick lawsuit. They don’t think that it’s a serious effort to get Kaepernick a job.

So, anyway, we shall see. So I expect now there to be much more attentiveness from the staff after having addressed their number one issue of the day. (laughing) Here it comes. “How long can Kaepernick milk this?” He can milk this thing as long as the media will put pressure on the NFL. That’s how long he can milk it.

He can milk this as long as players in the NFL use this to create angst and controversy for the league itself. He can milk it as long as he wants to. The league is already being responsive here to pressure that’s being brought to bear. That’s why they’ve scheduled this crazy workout day.

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Re: Rush Transcripts...Nov. 14th
« Reply #6 on: November 14, 2019, 08:53:58 pm »

CBS News Blames Venice Flood on Climate Change

Nov 14, 2019

RUSH: Grab audio sound bite number 19. This is Holly Williams, CBS This Morning. You know, there were 50-year floods in Venice. A bad, bad flood in Venice, and here’s the CBS News report about it.

WILLIAMS: This was a perfect storm. Very high winds, a flood and a city that’s mostly four to five feet above sea level. But experts say what’s making things worse here in Venice is climate change and rising sea levels.

RUSH: Of course. So I thought that I would give you some stats. They are claiming that climate change and rising sea levels are make this flood in Venice the worse that there’s ever been, certainly the worst in 50 years. Well, there was a flood in Venice in 1966, and the high-water mark in the 1966 flood in Venice was 76 inches. The high-water mark in Venice in this current flood is two inches less, 74 inches.

So if climate change and rising sea levels are responsible, how come the high-water mark is two inches lower than it was in 1966?

In other words, they continue to lie to everybody about climate change. Nothing new there. I just wanted to take the occasion here to illustrate it and blow it up.
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“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
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